Ex-Porn star reads to kids

I'm sorry, what?!?! Did you read what that "survey" you reference was asking? That was outright bullying, harassment, and sexual intimidation, not "politically incorrect". Seriously, if you think the issue was that the survey was asking the students' who had "hurt feelings" (in other words, were emotionally vulnerable at best, the victims of bullying and harassment already more likely) to identify themselves as "queer" or more was that is was "politically incorrect", then you have absolutely no idea what the actual issue was there at all.

I'm going to put here what the article says, and hopefully the filters will let most of it through....

Honestly, what gets me most in that instance is this:


Seriously, give me Sasha Grey and Belladonna (ha, if you think Sasha's work was extreme....) reading to pre-school kids any day of the week rather than have someone like that in a position of authority and guidance for growing and maturing children.

EDIT: Honestly John, this combined with your entire take on the "Women Boxers in Mini Skirts" thread don't show you in a very good light. You seem to have very little actual empathy or understanding when it comes to such issues. Might be something to look at.

Now that's a person I'd want nowhere near my children. It's a horrendous way to behave. He shouldn't have anything to do with young people ever again.
Just as an aside, my son is ok with having Ms Grey read to him. I asked. He knows what she did.
Before anyone asks, he's 21 tomorrow. :D
COMPTON, Calif. -- Officials of a California school system plan to meet with the agent who schedules celebrity guests to read to children after some parents complained that having a former adult film star as a participant was inappropriate.
A Compton Unified School District statement says the outside talent coordinator listed Sasha Grey as an actress who had appeared in the HBO show "Entourage" when she was proposed as a participant in the Guest Reading Program at Emerson Elementary School this month. Grey's previous experience in adult films wasn't mentioned.
The district says it will review the selection process with the coordinator to avoid any potentially controversial readers in the future.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/15/sasha-grey-ex-porn-stars-_n_1095783.html

The visit was arranged by an outside talent coordinator, the Compton Unified School District said in a statement.

"The outside talent coordinator listed the actress as a mainstream actress from the HBO show 'Entourage,' " said the statement, which refrained from mentioning Gray by her name. "Although we have worked with this talent coordinator for several years, we will meet to review the participant selection process." http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lan...tress-sasha-grey-defends-classroom-visit.html

The school initially denied that Grey was ever at the school. TMZ, however, published a series of photos that appear to contradict that claim, showing an animated Grey reading to a group of young children in a school classroom.
Officials from the Compton Unified School District told TMZ that a talent coordinator not directly affiliated with the school said Grey was best known for "Entourage" and did not mention her adult-movie past -- although Grey's character on the series is a porn star and a fictionalized version of her real-life persona.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/nation...sha_grey_HX92O9nPWDZ9vOKYaBY9iK#ixzz1dsV08UOA
Who knew porn stars could read?

However, the school district's denial of Sasha Grey's participation in the program "Read Across America Compton" came a little too late, as Grey Tweeted about reading to the sweet first and third grade Emerson Elementary School students.

From what is found in the news reports, it looks pretty clear my assumptions are spot on.
THIS IS MY OPINION AND WHY-open to other opinions:

1. The school District knew who Grey was. Of course, they did they do background checks.

2. It was irresponsible not notifying parents Grey was reading to their kids. They kept it on the down low. Then deigned it. Knowing parents would be upset parents. - hell the knew her background was controversial, my god it is an elementary school - no a college campus.

3. Publicity stunt to bolster Grey's main steam movie career, I say yes. In my opinion Grey aware of the controversy she created and is still creating, thus exploiting kids to bolster her career, and that points to her character as a mainstream actor.

3.a.Grey defends her actions, in short, in her defense she stated that she values education and will keep reading to kids. She is intelligent, not sure of her school educational background. She started porn shortly after she turned 18, I find no mention of college credentials or college attendance. She is a "B" list film start, and as a results of her critically porn acting and many porn awards and accolades, and making the difficult movie to main stream acting indicates her ambition and drive for fame. BTW, she is a Hollywood actress, getting attention is the name of the game. And being fully aware of her own background, and what she was asked to do, knowing her background is controversial for some, points to her knowing her presences reading to kids would cause controversy. Thus, exploiting the kids, for the opportunity to get publicity. But, she could be just simply full of herself or clueless, or both, and think no issue would be made of it. I personally think it is a combination of all.

