Street photographer doing a walkabout taking snaps is assaulted by one of this subjects. He found a LEO aware of public photography laws who took care of the matter. The guy doing the assault learns don't be an ***.
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Street photographer doing a walkabout taking snaps is assaulted by one of this subjects. He found a LEO aware of public photography laws who took care of the matter. The guy doing the assault learns don't be an ***.
As soon as I stood up to continue walking he leaped up and angrily grabbed my left arm while interrogating me. He wanted to know why I took his picture, who I was, what I was doing, etc. I didnÂ’t really get a chance to answer him because my adrenaline soared in response.
Immediately the officer jumped out of his cruiser and verbally cut down this man. The officer furiously explained that what the man was doing was assault and that I could press charges. The man let go of me and explained that I took his photo without asking and that’s why he grabbed me. The officer then asked him one simple question: “Were you in a public place when he took your photo?” The man responded that he was and the officer proceeded to explain that I had every right to photograph him while he was in public and that he has no expectation of privacy when he is in a public place.
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