"I shot him as much as I could"

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Bad guy dead. Happy ending.


The woman was getting out of the shower when 34-year-old Israel Perez Puentes, armed with a knife, dragged her to the bedroom where he planned to rape her, police said. Her fear was evident in the recording of her call for help – obtained by AM 750 and now 95.5FM News/Talk WSB.
“I was in the shower and the lights cut out in my house,” the sobbing woman said moments after she shot and killed Puentes on May 11.“This man came at me with a hood on. And he had a knife in his hand.”
He forced her into her bedroom, she later told police, and that is where she retrieved her gun.
“I shot him as much as I could,” said the woman. “I shot him with a .22 but he just kept running.
"He was going to rape me, kill me.
"“I shot him with a .22 but he just kept running"

If at first you don't succeed.....RELOAD!
Head shots head shots... after he's on the ground pump a few into the cranial area just to make damn sure. The guy was a scuzzball scumbag and thus years in prison wouldn't have done him any good.
the failure to stop is the reason why I tell people the absolute minimum caliber to get in any pistol is .32 acp! also people all that counts in a pistol is bore diameter! biger is better! ( I am an ex EMT and trained to patch the holes guns make..) the other factor is make it one you can control and reacquire the target rapidly with. I prefer the .45 ACP for self defense, but .32 and up is ok... she did do the right thing. if its time to shoot, do not talk! shoot! continue to fire till the weapon is empty or the enemy is down! then RELOAD!
Thank God we still live in a country that allows for guns (at least for now, God help us). If not for that, she'd be another statistic. Instead, he is. Good for her.

Thank God we still live in a country that allows for guns (at least for now, God help us). If not for that, she'd be another statistic. Instead, he is. Good for her.


Have to agree with you there. Thank God she had the firearm to defend herself with.
This guy must have been high on something...HE KEPT COMING!

Someone comes into your house you have every right to defend yourself. At least here in Kentucky anyways. (side note: I think in Kentucky that, that right is extended to property as well. I.E. Someone banging on the front door, or trying to get into the house. Why wait till someone is in the house before you try and defend yourself from them.)
This guy must have been high on something...HE KEPT COMING!

Someone comes into your house you have every right to defend yourself. At least here in Kentucky anyways. (side note: I think in Kentucky that, that right is extended to property as well. I.E. Someone banging on the front door, or trying to get into the house. Why wait till someone is in the house before you try and defend yourself from them.)

Note to self check out Kintuck for next house..... :)
Note to self check out Kintuck for next house..... :)

Yeah, in the City Limits, its really easy to get Police to your house and fast.

But when you live out in the country, and its just you...thats where your gonna find a whole lot of legit self defense cases.
Yeah, in all seriousness though, the cops usually wanna hear the story, and you might have to appear in court to tell everyone what happened...so yeah..there we go.