Except the chances of you ever catching someone like that pre-shot is slim to none. ESPECIALLY if the person pulling the shot on you knows what they're doing.
Check out some wrestling tutorials on shooting for the legs, or tutorials on football tackling and then compare it to that laughable garbage in that Krav video. No one shoots or tackles like that except for compliant partners in bad martial arts videos.
Yes, once in a blue moon. It also helps that the person doing the striking also has solid takedown defense which allows them to stay up while the takedown is taking place. If the only thing you're learning is how to strike out of a takedown without actually learning takedown defense, you're wasting your time.
That isn't surprising considering that you have years of wrestling experience, which actually makes you a better takedown artist than they are. You can't compare yourself to a typical martial artist who has zero wrestling experience.
It's nearly always closer to 20-25 seconds? Are you serious?
In this vid here, Jones chokes out Machida in a little over10 seconds. Machida is a professional martial artist in prime condition.
In this vid, the boy goes limp in about 8 seconds after the choke is applied at around the 23 second mark.
I don't know what Gracie school you're attending, but someone isn't doing chokes properly.
Yeah, and like I said, letting go a few seconds after someone passes out isn't going to cause permanent damage. Not letting go after 30 seconds to a minute after passing out is a different situation altogether.