Double Black Belt?


Yellow Belt
Hello everyone, I was wondering if it’s possible to get a black belt in World Taekwondo (WTF) and also ITF taekwondo simultaneously? Or would you be able to get a black belt in one organization and have it recognized by the other organization? Just something that came to my mind. Thank you.
WTF (now WT) doesn’t give out ranks, so it’s not possible to earn (a legitimate) black belt from them. You could in theory earn ITF and Kukkiwon rank if your instructor was qualified and connected to both groups.

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Technically I don't see any reason why not. However, probably not from the same school. It would require a school that does both KKW and ITF ranks, and there's a lot of drama between those two organizations.

You could hold rank in both organizations simultaneously. I'm pretty sure there's no transfer of ITF to KKW. However, an ITF black belt may be able to start at high red or brown belt in a KKW school. I can't speak for whether ITF would honor a KKW black belt.
You can certainly hold Dan ranks in multiple orgs. I do. So do a number of others here.
Speaking only for myself, I'd have no problem promoting someone in multiple systems at the same time, so long as they know the material for each and perform it at an acceptable level.
The specific combination you mention is impossible, simply because there is no such things as a WT black belt (they changed the name years ago...). WT is a sports governing body, not a martial art. They have no curriculum, and issue no rank.
WTF (now WT) doesn’t give out ranks, so it’s not possible to earn (a legitimate) black belt from them. You could in theory earn ITF and Kukkiwon rank if your instructor was qualified and connected to both groups.

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Is it possible to be in the Kukkiwon and also acquire rank in the ITF as well?
Is it possible to be in the Kukkiwon and also acquire rank in the ITF as well?
Yes. You can rank in any two martial arts if you want to.

Do you mean "Can I earn rank in ITF through kukkiwon training?"?

That's the only question here that I could see causing confusion-in which case the answer would be probably not, and it depends. If you go through a school that is for some reason teaching you all the information for both, then you can, but earning a black belt in kukkiwon will not automatically transfer your rank over to another style. If the style is similar enough then I can see an instructor allowing you to wear your black belt until you earn the rank in that style, but that's not really earning the rank in the style.

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