3.b. She may not have realized the controversy she would create, but it is highly unlikely given her background and being acclaimed by critics in the Adult film industry as an "intelligent actresses." Though am not sure if that is an oxymoron. :D

3.c. Her agent set it up. Thus, she was clueless to the controversy it would create. See 3.a and 3.b. Highly doubtful.

I will say if Ms. Grey wanted publicity she should have done something else, do what many stars are doing to get publicity, Say something horrible happened in their lives and write about it, be seen with someone else controversial or join the Protesters. Join the church of Scientology. Do something else over the top, kiss her brother, drink blood, adopt a bunch of an African or Southern Pacific children and have the nannies raise, like Jolie. God knows she has surpassed Madonna. :D But don't use kids. My last statement does sound conflicting....hmmm....maybe not adopt kids out of the country.

I really don't know Ms. Grey's intentions or what she was thinking when agreeing to read to the school kids. Maybe it wasn't a good idea and some forethought should have been applied by both Ms. Grey and the School.


From what is found in the news reports, it looks pretty clear my assumptions are spot on.
THIS IS MY OPINION AND WHY-open to other opinions:

Honestly, I think you are reading things that support your assumptions, as it's not really supported in the quotes you provided there.

1. The school District knew who Grey was. Of course, they did they do background checks.

The quotes you provided indicate that the school themselves was not doing any checks themselves, but relying on an outside talent agent to provide the guest readers. The safer assumption is that they relied on the agent to do the background check. So, no.

2. It was irresponsible not notifying parents Grey was reading to their kids. They kept it on the down low. Then deigned it. Knowing parents would be upset parents. - hell the knew her background was controversial, my god it is an elementary school - no a college campus.

The way it reads is that the parents were notified as to the fact that an actress from the HBO show Entourage would be reading to the school. Again, no support of them knowing the adult entertainment background of Sasha.

3. Publicity stunt to bolster Grey's main steam movie career, I say yes. In my opinion Grey aware of the controversy she created and is still creating, thus exploiting kids to bolster her career, and that points to her character as a mainstream actor.

"Exploiting"? Really? How much publicity did Sasha do for this? She tweeted about an experience that she found rewarding, a small event, really, not really any publicity at all. And frankly, "expoiting" kids by giving time and energy freely as a charitable donation, furthering the education and promotion of education amongst the youth of the nation... not a bad form of "exploitation", really.

But can you let me know, does Sasha have a film coming out? Cause, really, that's about the only evidence that could support such a take on this (similar to Paris Hilton's infamous tape being "leaked" just when her new show was about to start, and she was doing the publicity rounds on it...).

3.a.Grey defends her actions, in short, in her defense she stated that she values education and will keep reading to kids. She is intelligent, not sure of her school educational background. She started porn shortly after she turned 18, I find no mention of college credentials or college attendance. She is a "B" list film start, and as a results of her critically porn acting and many porn awards and accolades, and making the difficult movie to main stream acting indicates her ambition and drive for fame. BTW, she is a Hollywood actress, getting attention is the name of the game. And being fully aware of her own background, and what she was asked to do, knowing her background is controversial for some, points to her knowing her presences reading to kids would cause controversy. Thus, exploiting the kids, for the opportunity to get publicity. But, she could be just simply full of herself or clueless, or both, and think no issue would be made of it. I personally think it is a combination of all.

This is completely flawed from the get-go, as it's based on the assumptions that frankly aren't supported in the evidence you yourself have provided. I'm also a little concerned about the incredibly broad sweeping (and occasionally rather inaccurate) statements you have been making here.

3.b. She may not have realized the controversy she would create, but it is highly unlikely given her background and being acclaimed by critics in the Adult film industry as an "intelligent actresses." Though am not sure if that is an oxymoron. :D

Again, a rather sweeping and inaccurate statement. Once more, look back to Bob's post about some of the accolades of a number of adult entertainment professionals, such as Asia Carrera (member of Mensa), as well as some that he didn't mention, whose other careers have included being a teacher themselves (not at the same time, I'd hasten to add).

3.c. Her agent set it up. She was clues to the controversy it would create. See 3.a and 3.b. Highly doubtful.

Sasha's agent would have certainly been involved, yeah. The talent agent that was gaining the volunteers for the reading promotion program, though, is a different person. And, honestly, I'd say that Sasha was booked as a mainstream actress, promoted as such, and was there in that role, so in that role controversy wasn't considered necessarily a factor, or at least that would have been hoped. Again, Sasha is an EX-adult star, not a current one.

