@JowGaWolf Just curious....does your wife know of your opinion on her getting attacked in public?
I would be interested in her reaction if you explained that if she was being attacked you would prefer no one helped her.
I can only imagine my wife's reaction if I told her.....if someone was to violently attack you, I hope no one helps you. You are just gonna have to take that **** whooping and we will report it afterwards.
I don't think she would appreciate my concern for a stranger over her well being.
Sorry to disappoint you. But here's the run down on who knows what.
In 11th grade I told my brother not to start fights or get himself in unnecessary trouble because I wont' always be there to help him out. I told him not only to not depend on me that way, but to also not depend on others helping him. The 2 times he got jumped by multiple attackers, I wasn't there. I was in college and even if I wasn't I wouldn't have gone to the same location that he did. No one helped him, in both cases.
As for my wife. Last week a car rolled up on us in a suspicious manner. I handed her my the house keys as I prepared to try to take down whoever I could as quickly as I could with a staff, if they got out of the car wrong. My wife told me that she thought I gave her the keys so she could help me fight. I told her I gave her the keys so she could run home and get help while I tried to do what I can with the people in the car. I told her it doesn't make things better to throw her life away too.
13 years ago my wife used to walk by herself. I would warn about not paying attention to her surroundings because she shouldn't assume that someone would save her. One day a car started following her my wife wasn't aware. She was fortunate enough to that a woman who had seen her walking before in the past noticed the car stalking. So the lady drove beside my wife as she walked home. The lady didn't get out of her car to confront the stalkers. She stayed in her car and just served as a presence. My wife didn't understand what I was saying all those times until that day. Now she knows and understands. What the reality of what I was saying and how close she came to being kidnapped. Now she walks in a way that she takes her own safety in her hands and doesn't expect that someone will be around to save her. Nor does she ask of it.
My wife is from the Philippines. These cases scared my wife greatly. I train my family self-defense from the concept that no one is around to help. If someone comes to help, then great. Consider yourself lucky. I train them from the concept of being caught alone and not base their safety on the assumption that "someone will surely help." Even when I teach self-defense classes. The lessons are always. Do A,B,C, until you can get help. It's never Do A, B, C, until help comes because help may never come.
My wife fully understands my opinion about her getting attacked in public. She knows better than you. Ask her who should up when she was being sexually assaulted. Ask her did she save herself or did someone else save her.
I would be interested in her reaction if you explained that if she was being attacked you would prefer no one helped her.
See. Again. No one in here is saying "Don't help" The issue isn't about someone not helping. You guys want to jump into conflicts like you got a "S" your chest thinking you can just physically jump into conflict and duke it out like somebody's scared of you. I've known too many dudes wouldn't hesitate to shoot you or stab you on the spot. Or catch you later when you are by yourself.
I asked my wife about it. I asked her would she want someone to give their life to help her. She said. No. She said that's very selfish of the person. She say what good does it do for her the person to die for for her not to be out of danger.
So there's your answer. Yes my wife know's about what I've been saying and has answered your question directly. Happy? It may not be satisfying answer you were expecting but it's an answer. Also she told me that she doesn't want to answer anymore questions from this group. So there's that.
I can only imagine my wife's reaction if I told her.....if someone was to violently attack you, I hope no one helps you.
Again. No one has made such a statement or implied such a statement. Stop making stuff up. Stop trying to put people in a "Villian" box just because they have other ways to help that don't involve them getting shot, killed, or stabbed.
You are just gonna have to take that **** whooping and we will report it afterwards.
There are a lot of people who gets just this. I base my self-defense on the scenario no one is there to help you. Why should I count on someone to save me? Why should I expect it? Not everyone has my back. As for those that do. I know they will help me out if I'm attacked. I they they will help my wife out if she's attack. I also know that those same people aren't always with her.
I'm fairly certain that if my wife knew her attacker to carry a gun and be more than willing to use it, she'd likely feel a deep sense of guilt over that person's death if she didn't warn them.
This is exactly what my wife said. This is when she made the statement that it's selfish. She said if she knew if the guy who was attacking her had a gun, she wouldn't want someone to risk their life in that manner.
She also said that it was a tough question because it all depends. She said the woman should fight back first. She also asked if the woman asked for help. Then she told me that the teen that I helped in Australia came up to her months later and told her that he never said thank you for helping him when that man wanted to beat him up. So he thanked my wife. So today I learned something new. lol.
Treating yourself as expendable as not a noble thing. I don't understand why people think it is.
Exactly. And I think this is what bothers me the most. So many here are clearly making it seem as if the first option is to physically confront a man beating a woman.
Listen to 1:23 and what she says. Then listen to what they said at 2:03. Dude probably should have called thes cops. Get some video recording or if he didn't have a phone. Use his words to try to diffuse the situation. You and I have the same perspective as what was said in this video but yet we are the one's who are monsters. lol
According to some of the comments made in here. This guy would be considered a coward for not busting up the boyfriends grill. All I'm saying is people should be smart about how they help people.
This guy is a punk. He should have punched the guy. Yet the guy who died was the guy who followed the advice some people have given here. The guy who survived is the guy who did what I've been saying "Be smart about helping people"