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i have had dreams, but not of martial arts. funny.... you would think i would dream of that the most.
My son (7) is mad on the Martial Arts (does karate and watches too many Kung Fu films). He regularly fights in his sleep. If he falls asleep on my bed I know I´m in for a bruising as he often yells "Ousa!" then whacks me with an elbow or foot. He remembers nothing in the morning about what he was dreaming at the time! :ultracool
i belive that the brain is like a pool of water and information is the stuff the water is made out of i have had a very intresting dream life i started out haveing the dreams about the the slowmotion punches that would connect but be like sticking to the object more than hiting it then it whent to dreams about things that were cyclical like id go and do the same thing over and over agian thru the corse of a year of so till a revelation of the idea came to me in a lucid dream then i had dreams about people pressing on my and woke up in a dream where i was swimming in bodys like a mash pit with no rules or floor just people ontop of other people till pop you jumped out of them to a higer stage then i started dreaming of nature and things that moved like water or trees when wind hits them i point that the brain is like water and information is like the stuff that water is made of the mind is constantly moveing and absorbing information that information is like a jello mold(system) that is thrown into a lake your mind the water of the lake slowly digests this jello mold. and when you fall asleep your mind the water digests the final water out of the jello before the bone and coloring sink into the muck at the bottom.. in this way your mind digests information and sorts it in your brain thru the use of imagery of what ever is in your dream some times in my dreams i hear things talking to me telling me things or just spouting obsenitys or nothingness when i talk back to it sometimes it talks back sometimes not i think that is your mind saying it doesnt understand everything so it is looking for input from you and when you piss yourself off all of a sudden you relize your mind is connected to your subconcious or the things that you see are made up of the things that are unseen...
I have also had an odd dream. It was years ago, but I can still remember it. It was very similar to many of yours, in that I was fighting against an attacker armed with a knife. I pulled the spiderco endura (ALWAYS had this on me at the time) out of my pocket and went after him. The odd part was, no matter what I cut, the blade would not penetrate the skin. He just kept laughing at me and even at one point just held his arm out for me to cut. nothing.

Here's the somewhat odd part. I got to my training group the next day, and told a friend of mine about the dream. He didn't respond. Not sure, I asked him what was wrong. Come to find out, he had the exact same dream that nite. Weird...
Perhaps you've fetishised that weapon, ascribing it superhuman totemic power in your subconscience.

One night your subconscience checks out this unstoppable force against an immovable object. Bummer! It doesn't work as expected.

I used to have constant dreams where I and an attacker were beating each other round the head with heavy objects. Neither of us were getting anywhere, there was no pain or blood or anything. Soon afterwards I started using far more subtle political manouvers at work, in order to get past one particular obtuse chap, where I'd previously just gone head to head with him.

Lo and behold the dreams went away.
Black Bear said:
Anyone tried that lucid dreaming stuff? I think it's lucidity.com?
I haven't tried the lucid dreaming myself but was listening to a radio program called Coast to Coast AM the other night at work and they were discussing lucid dreaming. Sounds like having a virtual video store at your disposal with you as the director of each movie. Sounds cool but by the time I hit the rack in the morning I'm not sure I want all the extra work of spinning myself back into a dream. Just want to catch some zzzzzz.

Here's a dream for all of you dream analysts out there...

I'm standing at the end of a dirt street in a village in central or south america. Coming from the other end of the street is a group of antagonist with rifles. They are approaching at a slow walk, firing as they come. I can see the rounds kicking up dust and getting closer and closer. I have a jammed rifle in my hands and no matter what I do I can't clear the jam. As the dream continues I feel the first round hit my lower right leg, second hits upper left leg, third hits right side of abdomen. I can see the fourth round coming center mass and "know" that it's the one that's gonna do me in. I always wake up at this point. I had this dream repeatedly for a while but only have had it in the last couple of years when I am extremely stressed about something.
Haha, coast to coast is hilarious. They have the most pathetic nutjobs on that show. I'm sure they play along only for the cheap laughs.

Lucid dreaming is for real though. Though it's a somewhat proprietary method, it has been researched at Stanford. The people that founded it claim that when you dream lucidly, you develop more of an internal locus of control, allow yourself to have positive experiences and so on.

"I have a jammed rifle in my hands and no matter what I do I can't clear the jam."
Dreams involving frustrating malfunctions of machinery are said by Freudians to be related to impotence. The rifle being as phallic as it is, there can be no doubt as to its true meaning. Dust clouds and the like often represent a desire to hide one's wrongdoing or to repress unacceptable feelings. As for the group of guys with rifles coming at you, aie yai yai, look at the time. This session is over.
Freud was a fruitcake who has been denied by the vast majority of therapists today. Besides, I've got 5 kids so there's nothing wrong there. It may have been impotence in the sense that I felt I had no control over a particular situation. As I said, it used to happen quite often but only happens once in a great while now.
theletch1 said:
Freud was a fruitcake who has been denied by the vast majority of therapists today. Besides, I've got 5 kids so there's nothing wrong there. It may have been impotence in the sense that I felt I had no control over a particular situation. As I said, it used to happen quite often but only happens once in a great while now.
Hahaha, easy there buddy. I'm kidding. I still like Freud for things like defense mechanisms and the whole psychodynamic way of thinking. However, that doesn't mean you're NOT a latent homosexual.