I will say if Ms. Grey wanted publicity she should have done something else, do what many stars are doing to get publicity, Say something horrible happened in their lives and write about it, be seen with someone else controversial or join the Protesters. Join the church of Scientology. Do something else over the top, kiss her brother, drink blood, adopt an African or Southern Pacific child, like Jolie. God knows she has surpassed Madonna. :D But don't use kids.

Those events with Angelina are rather sensationalised... for instance, have you seen the "kiss" between her and her brother? At an awards night, closed lips, it just lasted a bit longer than a peck. Hardly the "passionate make out" that you suggested earlier. And John? Your prejudices are showing. Again.

Once more, though, I'm basing this on the presented evidence, and my impression of Sasha when I met her briefly. If we're going to be guessing at her motivations, that is.
If they were you wouldn't have parents complaining after the fact.
This is not necessarily true.
They could have been, like I said before, Ms. Grey may have been announced as a movie star. But the school knew of her ex-career, and they know the controversy an ex-Adult Film star can create with some parents. But, it seems school over looked that, and that isn't professional.
Why would they bring it up? It seems so strange to me that you believe they should. "Sasha Grey, former porn-star, is going to be at the school. Dads, now's your chance to get a picture and an autograph." They wouldn't say, "Harrison Ford, former carpenter." It just doesn't make sense to me. In this case, given that she's no longer in porn movies, it's just not an issue.

And if she has a kid in the school, even were she actively making adult movies, I wouldn't have a problem with it if she were volunteering as a parent.
They should have informed parents, giving the parents the choice to have their kid opt out.
Again, you're presuming they didn't. If parents aren't curious enough to know who this woman is, that's not the school district's issue.
Now she is an ex-Adult film star, currently a movie star. Now the school will have say an ex-drug dealer or a ex-gang member who is a community leader at the school and say read to kids, and the school will notify parents of that person's past involvement in drugs and gangs, and their current profession.
In these cases, informing the parents about the past gang and drug involvement would ONLY be acceptable to me if it were integral to the reason they were at the school. Typically, the entire reason a former gang member speaks at a school is to warn kids about the dangers of being in gangs or of doing drugs.

This seems self apparent to me. I would be more shocked and outraged if the school district DID make a big deal about the former adult movies that she made, unless she were there to teach kids about the dangers of making adult films. Honestly, THAT might get me a little amped up, as that's a message my 3rd grader doesn't need to hear.
That is pretty common, they should have been just as professional with Ms. Grey. Therefore, when she twitted that she was reading to kids, the news picking it up would not have not reported parents being up set. There would not be such a controversy. It is about the school being consistently responsible.
At this point, if you don't see the easy, clear, common sense distinction between the two, I'm not sure I know how to explain it.
Now, did you see that link I posted about the Coach who gave a politically incorrect motivational survey to his high school players and was fired instantly when discovered. Done because it was politically incorrect. The coach was there for years, no controversial career background. As an ex-coach how many schools would say no to him if he wanted to read to a group of kids. His is qualified. How many parents would be upset if he read to their kids? You have to be fair across the board. You can't say yes, to a movie star with a controversial past, and no to a coach with a controversial past. You have can't be selective in your value judgements. Favoring one and opposing another based on any specific value system. As a school, you have to let parents know properly who is interacting with their kids so they have an option. Most schools have security and Federal background checks on visitors and staff, but they can't let the parents know who from the outside of the school is reading to their kids. Again, as a parent you don't want to find out from the news, as it headlines Porn Star reads to kids. Or Movie star reads to kids and you look her up because you are not that familiar with her. Or you hear it from another source. Then people start talking and say, "you let a porn star near your kid in school!" That makes you look like an irresponsible parent, you clash with other parents as they will not let your kid play with their kid as it is a bad influence. Parents....right? It is irresponsible or the school to not properly notify the parents to give them an option. That is my angst with this issue.
There is a difference between a coach whose controversial past involves kids in the schools and a person who made a living doing something legal and from which she left voluntarily, not removed. In other words, in Grey's case, the controversy is unrelated to kids, schools or conditions of her employment. In the Coach's case, the controversy is ALL about kids, school and the conditions of his employment.

