Does anyone have a favorite weapon ...if so why..?

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

quite a few friends....... for the chain whip Y.C. Wong is great. of course Douglas's white lotus system does all the cool weapons. Al Leong and James Lew are friends....... I also used to talk a bit wioth Anthony Chan and Brendan Lai (praning Mantis) and who could forget Al Knovak! lol I miss going to San Fran on a regular basis. lol


Eric Lee, Douglas Wong, YC Wong..

You guys are giving me "flashbacks to the temple" All I need now is someone to say "quick as you can, take the pebble from my hand"

I am still trying to grow skin on the bottom of my ear from a steel whip .;)

Gene Gabel
Well...I must say my favorite weapon to date are my clubs. I made them myself from a 2'x2' piece of oak. They are 1 1/4 in diameter and have a recessed nylon cord wrap. I would imagine because of their weight they would break any bone on the human body...........but as far as a cop is ever concerned they are for demonstration purposes only.........

yes i know colt makes the ar-15 as well and yes i agree the bushmaster is a better weapon... how ever the the m-16 is a totally different weapon the parts are machined differently and to higher tolerances... and yes kirk is right the m-16a2 has a selector switch on it for either semi-auto fire or 3 shot burst... the m-16a1 has a selector switch for semi-auto or full-auto... and i have never heard of filling down a firing pin to turn any gun into a full-auto weapon as that would most likely destroy the firing pin...
What about the M-4 carbine? I like it..... but it does not have the 3 round burst. Only single shot or fully auto.
Originally posted by AvPKenpo

What about the M-4 carbine? I like it..... but it does not have the 3 round burst. Only single shot or fully auto.

Accurate as all hell!
My favorite would be either a stick or knife. The stick would be something from the size of a rattan to a Jo, but no longer than a Jo.

Nobody mentioned the Iron Fan or Sig Saur, Model P-229 in the .40 caliber. Both of which I love. Darn Do, 2-headed spear, and almost all other sharp shiny objects ... except for modern weapons, which I prefer in a flat black.
My favorite weapon is my belt (street belt) when I used to train in Tracy Kenpo I got hooked it. When ever I was out shopping I would be looking for the perfect belt (hard buckle, quick release etc.etc)

Interesting topic. I began to recall my path towards my 2nd degree testing. Along with Mr. Parker's material, a requirment for an additional form was requested. I had two different forms created. One was a bullwhip form (years ago I was on a rodeo team) and the second was a pool stick form (many years in my youth was spent in pool halls). The experiences of expression acquired in created those forms were nothing short of rich.

In the end I must write the knife as my favorite. When the application of a tool (weapon) so well conjoins with the action of my own art, I find myself smiling from the inside out.

Your friend,
My favorite is the single cane (1 Eskrima Stick). The tactics with this weapon are endless, and the techniques are easily adaptable to other improvised weapons that you might find in your environment.

My second favorite is the small folding knife. It is easy to carry and a great equalizer.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
I love traditional Chinese Weapons...... I have an extensive collection....

spear (lots of fun)
wolf tooth mace (looks like a hemoroid remover)lol
Monks spade
Searn do
Darn do
hook swords (another fav)
butterfly knives
Crescent Spear... (one of my fav's)
Thundering Hammers
Battle Axes
rope Darts
deer horn swords
Fire wind wheels
and a whole lot more

of course I have all the Japanese/Okinawan traditionals as well.... nunchaku, sai, kama, tonfa, staff, etc.

I have done many in tournaments and have been quite successful. How bout you.
For tournaments....... the Saber (Darn do) has been the most successful.

I notice in your list of weapons you mention the "Rope Dart" I have only seen this once in compition and it was on T.V. about four years ago. I thought it was absolutely amazing. The rope must have been 30 feet long and the dart was about 4 inches in length and there was a colorful cloth or feathers attached to the back of the dart. The dart never hit the ground and this guy was slinging this thing out over the crowd. It made very loud "pops" when it reached full extension. he kicked the dart out, slung it with his hand and his head. There is a movie with Jackie Chan, I think it was Shanghai noon or something where he ties a horse shoe to a rope and basically does the same thing. Is this the type of rope dart you are talking about and do you perform Katas or forms with it.

