Does martial arts feature in your dreams?


Orange Belt
Feb 24, 2015
Reaction score
Melbourne VIC, Australia
I have this recurring dream and have had it for as long as i can remember. it's always the same theme of someone trying to do harm to me or my loved ones, and i can't punch or kick because when i try my arms and legs turn to jelly... i am completely powerless and helpless and then i wake up feeling anxiety and extreme frustration. no matter how i try, every time i dream of this theme i become powerless to fight back. i have only been taking karate classes for nearly 2 months.
2 nights ago i had a dream that had the same theme, but when i punched and kicked in self defense, i did so with as much strength as i can in real life. i woke up feeling relieved...

i think martial arts is so healing on so many levels. it's starting to get into my cell memory i think, because the dream was very significant in my life. i thought i'd share this with you, and see if anyone else has martial arts featured dreams? if so, what happens in the dream? what are you doing? how do you usually feel? how does the dream get resolved, or how does it end? is there recurring themes? and anything else you'd like to share would be a great read or me! :)

Thanks for listening! ^_^
I have this recurring dream and have had it for as long as i can remember. it's always the same theme of someone trying to do harm to me or my loved ones, and i can't punch or kick because when i try my arms and legs turn to jelly... i am completely powerless and helpless and then i wake up feeling anxiety and extreme frustration. no matter how i try, every time i dream of this theme i become powerless to fight back. i have only been taking karate classes for nearly 2 months.
2 nights ago i had a dream that had the same theme, but when i punched and kicked in self defense, i did so with as much strength as i can in real life. i woke up feeling relieved...

i think martial arts is so healing on so many levels. it's starting to get into my cell memory i think, because the dream was very significant in my life. i thought i'd share this with you, and see if anyone else has martial arts featured dreams? if so, what happens in the dream? what are you doing? how do you usually feel? how does the dream get resolved, or how does it end? is there recurring themes? and anything else you'd like to share would be a great read or me! :)

Thanks for listening! ^_^

Close too, but different scenario. I kept finding myself having to escape another person. Still have no idea what for or even who it could have possibly been. I do remember from what I wrote down, I kept trying to crest this hill. Like yourself kind of, my legs just would not carry me at speed and I felt like I was walking through invisible water. The last occasion running past the same area, there was a motor bike there. So I just nicked it and manged to crest the hill and escape. I believe the trigger was a certain computer game that I used to play back in the day. Some of the imagery fitted however tenuous.
im not a phsycologist or whatever ologist person its called but im going to throw a wild guess and assume that is what you think would happen in a real situation. something that would help, lots of confidene! can never have too much confidence :)

no... either i dont have dreams or my dreams are always about sleeping... or i forget them o_O
im not a phsycologist or whatever ologist person its called but im going to throw a wild guess and assume that is what you think would happen in a real situation. something that would help, lots of confidene! can never have too much confidence :)

no... either i dont have dreams or my dreams are always about sleeping... or i forget them o_O

Maybe, but too much confidence can be very reckless. In a real situation and would have stood and fought this particular person. If it had been a computer game, the handlebar sub machine would have negated the need for the dream. Anyway the gist for me personally was like "it is better to be strong and fail, rather than be weak and succeed". A false outcome for sure, but then was it not said "there is no fate but what we make" Dreams can be enlightening and inspiring, but they can also be absolute nightmares.
This is dreams, right? So, lets dream that we can hit with incredible speed, and that it is our opponents that are still struggling to get out of their jackets! :cool: Now, that would be a cool dream. :)
When I first studied I would often have dreams of my using my knowledge/skill in various ways.As time went by I stopped havering them as often. Most of the time now I will fall asleep while going over a form in my mind and later that night I will dream about doing it.
When I first studied I would often have dreams of my using my knowledge/skill in various ways.As time went by I stopped havering them as often. Most of the time now I will fall asleep while going over a form in my mind and later that night I will dream about doing it.

I would love to be able to do that, but my dreams are always fragmented and don't seem to follow a coherent pattern. Weirdly I did arise this thinking about the DS9 episode "Honor among thieves" season 6. Watched it last night.
I have dreamed about:

- There will be final exam next day but I haven't studied yet.
- It's toward the end of semester but there are classes that I have not even attended and I don't even know where the classroom is.
- Went back to work but told my manager that he hasn't paid me for the last several years yet (I have retired for 11 years).
- I can fly.
- ...

But when I dreamed about MA, I always have positive dream. In my MA dream, I always win and never lose.
The only real martial arts related dream I can remember is dreaming about getting punched pretty hard doing a drill with this guy who sometimes does not have too much control.. then a few days later it happens exactly as I dreamed. I must be an oracle or something
(no injury, just saw some stars)

When in the army I had a recurring dream about getting horribly burned in combat. I was never deployed or saw any action, but at the time I was considering a military career and applied for an assignment in Iraq. It has since stopped, could be my subconcious feelings about civillian life being safer or something who knows :D
I have dreamed about:

- There will be final exam next day but I haven't studied yet.
- It's toward the end of semester but there are classes that I have not even attended and I don't even know where the classroom is.
- Went back to work but told my manager that he hasn't paid me for the last several years yet (I have retired for 11 years).
- I can fly.
- ...

But when I dreamed about MA, I always have positive dream. In my MA dream, I always win and never lose.

Whatever the dream for me, I always tend to lose. Usually hamstrung from something.
The only real martial arts related dream I can remember is dreaming about getting punched pretty hard doing a drill with this guy who sometimes does not have too much control.. then a few days later it happens exactly as I dreamed. I must be an oracle or something
(no injury, just saw some stars)

When in the army I had a recurring dream about getting horribly burned in combat. I was never deployed or saw any action, but at the time I was considering a military career and applied for an assignment in Iraq. It has since stopped, could be my subconcious feelings about civillian life being safer or something who knows :D
dreams telling the future? sounds nice :) would sure like my dreams to tell me what my math quiz grade will be monday... or atleast the answers for the quiz... or maybe what is going to happen in sociology class 30 minutes from now... that would be nice :D
I will admit that for a couple of years early in my training I did have a recurring dream of stopping a bank robbery with my great skills. Today I am thankful that back then I never had to do any such thing because I am sure that my dream abilities and my actual wakening ones where very distant from one another.
I will admit that for a couple of years early in my training I did have a recurring dream of stopping a bank robbery with my great skills. Today I am thankful that back then I never had to do any such thing because I am sure that my dream abilities and my actual wakening ones where very distant from one another.

Sounds pretty intense. It somewhat surreal that dreams can suddenly disappear like that. Guess closure does not just have to be conscious thought.
a couple of years early in my training I did have a recurring dream of stopping a bank robbery with my great skills.
I had similar dream like that.

There were 2 gang groups that were fighting against each other. I got involved. I told both groups that it's better for each group to select a fighter and fight against each other (I must got the idea from the movie "Troy"). I represented one gang group. After I had defeated the guy who represented the other gang group, the other gang group withdrew and the fight was over.

I had a funny dream the other night. I went to fight a Sanda/Shanshou tournament. The judge said I was too old to fight and I complained. After he let me to fight, I used my left low, right high, and right low, left high roundhouse kicks and defeated my opponent.