Does anyone have a favorite weapon ...if so why..?

thats sad first firearms and now martial arts weapons whats next steak knives, baseball bats, and beer bottles????
Sounds kinda like feudal Okinawa, the Japanese took all the weapons away except for a community knife...... fortunately they didn't consider farm tools........ hee hee

Watch for my new book... Just for Australia.......... "Weapons of Today", featuring the ballpean hammer, the socket wrench, the screwdriver set # 1, and the very exciting Ice Pick Form. This is sure to be a best seller world wide.

Originally posted by nathan_sau


You guys are lucky, here in Australia we have a lot of new bull@#$! laws that are trying to stop us from buying these weapons, because on a cou;le of occasions we have had wankers trying to assault people and police with the likes of katanas and such.

Its junkie losers like that, who should be shot because they ruin it for the rest of us.


In Texas, you can walk down the street carrying a shotgun.
It's perfectly legal, if you're of the right age.
Originally posted by Klondike93

They allways did every thing big in Texas!!


They do most everything "right" in Texas!

I have a bumper sticker on my fridge... "I'm not from Texas, but I got here as soon as I could"! :rofl:

Hey Kirk! Where do you live in SA? Who do you study with?
I got my first initiation to Kenpo in San Antonio, back when it was a sleepy pueblo village sprawling out around the Alamo! :rofl:

Dan Farmer
Originally posted by Sigung86

They do most everything "right" in Texas!

I have a bumper sticker on my fridge... "I'm not from Texas, but I got here as soon as I could"! :rofl:

Hey Kirk! Where do you live in SA? Who do you study with?
I got my first initiation to Kenpo in San Antonio, back when it was a sleepy pueblo village sprawling out around the Alamo! :rofl:

Dan Farmer

ROFL! You mean it's not one now? :rofl:

I live off of Tezel Rd, real close to Culebra. I'm from the
Southwest part of town (went to S.W. H. S.) originally.

I train with Curtis Abernathy. The school is called "American
Kenpo Karate" and it's located on Babcock Rd, near the
medical center. If you're an American Kenpoist, and you don't
know him, then I'll assume you trained with Mr Castro? .. he's
about a half mile away from me.
Originally posted by Klondike93

Kirk, what made you choose the one over the other it they're both close to you.

Ooooooh, I hate to say anything bad here, because I don't KNOW
the instructor at the other very well. Ummm ... hmm .... not sure
how to say it without throwing negativity his way :(
Just give you bad vibes or did you hear some bad things about him?

When I settled on the kenpo school I'm going to now, there were 2 others about the same distance as this one. I chose that one because I'd heard about his instructor and could verify his credentials. The others I had heard some bad things about,
couldn't really verify them, but I used that in my decision.

Originally posted by Kirk

Ooooooh, I hate to say anything bad here, because I don't KNOW
the instructor at the other very well. Ummm ... hmm .... not sure
how to say it without throwing negativity his way :(


Say what you feel like saying... just be kind of nice. If it's an opinion of a bad instructor then folks might need to know that. If you simply don't like Tracy's, then that's cool too, as long as you post reasonable reasons and not flames... i.e. " Dan Farmer is a 6th Degree Pastel belt in Tracy's". :rofl:

Actually, I took my training back in 1971-74 at a Traco school that no longer exists down by SW Military Drive and S Zarzamora! Used to be a nicer neighborhood in those days. We knew most everybody in the area and used to go to Dallas for tournaments.

One of the old guys in San Antonio that was around just a few years ago was Odie Molena. All the Kenpo that existed in those days down there was TRACO, now Tracy's.

Would love to retire to San Antonio someday. And open a Tracy's school! :rofl: :rofl: :eek: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by Sigung86


Say what you feel like saying... just be kind of nice. If it's an opinion of a bad instructor then folks might need to know that. If you simply don't like Tracy's, then that's cool too, as long as you post reasonable reasons and not flames... i.e. " Dan Farmer is a 6th Degree Pastel belt in Tracy's". :rofl:

Actually, I took my training back in 1971-74 at a Traco school that no longer exists down by SW Military Drive and S Zarzamora! Used to be a nicer neighborhood in those days. We knew most everybody in the area and used to go to Dallas for tournaments.