Now to answer the questions myself. My favorite weapons are edged weapons. Mostly knife. I also prefer the more practical weapons. What I consider to be practical are weapoons that you might actually find in the middle of a fight suck as sticks a staffs. Oh ya, I am also a big fan of tactical gun as well.

Mike Miller UKF
I prefer knives. I too ordered the Gil Hibben Kenpo knife. I ordered the kenpo 2 though. Even though it is the production version, I really like the way it feels in my hand, very balanced.
In all thier manifestations....
boot knife


I like them...
Your Bro
Originally posted by Sigung86
You caught me on a good day! :lol:

My favorite weapons, in order of utility and functionality are:
1. Glock Model 22 .40 cal with laser sight and two 15 round clips.
2. Auto Ordinanced .45 cal
3. S&W .357 magnum with 2.5 inch barrel
4. Shaolin Sabre
5. Tai Chi Swords.
6. Chinese throwing stars

I like the first three because they take very little effort. I like the last three because they take so much effort.

Dan ":mp5:" Farmer

Glock? S&W model 4006 in 40 cal dog and its always with me, therefore it's my favorite.
I like the S&W as well, but there are two issues. When I got my Glock 22, Smitty had not come out with anything "plastic" yet. They had not evolved past cold steel. I shoot the Glock and it is paid for, and therefore it is my fav. Secondly, if memory serves me correctly, the Glock was designed by a furniture maker, and is therefore light years ahead of the designs of a lowly company like Smith & Wesson! And "C" the Glock, sans laser targeting, is the gun of choice of the MSHP. I can, on occasion practice with ammo at "someone" else's expense, and you can not tell me from the professionals here in Missouri. Except my hair is often grayer! :lol:

BTW. Missouri has finally passed the bill, where by lesser mortals may now carry "hidden" weapons (The liberal local newspaper's take on the concealed carry law). That will now undo the outlaw milieu of some of the people I know or have known in this fair state. :lol: In actuality, I am considering making the .45 my hidden fist of choice.
Originally posted by Sigung86
I like the S&W as well, but there are two issues. When I got my Glock 22, Smitty had not come out with anything "plastic" yet. They had not evolved past cold steel. I shoot the Glock and it is paid for, and therefore it is my fav. Secondly, if memory serves me correctly, the Glock was designed by a furniture maker, and is therefore light years ahead of the designs of a lowly company like Smith & Wesson! And "C" the Glock, sans laser targeting, is the gun of choice of the MSHP. I can, on occasion practice with ammo at "someone" else's expense, and you can not tell me from the professionals here in Missouri. Except my hair is often grayer! :lol:

BTW. Missouri has finally passed the bill, where by lesser mortals may now carry "hidden" weapons (The liberal local newspaper's take on the concealed carry law). That will now undo the outlaw milieu of some of the people I know or have known in this fair state. :lol: In actuality, I am considering making the .45 my hidden fist of choice.
Glocks are more common in places that get cold. They are an excellent weapon that continues to function under extreme climate circumstances. However, every department that has made the change has had a significant increase in AD's. When New York switched to them, they had to send them all back and requested the trigger spring rate be increased, thus the term "New York Trigger." For my taste they shoot way to easily with no real "safety." Of course we know the only real safety on a weapon is the person holding it. As a rangemaster I see some people coming through who really should be just issued a steak knife and a shield. I had a deputy who complained to me that her weapon "was broke." I took it in hand, pressed checked it, activated the slide and fired it. She said, "What did you do?" I told her, "I chambered a round." Apparently she thought that once you put the magazine in, the weapon was loaded and therefore should fire.

carry on!

That is just plain scary. My favorite Kenpo weapon is a Sig- Saur P-229 in the .40 cal. I have a couple of S&W's also, but like the Sig best.

Next I like sticks and the Darn-Do. Other sharp shiny sharp things (or flat black) I like also.

Originally posted by Doc
I had a deputy who complained to me that her weapon "was broke." I took it in hand, pressed checked it, activated the slide and fired it. She said, "What did you do?" I told her, "I chambered a round." Apparently she thought that once you put the magazine in, the weapon was loaded and therefore should fire.

carry on!

Oh dear! Even I know that and I've never even held a magazine fed pistol! Doesn't she watch action movies!?


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