Ex-Porn star reads to kids

Now, Bob, the eyes are the first thing I notice, and the primary (physical) attribute I fall for... and young Sasha's are certainly adorable.
Well, with so many making something out of nothing, Ms Grey is also in my lists as well....the only person in the porn industry I might add. So there's your PR at work. She's gained a number of supporters as a result of closed minds and avoidable hoopla.

Hollywood is all smoke and mirrors, and very superficial. I think closed minds do exist, but I also think the concerns of others that vary and not due to closed mindedness should be appreciated. It is after all an elementary school in Compton, and not one in Amish country. You have a variety of people's views and concerns, I don't think that is taken in consideration; just because she is a pretty ex-porn star, now working in mainstream doesn't make her anymore special then others in getting a pass. And all the people against Mr. Grey's actions are not sexually repressed, shot gun loving, closed minded left-wingers. Some parents feel porn is a degrades and humiliates women. And for some porn encompasses more than just Ms. Grey's high end commercial films, it is an industry that includes illegal, disgusting and horrible inhumane acts. The contention isn't specifically Ms. Grey and her film's but the industry as a whole that she is a part of and represents. Others may feel it brought unwanted attention and publicity to the school. Others maybe concerned over other things as well, such as they felt they were not properly notified or informed. All these concerns are relevant and must be taken into an account because the school isn't homogeneous in its parent views. In contrast to being a strict cult, or dictatorship or something that is of one mind.

To discuss any controversial topic like this you have to be open to all angles and concerns, and treat them equally. Sure you support Ms. Grey's actions. You may be a fan. There is nothing in my mind wrong with that. But whether we like it or not, porn stars represent a controversial industry that isn't accepted well up-front in society. It is our dirty little billion dollar a year secret. Talk about up-tight right-wingers, Hollywood doesn't accept or recognize as legitimate the porn industry as an art form like it's self. It looks down its nose at it. It is also hypocritical about it as well. But Hollywood doesn't consider having sex on film as an equal form of art. And it does have a concern with the industry as a whole making illegal etc. films. It is just not the one group of parents with an up-tight concern. There are other parents for different reasons will equally weighted concerns that should be seriously considered. Otherwise, it is a cult or a dictatorship. Discussion is good.

What ever anyone thinks of this issue it has generated here allot of discussion, and am sure like discussions elsewhere. What a controversy, that am sure will effect schools, parents, actors, etc. in the future. All over an ex-porn star gone mainstream actress reading to kids.
Hollywood is all smoke and mirrors, and very superficial. I think closed minds do exist, but I also think the concerns of others that vary and not due to closed mindedness should be appreciated. It is after all an elementary school in Compton, and not one in Amish country. You have a variety of people's views and concerns, I don't think that is taken in consideration; just because she is a pretty ex-porn star, now working in mainstream doesn't make her anymore special then others in getting a pass. And all the people against Mr. Grey's actions are not sexually repressed, shot gun loving, closed minded left-wingers. Some parents feel porn is a degrades and humiliates women. And for some porn encompasses more than just Ms. Grey's high end commercial films, it is an industry that includes illegal, disgusting and horrible inhumane acts. The contention isn't specifically Ms. Grey and her film's but the industry as a whole that she is a part of and represents. Others may feel it brought unwanted attention and publicity to the school. Others maybe concerned over other things as well, such as they felt they were not properly notified or informed. All these concerns are relevant and must be taken into an account because the school isn't homogeneous in its parent views. In contrast to being a strict cult, or dictatorship or something that is of one mind.

To discuss any controversial topic like this you have to be open to all angles and concerns, and treat them equally. Sure you support Ms. Grey's actions. You may be a fan. There is nothing in my mind wrong with that. But whether we like it or not, porn stars represent a controversial industry that isn't accepted well up-front in society. It is our dirty little billion dollar a year secret. Talk about up-tight right-wingers, Hollywood doesn't accept or recognize as legitimate the porn industry as an art form like it's self. It looks down its nose at it. It is also hypocritical about it as well. But Hollywood doesn't consider having sex on film as an equal form of art. And it does have a concern with the industry as a whole making illegal etc. films. It is just not the one group of parents with an up-tight concern. There are other parents for different reasons will equally weighted concerns that should be seriously considered. Otherwise, it is a cult or a dictatorship. Discussion is good.

What ever anyone thinks of this issue it has generated here allot of discussion, and am sure like discussions elsewhere. What a controversy, that am sure will effect schools, parents, actors, etc. in the future. All over an ex-porn star gone mainstream actress reading to kids.

What? You, of all people, preaching about the need to be open minded? Seriously?

Hollywood is all smoke and mirrors, and very superficial. I think closed minds do exist

Irony, thy name is John....
No wonder you oppose the Lovely Ms Grey to read to your kids....
you can't gather your mind out of the gutter long enough to even look just below her eyes....