One of the old guys in San Antonio that was around just a few years ago was Odie Molena. All the Kenpo that existed in those days down there was TRACO, now Tracy's.

Would love to retire to San Antonio someday. And open a Tracy's school! :rofl: :rofl: :eek: :rofl: :rofl:

As far as I know there are NO Tracy schools here in town, and
I looked pretty heavily. The school closer to me was also EPAK,
taught by a 4th deg., Mr Castro. He sure seemed like a nice
enough guy, but I kind of felt conned by him. He had a "free
introductory month" which was 3 classes. It wasn't free either,
you had to buy a ghi, and it came with a "month" that was again,
3 classes. Before I even got started I asked how much it was,
and I was told "either 69 or 79 dollars". I didn't quite know what
that meant, until after my month, which really was a week. Then
after completing it, I was given the break(shake) down. $299
down, and $79 per month ... or $399 down, and $69 per month.
Not that I felt this was unreasonable, but after what a 3 training
day month, paying for a ghi that I didn't get, and the down
payment not being told to me, I didn't have a good feeling about
the school. I then heard on the grapevine that he's a good
instructor, yet places too much emphasis on speed, instead of
I prefer the kama in clandestine operations; but the sai is a little safer and can be used better in blocking, trapping and disarming other weapons! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

My favourite weapon is my right leg, it's legal in every country in the world, easily concealed in my jeans, does lots of damage and I never forget to take it out with me :)

Since I am really just starting to play with weapons seriously, I am starting out slowly. But what I prefer are.....

Bo staff
Short staff (not quite a cane, but close--can whip it around better)
Escrima sticks
The Batleth (yes, the Klingon weapon from "Star Trek").

Seriously. I have a book on the Klingon martial arts, written by a Kung Fu practitioner under Wing Lam. The book is GREAT, and fun to read through. I also have an aluminum batleth, and have played with how one might actually use it in various scenarios.

Before you groan, it should be pointed out that the weapon was designed with a leaning towards traditional Chinese weapons, and can arguably be linked to that kind of heritage. Not to mention, it is an interesting weapon to train with, having many sharp edges and pointy will keep you focused, if nothing else..;)

Okay, so I play with that less than the others, but I thought it would be worth a mention.

Which do I *practice* most with? Mainly the stick weapons--I believe in practicing with weapons that I would most likely be able to get ahold of quickly in a situation calling for them. You can almost *always* find a decent stick.....

*smiles* .....but ya gotta love the blades....;)

Originally posted by TLH3rdDan

3. Colt M-16A2... and yes i mean the M-16 not the cheap knock offs known as AR-15's

Just to clarify.

Colt also makes AR-15s and they are actually not as good as a Bushmaster AR-15. Even the Colt Delta H-Bars are not as good.

The difference between an M-16 and AR-15 is that, an M-16 is select-fire, has the capability of Semi or Fully Automatic Fire.

The AR-15 is Semi-Automatic only. Does not qualify it as a "Cheap knock off."

Some of the 16s I have heard about in the Military are not so hot either and they're not all Colts.

Cool to see the Hibben Keno Karate Knife mentioned. I know a guy locally who has one and wants about $800.00 for it. A Custom one, that is, rather rare now. Brass Guard and Pommel and I think it has GM Ed Parker's Seal in the wooden grips.

Big, honkin' knife.
I just got the Kenpo 1 knife by Hibben and that is a "big honkin" knife as you say. But it's cool and I've been wanting one for as long as I've been in kenpo.

Originally posted by Don Rearic

The difference between an M-16 and AR-15 is that, an M-16 is select-fire, has the capability of Semi or Fully Automatic Fire.

The A2's don't have Full Auto capabilities. The choices are
semiautomatic, or 3 round burst.
I have heard that if you file down the firing pin of the AR-15 that it becomes fully automatic! Any thought's on this one. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!

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