Couple of other things. First, I don't give a **** what anyone else thinks of my parenting. I really don't. I have three kids. They're weird and I love it. The two oldest are in high school getting very good grades. Both are in the Marine Corps JROTC program at school. Both are funny, respectful and happy. The three year old is hilarious, curious and active. I couldn't ask for more. They probably play too many video games for some and watch too much TV for others, but you know what? Doesn't matter to me at all. As long as their homework is done and they get some sunshine when it's out here in Seattle (which is twice a year, usually). You're welcome to think I'm an irresponsible parent. None of my business, but don't think for a minute I give a rip.

Second, there's a difference... a big difference between a component striving to be fair and someone using it as a weapon. You don't HAVE to be fair. No one does. It's impossible. While we can try to be fair, it's just not going to happen. No two situations are exactly alike, and in situations like this, it's a cop out. In this situation, comparing to completely unrelated situations, the coach and the ex-porn star, and saying that they're equal is in itself unfair. It's ridiculous. They're not the same in any way.
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Steve am certainly not judging you as a parent, and the choices you make, I am support of that. Again....the school should have notified the parents. Clearly it didn't and initially deigned she was there. That is negligence ,incompetency, confidence and lack of trust that over rides the schools irresponsibility. The school like I said was fully aware of her background in the porn industry, they did a routine background check for god's sake. If not that really shows they didn't do what the law requires, and that is again negligence and shakes parents trust and confidence. If it doesn't upset a parent, it should.

Parents should have a choice to opt out of the reading, and it not be dictated by the school. Some parents may object over the politically incorrect coach, while not objecting over Ms. Grey. And visa versa. The school knows this, it is part of their job. A big part of their job.

If you don't think parents have a choice, and have your kids subjected to or have contact with people that don't share, reflect, or are in opposition to your values you what your kid to have and those you uphold, then I think you will be conflicting with 99.9999999% of parents because you are taking away their right to raise their kid as they see fit, which involves their parental values, and choices. And not those impose upon them what the school wants -as an institution. Hello, where's Orwell?

Let's not confuse freedom and rights of parents just because we don't agree with their values or value system for their kids. It is about choice. Let's keep that in perspective. I don't want the school system to have that power or choice over the parent. The school must properly inform the parents and providing them an option. That is all.
I really get the feeling that the denial (not the "deigning", rather a different word there....) was more of a knee-jerk reaction after the fact when they realised the details of Sasha's past work. Again, there is no support that parents were not informed of anything other than the previous work of Sasha's that the school seems to have been rather ignorant of as well.
Steve am certainly not judging you as a parent, and the choices you make, I am support of that. Again....the school should have notified the parents. Clearly it didn't
Didn't it? Once again, based on my experience, I find that highly unlikely. Also to be clear, I wasn't accusing you of judging me as a parent. What I was getting at is that what OTHER people think of my parenting is NEVER a motivator or consideration for decisions I make about my kids. In other words, in issues like this, where I'm making a decision about my kids, what other people think isn't a legitimate consideration. It's irrelevant. In fact, I'd say that making parenting decisions based on what you think OTHER people will think of you is how we get into stupid situations like this in the first place. "Oh, the Jones and the Franklins are outraged about this. I should be too!"
Parents should have a choice to opt out of the reading, and it not be dictated by the school. Some parents may object over the politically incorrect coach, while not objecting over Ms. Grey. And visa versa. The school knows this, it is part of their job. A big part of their job.
Of course they should. And they do. Every single day, the parents have the option of excusing their children from attendance. While there are truancy laws and if this is abused the kids' grades might be affected, I have to do no more than make a 1 minute phone call to my school to excuse my kids for the day. I would be very surprised to learn that there is a school district anywhere in the USA that operates otherwise.
If you don't think parents have a choice, and have your kids subjected to or have contact with people that don't share, reflect, or are in opposition to your values you what your kid to have and those you uphold, then I think you will be conflicting with 99.9999999% of parents because you are taking away their right to raise their kid as they see fit, which involves their parental values, and choices. And not those impose upon them what the school wants -as an institution. Hello, where's Orwell?
Well, here's the thing. This is my personal opinion, but I think that most of the value of school is exposing kids to people who don't share, reflect or are opposed to my values. In my opinion, that's called education. Challenging beliefs, pushing kids to think critically and exposing them to diverse opinions and values is what education is all about. My job as a parent is to provide CONTEXT and to help my kids sort through some of the more difficult things they encounter. I also believe that there are age/maturity level appropriate issues. You don't drop terrorism or genocide on a 3rd grader, for example. And you don't drop porn on them, either, which is why I said I'd be more upset if the school arranged a porn awareness presentation along the lines of the anti-drug/anti-gang ones you referred to.
Let's not confuse freedom and rights of parents just because we don't agree with their values or value system for their kids. It is about choice. Let's keep that in perspective. I don't want the school system to have that power or choice over the parent. The school must properly inform the parents and providing them an option. That is all.
And parents do have choices. I'm not sure I undersatnd what choices you believe were taken away. As a parent with two kids in the schools and one on her way, I can tell you that I have a great deal of influence within the school district, if I go about things the correct way. I said much earlier that there is a way to get things done and influence district policy.
I can't help thinking that where before the children that were read to by this women wouldn't have thought much of it beyond, 'it was a good story' or 'that was boring' the usual things kids think about now they are confused by all the fuss that's been kicked up about her reading and when kids are confused they ask questions I'm sure some parents don't want to answer. 'Mummy, what's porn? comes to mind.
The questions for parents to ask are whether anything was said or read to the children that was to do with porn, was offensive or otherwise not age appropriate. If not I see little to be fussed about. I would question though whether employing a 'talent agency' was a good way to spend school money though. Probably be better to have a rota for parents to come in and read. The cult of the celebrity is going to far.
Likely the school informed the parents that Sasha Grey, a cast member of Entourage, will be reading to the kids. It does not take a parent with very powerful Google-fu to find out who she is.
I have a great deal of influence within the school district, if I go about things the correct way. I said much earlier that there is a way to get things done and influence district policy.

