Does martial arts feature in your dreams?

As you were first getting to sleep and lying down is what I mean. Like the drifting off to sleep process.
do you mean did i think about karate class as i slept? sure i am certain that i did. but i also think about karate class almost every night before i go to a class and at least 2ce more when i dont have class. so that's at least 4 times a week, but i only dreamt about it that once :D
I've had a recurring dream since I was 13. It doesn't happen every night or even every week. Nowadays, maybe once every month or two, but over the past 31 years it is always the same. It is always extremely vivid, the most vivid dream you can imagine. It basically starts with a battle at night. There is screaming in a language (I've since learned that it is Japanese, but did not know what it was when it first started) and there are flashes of light and cannon fire. I am running up some stairs with a katana in my hand and I am wearing a dark grey armor with helmet. Again….didn't know what it was at first, but after this happened about 8 times or so I looked it up, and it looks like typical samurai armor from old pictures I have seen…Anyway, I run up the stairs and it is dark. I turn and am engaged with someone, I slice downward and watch the person fall, however, I see something out of the corner of my right eye, as I turn there is a flash of silver heading at my throat. This is where the dream ends, and I wake up in a cold sweat. Sometimes just drenched…..I have no explanation. 31 years of the same dream visiting me. It is still just as vivid now as it was when I was 13.
I've had a recurring dream since I was 13. It doesn't happen every night or even every week. Nowadays, maybe once every month or two, but over the past 31 years it is always the same. It is always extremely vivid, the most vivid dream you can imagine. It basically starts with a battle at night. There is screaming in a language (I've since learned that it is Japanese, but did not know what it was when it first started) and there are flashes of light and cannon fire. I am running up some stairs with a katana in my hand and I am wearing a dark grey armor with helmet. Again….didn't know what it was at first, but after this happened about 8 times or so I looked it up, and it looks like typical samurai armor from old pictures I have seen…Anyway, I run up the stairs and it is dark. I turn and am engaged with someone, I slice downward and watch the person fall, however, I see something out of the corner of my right eye, as I turn there is a flash of silver heading at my throat. This is where the dream ends, and I wake up in a cold sweat. Sometimes just drenched…..I have no explanation. 31 years of the same dream visiting me. It is still just as vivid now as it was when I was 13.
Wow that gave me chills... May b a past life...
Is it possible to be so tired that when you sleep you don't dream? Lately I just basically go thud and then wake up when the alarm goes off and it feels like hardly any time has passed.
Ever since finding out there are schools nearby that teach Preying Mantis Kung Fu, Xingyi Quan and Wing Chun, I've been dreaming about them a lot as of late. I've already paid the first two a visit, and I'm really considering a switch.

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