I may be making an assumption here, but I was under the impression that the general public is wuite educated on real fighting these days. At least in my part of the planet almost everyone I run into knows the difference and has seen at least on or two UFC's to have a more grounded view (even though the UFC still isn't fighting to me, but othes have another viewpoint as well) .... I think the days of "the public" not knowing any better are long gone. I also think that people may need to analyze exactly how much of their "martial art" isn't about fighting anymore. When was the last news report you heard of two guy duking it out with swords, nunchaku's and kamas. Heck when was the last time your heard a news report of ONE guy using these ancient farm tools turned weapons. Probably not recently if at all, so what are those weapons forms really for if the weapons aren't used anymore? Anybody (besides me

) walk down the street with a set nunchaku's in a quick draw sheath everyday? Anybody with a Kama in their brief case? Any swords in the trunk just in case?
"The forms aren't showing the real use of the weapons". -- signed many posters
Kama's and Nunchaku's REAL uses are farm tools remember? Bo staffs were various handles for tools remember?
I've never seen the XMA stuff marketed as anything other than entertainment, please clue me in as to where it's marketed that it's fighting...I really need to see this so I can lose some more faith in general martial arts practice turned business venture...