2nd Black Belt
It has been a year or so since the neighbor kid took up martial arts, 14 years old and he is going to his first tournament. He parents asked it I would go to watch and support him. Mentoring the kid a bit over the year I agreed. We arrive at the tournament, the kid won his first match, but lost a second. He was guarantee a third. His parents crushed by their son's lack of competition glory at this point, the mom pulled me aside and asked for some advice. What I heard surprised me and shocked me. The mother suffering slightly from Asthma, asked if it would be wrong if she gave her son her inhaler to help his performance for the next match. The mother rationalized that it would increase her son's oxygen intake, as a smaller kid, had a smaller lung capacity the the other boys. She went on to explain what she gave her son prior to the contest. He had several energy drink's either Red Bull or Monster. Along with a host of other pills such as vitamin B's, and what ever else they tell you increases human performance they can stuff into a pill legally. I was waiting for her to say she juiced her kid. Though she didn't say she juiced her kid, I told her I felt ethically it was wrong despite the argument everyone else is doing it and it was means of equalization.
The bigger issue I see is all that the mother did is preparing her kid for steroid use. She didn't give her kid anything illegal according to her, it was all natural herbs and vitamins, and legal stimulants like caffeine. But, she did contemplate Asthma medication which is a steroid. It isn't testosterone, but a steroid never the less indicating to me she has thought about juicing her son, and testing the ground water for it. Where is the ethical line, there is so much out there that is legal performance enhancers, from vitamin B to caffeine you can give to kids, by uber parents does this set up for steroid use latter; is it a permission? Should (imo fanatical) parents be giving kids legal performance enhancers and stimulators to increase their performance at competitions?
The bigger issue I see is all that the mother did is preparing her kid for steroid use. She didn't give her kid anything illegal according to her, it was all natural herbs and vitamins, and legal stimulants like caffeine. But, she did contemplate Asthma medication which is a steroid. It isn't testosterone, but a steroid never the less indicating to me she has thought about juicing her son, and testing the ground water for it. Where is the ethical line, there is so much out there that is legal performance enhancers, from vitamin B to caffeine you can give to kids, by uber parents does this set up for steroid use latter; is it a permission? Should (imo fanatical) parents be giving kids legal performance enhancers and stimulators to increase their performance at competitions?