Agreed, that is the way it should be. But here we have a school that in the news reports failed to let parents know, and handled the situation completely incompetently, they knew she was a controversial public figure for many parents, not just extreme conservative right winger bible thumpers - whether you agree with them or not they have a right not to have Ms. Grey read to their kids it that is what they wish. I am not saying Ms. Grey should have never been there reading. It is the way the school was irresponsible etc. mishandling of the situation. For example, if I was Jewish, I sure in hell wouldn't want Mel Gibson reading to my kid. Or if I was an abused wife, or worked helping abused women, I wouldn't want Mr. Gibson reading to my kids. I would be furious with the school if they did the same thing in Ms.Grey's case. If I wasn't Jewish, or believed Mel's abusive behavior didn't effect me or my kid, I wouldn't possibly be upset how the school handled the affair. Or Mr. Gibson reading to my kids. But the school should have done it's job properly, and it didn't. Otherwise, there wouldn't be news coverage of parents making a "stink." Which in turn gives Ms. Grey into a possible opportunist, as would it be for any actor at the same stage of their career; take advantage of the publicity.

The fact is more people now know who she is, is aware of her mainstream and porn work, more people probably are following her Tweets, clearly a publicity tool used my many movies stars, i.e. the Ashton Kutcher tweeting about the Penn State case. He is now on 2 1/2 men replacing Sheen, I wonder what the ratings are lately...?
I can't help thinking that where before the children that were read to by this women wouldn't have thought much of it beyond, 'it was a good story' or 'that was boring' the usual things kids think about now they are confused by all the fuss that's been kicked up about her reading and when kids are confused they ask questions I'm sure some parents don't want to answer. 'Mummy, what's porn? comes to mind.
The questions for parents to ask are whether anything was said or read to the children that was to do with porn, was offensive or otherwise not age appropriate. If not I see little to be fussed about. I would question though whether employing a 'talent agency' was a good way to spend school money though. Probably be better to have a rota for parents to come in and read. The cult of the celebrity is going to far.

They probably were considering that she's pretty and was nice...likely over the story.

the biggest problem really i that the age group she encountered ought not have 1st hand knowledge of the carnal urges, real or imagined.
So it all boils down to the parents 'knowing' her. And frankly, I find that funny.
I would have known who she was if it wasn't for the 'pure' minds pointing out her previous genre of acting.
So that leaves the question: How come those parents know?
And I think the answer is clear. :lfao:

I think parents need to be more involved in education, but I also see were it might not be a positive thing for parents to come to school.
After all, ever seen a kid behaving reasonably well but then the parents walk through the door and all hell breaks lose?
My dad used to blame the parents for that, but it seems to me it's the interaction and not bad parenting, but certainly a cause for disturbance in school...
No. I think the outcry would have been even louder.

