Does anyone have a favorite weapon ...if so why..?

here is a pic of a kwan dao due to pixel limitations it is kinda distorted but you get the idea


  • $kwan dao.webp
    $kwan dao.webp
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and here is a pic of a set of golden melon hammers this pic i didnt have to resize thankfully


  • $melon hammers.webp
    $melon hammers.webp
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My favorite weapons are the cane, the knife <got the scars all over my fingers and hands to prove that one.>, and 18" sticks.

I've played with knives since I was about 9 years old and feel comfortable carring one (or 5). Before I my folks allowed me to carry a blade, I would have my older brother whittle fake knives and swords so that we could play fight... so most of my knowledge comes from experimenting (much to their and my parent's charign) on my three brothers.

My Goju-Ryu instructor introduced me to Modern Arnis (And Remy Presas) when I was 16. Watching them two wield those sticks would make anyone want to learn. My poor parents had to buy metal brooms and mops so I wouldn't cut the handles down for sticks... I probably went through a set per month because I practiced so much, mostly on trees because my brothers bored too easily with the simple drills I knew.

The cane is a new favorite of mine. I have Rhuematoid Arthritis that tends to get worse and get better with a will totally its own. Fearing that I might someday need to use one, I decided to take up learning how to use the cane as a weapon and have been developing techniques based on my knowledge of Kenpo and Arnis... Always fun to teach yourself stuff instead of going to someone else. It makes the principles and concepts your own and easier to retain because they are "yours." Some day I'll check out the cane masters and other cane programs, but for now I'll go it alone.

I guess I am more of a practical person. The weapons I focus on are those, and flexible weapons like power cords, belts, rope, chain, and articles of clothing. I like to learn how to use things that I can find nearby in any situation. I'd prefer a hammer, screw driver, or a ball bat any day over sai, tonfa, swords, and etc. just because they are weapons that few people have developed techniques for so it gives me a chance to be origional.
Rob, are you really letting some silly Canadian laws hold ya back?? Of course, you would have to work a little harder on that 'criminal mentality' of yours, seems a bit lacking! :rofl:
nunchaku, sai, kama, tonfa

this above are all Okinawan, not Japanese...even though they are typically used in Okinawan-offshoot karate styles.

hrmm...favorite weapon would probably be an eda koppo. It's small and tends to amplify that damage you normally cause someone's body. It's a staff, 4 to six inches used for striking and joint manipulation.
After meeting and attending a seminar by Al McLuckie, I have grown fond of the knife. That guy was awesome with a stick or knife.

My favorite weapon is the one in my pants! Unleash that puppy and man the world will end!!
seriously thought i like the staff and the katana. the staff is so non intimidating but can do some serious damage.
LOL Ronin you naughty boy! Keep that staff of yours in your pants and quit wavin it around! Someone might get hurt! :rofl:
"You should not have a favorite weapon. To become over-familiar with one weapon is as much a fault as not knowing it sufficiently well. You should not copy others, but use weapons which you can handle properly"...........Musashi,1645.
One, should at some point, be familiar with a variety of weapons to well round out their art. Weapons come in all sizes and shapes and usefulness. Pencils to Spears to guns one should be mindful of each. Each can inflect damage and be useful in Self Defense.

I've only begun stick and knife training recently. I'd like to become
efficient at one that can be carried legally, somewhat concealed.
A cane can be substituted as a kali stick, or a pool cue can be
substituded as a long kali stick, or staff. If I become confident in
Kali, I'll probably act like I NEED a cane to help me walk whenever
I fly. I'll be damned if someone's gonna take ME hostage with
a fargin box cutter! :mad:
Originally posted by Kirk

I've only begun stick and knife training recently. I'd like to become
efficient at one that can be carried legally, somewhat concealed.
A cane can be substituted as a kali stick, or a pool cue can be
substituded as a long kali stick, or staff. If I become confident in
Kali, I'll probably act like I NEED a cane to help me walk whenever
I fly. I'll be damned if someone's gonna take ME hostage with
a fargin box cutter! :mad:

No knowing you they take you hostage with a steak and cheese sandwich.:D
It's good to learn weapons in which the skills learned can be applied to other objects. Yawara (kubotan, pocket stick, etc) training is great for self defense, because just about anything can be substituted for the yawara- pencil, pen, ruler, stick, comb, keys, etc.

Like Kirk said- I can't imagine being hijacked by a boxcutter- but hey, we weren't there. Apparently someone on that fourth plane wasn't afraid of it (and spared the White House). He'd a had a "Pentel" in both eyes if I had my way!

Staff/ spear training can lend itself to weilding a broom or mop. A pizza cutter could make some pretty interesting marks on a robber, too. "Extra thin with LOTS of red sauce?? You GOT IT bubba!!!"
Man Mr. C. we really need to get together now. I'd like to learn about a fifth of those weaopns you mentioned.
Take care,
Jason Farnsworth
I like the bokken, jo & knife...

I really enjoy partner practice with the bokken...:D

You guys are lucky, here in Australia we have a lot of new bull@#$! laws that are trying to stop us from buying these weapons, because on a cou;le of occasions we have had wankers trying to assault people and police with the likes of katanas and such.

Its junkie losers like that, who should be shot because they ruin it for the rest of us.


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