Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
lift is only an aplication of thrust. Most of the time Thrust represents a pushing concept. The muscles that push are the same that "lift". Its easy to get alittle mixed up because most of the time pushing and or hammer grafted into a push is what a martial artist strives for. Rather than continuing with a 4th catagory he merely accepted that lift and thrust are the same; however, the point of origin (hand or hands at your side) creates a unique application for thrust. To be just a little complex here, there are three types of thrust. Pure, hammer grafted into a thrust, and lift ( that is as your arm naturaly extends to perform thrust, an upward or lifting motion is created and can be of use in striking targets). Personaly I have heard very little on the subject of lift. I find it funny to hear that Kenpo 2000 has that identity. however, for at least the lats eight years or so I've not heard the term within the organization.