Why do you think that?

Agreed, that is the way it should be. But here we have a school that in the news reports failed to let parents know, and handled the situation completely incompetently, they knew she was a controversial public figure for many parents, not just extreme conservative right winger bible thumpers - whether you agree with them or not they have a right not to have Ms. Grey read to their kids it that is what they wish. I am not saying Ms. Grey should have never been there reading. It is the way the school was irresponsible etc. mishandling of the situation. For example, if I was Jewish, I sure in hell wouldn't want Mel Gibson reading to my kid. Or if I was an abused wife, or worked helping abused women, I wouldn't want Mr. Gibson reading to my kids. I would be furious with the school if they did the same thing in Ms.Grey's case. If I wasn't Jewish, or believed Mel's abusive behavior didn't effect me or my kid, I wouldn't possibly be upset how the school handled the affair. Or Mr. Gibson reading to my kids. But the school should have done it's job properly, and it didn't. Otherwise, there wouldn't be news coverage of parents making a stink. Which in turn gives Ms. Grey into a possible opportunist, or any actor at the same stage of their career.

Okay, I know you don't read my posts, John, but to be frank none of this is actually supported by any of the evidence. There is no evidence that the parents were not informed that Sasha Grey would be the "special guest reader", just that her previous employment was not mentioned. And there is no indication that the school knew either, as Sasha was brought to them by an outside agent, presumably one that the school trusted to check the background of the guests. I really think that the school was completely blindsided by this as well, hence the initial denial.

What evidence do you have that the school didn't inform the parents of Sasha being there? Not who Sasha is, but that she was the person coming in to read to the kids?

Oh, and if anyone wants to pose that question to John, as he won't read this, that may get some answer as well.
I can't help thinking that where before the children that were read to by this women wouldn't have thought much of it beyond, 'it was a good story' or 'that was boring' the usual things kids think about now they are confused by all the fuss that's been kicked up about her reading and when kids are confused they ask questions I'm sure some parents don't want to answer. 'Mummy, what's porn? comes to mind.
The questions for parents to ask are whether anything was said or read to the children that was to do with porn, was offensive or otherwise not age appropriate. If not I see little to be fussed about. I would question though whether employing a 'talent agency' was a good way to spend school money though. Probably be better to have a rota for parents to come in and read. The cult of the celebrity is going to far.
Tez, I wouldn't think that the school district paid anything for this. I'm sure that this is volunteer work for the celebrities for PR purposes. Get some face time in the news and such.
Why do you think that?

Mostly my own gut feeling. Earlier in this thread there was a list of adult film stars that have made a successful transition (to one degree or another) to more mainstream entertainment. That list was all women. Maybe the list specifically looked at women? I don't know. Anyway, the only male porn start I can think of that has done much mainstream stuff is Ron Jeremy pretty much doing cameos as himself and always as some sort of gag or joke.
She tweets a lot of stuff.
So controversial, so attention seeking, so craving publicity.

Bob, did you read one of the news reports I posted that said, referring to Ms. Grey, " I didn't even know porn stars could read." So if she is tweeting allot of stuff.....WOW.

Kidding aside. I know you disagree with my opinion she is doing it for the publicist. I just see too many indications in the news reports leaning to her doing it as a publicity stunt. I am not saying she isn't doing what other actors wouldn't do. I just think if that was the case then she needs to rethink her publicity angle. And reflects her character, which is not better or worse than other stars exploiting kids for attention. At least she didn't adopt kids from Darfur, like some entertainers did. Which also reflects on their character. That would have been my personal contention if I was a parent at that school. Not that she was an ex-porn star......who can juggle golf balls in ways I couldn't think possible. :D But I would also be understanding and respectful of parents who felt Ms. Grey being a porn star reading to their kids was inappropriate.
Mostly my own gut feeling. Earlier in this thread there was a list of adult film stars that have made a successful transition (to one degree or another) to more mainstream entertainment. That list was all women. Maybe the list specifically looked at women? I don't know. Anyway, the only male porn start I can think of that has done much mainstream stuff is Ron Jeremy pretty much doing cameos as himself and always as some sort of gag or joke.

is anybody even looking at the guy?
(and come on...if he had not done porn, he'd still be more of a joke...the way he looks? certainly not leading man!)

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