Gestalt-based dream interpreters, on the other hand, would ask you about the emotions which accompany various events in the dream (powerlessness, fear, frustration, etc.) and ask you to look for correlations within your real life. Looks like you've done that.
Black Bear said:
Hahaha, easy there buddy. I'm kidding. I still like Freud for things like defense mechanisms and the whole psychodynamic way of thinking. However, that doesn't mean you're NOT a latent homosexual.


Gestalt-based dream interpreters, on the other hand, would ask you about the emotions which accompany various events in the dream (powerlessness, fear, frustration, etc.) and ask you to look for correlations within your real life. Looks like you've done that.
Watch it there, Bub, I'll scratch your eyes out! :) My wife is majoring in mental health at the moment so I get to learn a little about the different folks that have had a large impact on psychotherapy over the years. I'll give Freud a nod for kickin' off the modern age of that particular field. I wish I could remember the name of the man that she was reading the other night who had his theory based on personal responsibility instead of blaming your past, others for the sorry state of your life. Something is the way it is because you choose it to be that way. I tend to like that theory as it is very empowering.

As for the dream, it began right after returning from one particularly difficult assignment while I was in the service and continued for about a month almost nightly. That was over 10 years ago. There was never a lot of fear in the dream, more rage that I was not able to defend myself. The pain of the bullets hitting me translated more to "Well, that's gonna hurt like hell in the morning." Maybe I should try that lucid dreaming you mentioned, go back to the dream and set up a .50 cal at the end of the street and make sure the damned thing isn't jammed.
p.s. Coast to Coast had some great ghost stories last night. :)
Would it be Alan Jenkins of "Invitations to Responsibility" fame? Or another third-wave humanist? Hmm... can't think of who the third wave guys are by name.
I had two pretty cool dreams the last two nights.

In the first one, I was out with some friends at a restaurant when I met a fellow martial artist. He seemed friendly and we spoke at length about martial arts. Then he started to get angry and make a scene. Nothing set him off, he just kinda snapped. As the discussion continued he got more and more out of control, and began tearing the place up. I tried to calm him down, and get him to leave, but he would not be quieted. Finally, after about half an hour of this, I had enough and invited him outside to settle the matter. He was more than ready and fully intended to defeat me. Then I handed him his keister in the parking lot. I beat him like a red headed step child. Standing I was able to overcome his defenses and picked away at him casually. When it went to the ground, I sat atop him and rained down strikes until he managed to cover up enough to defend himself, then I simply stood up and waited for him to join me on his feet. I pounded him, I threw him, and I made him look silly. The fight went on for some time without me ever being challanged as I proceeded to pound away at this pathetic opponent. Finally he gave up and left. Before I left the restaurant, I followed him into a neighboring business and thanked him for the good fight and wished him well. He was pretty shaken up by the whole thing and couldn't really give me a discernable answer.

Then, last night, I dreamt that I was in a movie theater and saw a young lady I knew, (only in the dream, it was one of those people that you are instantly familiar with in your dreams, though you have never met them in real life). She was sitting with a young man, but when she saw me she came over and sat with me. Over time, it became increasingly obvious that she intended to spend the remainder of the evening with me, and was not even going to inform her former companion of the change in plans. Needless to say he was not pleased. He got up in the middle of the movie to leave, and as he walked by us he stopped, stood their for a second and then reached over and very lightly slapped me across the face. I immediately got up, asked the lady to wait for a moment while I dealt with this situation, and then asked the young man to join me outside. When we hit the parking lot I asked him why he was upset. It was clear that he was angry at me for stealing his date. I told him that I understood, apologized for ruining his evening and expressed that I had no intention of doing so when I arrived, and offered to pay for her ticket. He was still unhappy, but in the end, I managed to diffuse the situation by understanding his perspective on the situation and helping him save face. He left without being out the money he had already spent on her that evening, and I returned to enjoy the rest of the film with the young lady. Oddly enough, I don't remember what was showing...

I love dreams. I always have. I used to get crushed in my dreams, and sometimes I still do, but when I triumph physically, or I avoid conflict through understanding and reconcilliation it only makes me feel more confident about my abilities. I have noticed, the more I train, the more I win in my dreams.

clapping_tiger said:
Your not alone, I have those dreams all the time. I call them "no smack power" dreams. Although I do not get the snot knocked out of me. I have to fight, and no matter how hard I hit them, nothing happens, If I try to hold them, they are just like, what are you doing. You feel like a 2 year old child trying to beat up an adult. I think they are kind of funny.

I was having the exact same dream no matter how hard I was hitting someone they didn't move or react. I started training with some REAL Kenpo guys that started hitting (me getting hit and me hitting back) and those dream went away. Now I am not saying everyones DOJO isn't hitting hard enough, that was just my experience. The dojo I was when the dreams were going on there was very little contact if any (thats why I left).