Honestly, it wasn't her eyes that I noticed. I was to busy being shocked at how she handled black golf balls with her nether "exit" region! :eek:

I enjoy the female essence, a seductive romance and intimate passion, a light touch and soft caress, a swoon. The poetic expression and feel of romantic ambiance that defines the attractiveness of a women.
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Honestly, it wasn't her eyes that I noticed. I was to busy being shocked at how she handled black golf balls with her nether "exit" region.

you said you fell asleep!

I enjoy the female essence, a seductive romance and intimate passion, a light touch and soft caress, a swoon. The poetic expression and feel of romantic ambiance that defines the attractiveness of a women.

well, that certainly scratches pr0n off the list.
you said you fell asleep!
I did. That really isn't my cup of tea. I didn't enjoy watching it. I was researching her more for this thread, I don't normally watch porn, it isn't a personal interest of mine. Initially the act was shocking to me, and being very unattractive, paying no further mind to it, I fell asleep.
Nothing much wrong with watching porn, fairly normal I would have thought unless you are prudish and uptight about sex. I don't see why people who say they don't watch any make so much fuss about saying they don't watch it. I can't think of much that actually shocks me when it comes to sex, can't think why it would, each to their own, no need to get prudish about what other people like as long as it's all consenting adults.
Don't get me wrong, but I feel it is one thing to have sex, yet another to make love. I am not sure what watching a woman on a screen moving black golf balls in and out of her nether "exit" region falls under...but I am not thinking it would be golf. Granfire, it is just unappealing to me to see that. I have no personal interest in women that way.
Oh, I so want to correct you, John, but I don't think you'd get it. A little too far out of your comfort zone, really (and, for the record, I'm not saying anything about my personal comfort zone or not either here, so don't be reading into it, people). Suffice to say, it's not a golf ball, so get that idea out of your head....
Don't get me wrong, but I feel it is one thing to have sex, yet another to make love. I am not sure what watching a women on a screen moving black golf balls in and out of nether "exit" region falls under...but I am not thinking it would be golf.

Are you having problems in saying where those balls come in and out of?
Knowing men quite well I expect it amuses them, tbh it would amuse me as well if I saw it. It's no big deal, nothing to make a fuss of, besides while being unusual it is legal, doesn't hurt anyone and is a lot more moral than the politicians who screw you every which way they can.
Just to let ya'll know, I noticed Tez3 and Chris Parker are posting after my posts. I don't know what they are saying, but I can guess, so I want to tell you I have them on my "Ignore List" as recommend. Back to the discussion.
Now, that does lead to a good conversation, when one side can't, or won't, listen to another, huh? Still, not too different to normal in many ways...
Now, that does lead to a good conversation, when one side can't, or won't, listen to another, huh? Still, not too different to normal in many ways...

How can he guess what's being said? Posting after his, well yes, it's called a conversation or a debate. One person posts then another does neither Chris nor I post three or four times in a row, one after another ( something I believe that's discouraged here). we like the to and fro of discussion. We aren't in cahoots, I imagine the time difference between our three different countries has a lot to do with when we post as much as anything, I know that there is a small window for people in Oz and the UK to chat at a reasonable time for both as we have 12 hours difference between us.
Don't get me wrong, but I feel it is one thing to have sex, yet another to make love. I am not sure what watching a woman on a screen moving black golf balls in and out of her nether "exit" region falls under...but I am not thinking it would be golf. Granfire, it is just unappealing to me to see that. I have no personal interest in women that way.

It's a wonder Tiger Woods didn't crack on to her then , he would have been able to combine his two great loves , golf and sex.
It would have been a marriage made in heaven. :ultracool
How can he guess what's being said? Posting after his, well yes, it's called a conversation or a debate. One person posts then another does neither Chris nor I post three or four times in a row, one after another ( something I believe that's discouraged here). we like the to and fro of discussion. We aren't in cahoots, I imagine the time difference between our three different countries has a lot to do with when we post as much as anything, I know that there is a small window for people in Oz and the UK to chat at a reasonable time for both as we have 12 hours difference between us.

What I'm curious about is if John means that we shouldn't bother posting in any conversation he's involved in? As to guessing what we're saying, honestly, I have no idea how he could be guessing at anything. I know that, in my case, he put me on ignore because he couldn't/wouldn't answer questions about his training background, and didn't like being corrected when frequently wrong, and as for Tez, well, she didn't agree with his take on things. I think it's going to get rather lonely for John here pretty quickly...
Just to let ya'll know, I noticed Tez3 and Chris Parker are posting after my posts. I don't know what they are saying, but I can guess, so I want to tell you I have them on my "Ignore List" as recommend. Back to the discussion.

Now, that does lead to a good conversation, when one side can't, or won't, listen to another, huh? Still, not too different to normal in many ways...

nothing like handling things the mature way:

Sticking your fingers in your ears and singing LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA

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