I would like to see more unification in my own style, especially in regards to rank (that ship has long sailed, I think.) However, no disrespect to my Korean style friends, but is there such a thing as TOO much organization? What do you guys think about this?
I understand the reasons for my style's branches of lineages, but I'd like to better know the history of TKD's (does this term refer to your overall style as an umbrella term?) I figure there are 2 or 3 (more?) main Korean styles, even more organizations, and some sport governing bodies. I know some of these have been absorbed into others, or just were dropped over the years.
Could someone well versed in this (I know there's a few out there) sort this out for me? This may be a challenge even for the experts. Beyond knowing about Gen. Choi, I know just enough of this to be confused, so this is a large gap in my MA understanding. I'm sure there are non-expert Korean practitioners that may benefit from this as well. Thanks.