My favorite weapons are the cane, the knife <got the scars all over my fingers and hands to prove that one.>, and 18" sticks.
I've played with knives since I was about 9 years old and feel comfortable carring one (or 5). Before I my folks allowed me to carry a blade, I would have my older brother whittle fake knives and swords so that we could play fight... so most of my knowledge comes from experimenting (much to their and my parent's charign) on my three brothers.
My Goju-Ryu instructor introduced me to Modern Arnis (And Remy Presas) when I was 16. Watching them two wield those sticks would make anyone want to learn. My poor parents had to buy metal brooms and mops so I wouldn't cut the handles down for sticks... I probably went through a set per month because I practiced so much, mostly on trees because my brothers bored too easily with the simple drills I knew.
The cane is a new favorite of mine. I have Rhuematoid Arthritis that tends to get worse and get better with a will totally its own. Fearing that I might someday need to use one, I decided to take up learning how to use the cane as a weapon and have been developing techniques based on my knowledge of Kenpo and Arnis... Always fun to teach yourself stuff instead of going to someone else. It makes the principles and concepts your own and easier to retain because they are "yours." Some day I'll check out the cane masters and other cane programs, but for now I'll go it alone.
I guess I am more of a practical person. The weapons I focus on are those, and flexible weapons like power cords, belts, rope, chain, and articles of clothing. I like to learn how to use things that I can find nearby in any situation. I'd prefer a hammer, screw driver, or a ball bat any day over sai, tonfa, swords, and etc. just because they are weapons that few people have developed techniques for so it gives me a chance to be origional.