Does anybody else


Orange Belt
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
University Place, WA
Does anybody else despise the far left as much as I do? Especially MSNBC. You know, Chris Matthews, Dan Abrams, and Keith Olbermann who is without a doubt the worst "news" person on Earth. Since when does only talking to people you agree with and attacking Fox News on a daily basis mean anything to anybody except what it really is, stupidity? And I don't want to hear from any Liberals who hate Bill O'Reilly. Thank you.
Does anybody else despise the far left as much as I do? Especially MSNBC. You know, Chris Matthews, Dan Abrams, and Keith Olbermann who is without a doubt the worst "news" person on Earth. Since when does only talking to people you agree with and attacking Fox News on a daily basis mean anything to anybody except what it really is, stupidity? And I don't want to hear from any Liberals who hate Bill O'Reilly. Thank you.

I don't "despise" anyone, except maybe Satanists....:lol:I don't have much tolerance for the "far" anything, including the left, though our definitions of it may differ. I don't "hate" Bill O'Reilly-I mostly don't watch him-because he's a rude loudmouth, not because of his viewpoints. I don't watch MSNBC at all-hardly know who those people are.....of course, I don't care much for NotNew-, er FoxNews, either.

Of course, there are those here you'll completely agree with, or at least mostly agree with. There's at least one fellow who says "liberalism is a diseaase," or a "mental disorder," or some such. Though I'm really not sure that he knows what "liberalism" is-our definitions probably don't match, anyway....I don't care much for any "ism," really: I'm anti-gun control, AND pro-choice,for just one example of where I stand.

For an idea of what I feel about "liberalism," or the "far-left," have a look here.
I dont despise anyone in the news business. but the facts are the facts, the journalism field has totally lost it's sense of ethics.

They dont even bother to hide thier lust for Obama these days
Elder, i recommend O'Rielly to everyone. he actually is FAIR. Tough questions, but fair ones. He has for example given obama a LOT of slack......
Elder, i recommend O'Rielly to everyone. he actually is FAIR. Tough questions, but fair ones. He has for example given obama a LOT of slack......

SHouting down someone, not letting them speak their mind, telling them what they think,and calling them "pinheads" is not fair.It's rude, loudmouthed bullying.

I did enjoy his book, though......
Keith Olbermann the worst? Now you've crossed the line Mr.
Elder, if, as you said, you dont watch it, how do you know what he does?


In point of fact, he rarely yells at anyone. That happens ONLY when he asks a question, they wont answer it and they start spinning. Then we will get in their butt.

Ans he lets people speak their mind, right up until they start spouting crap that isnt true, or has no relation to the topic at hand.
The shills at MSNBC and the shills at Fox have the same bosses. Some people need to study Hegel.
Televised news is entertainment. It's over.
indeed! I wish they would simply report the news rather than call in every marginally well known person to add commentary. I guess that would not sell too many commercials though... God forbid the news actually reporting the news!

if the bosses are the same, you would think MSNBC wouldnt be such a dismal failure ratings wise , seeing as how Fox usually doubles everyone else.....

just saying

if the bosses are the same, you would think MSNBC wouldnt be such a dismal failure ratings wise , seeing as how Fox usually doubles everyone else.....

just saying

Stupid is as stupid does as my momma always said...;)

Seriously, Olberman and O'Reilly both have good things to say. If the American people ever put them together, our rulers would be in major trouble.

So, I guess what I said above still stands. Except that I'm not insulting anyone on the right or left. Only those who can't see that we all have a piece of the puzzle and we just need to put it together.
Thank you, Twin Fist. I must say in my own defense however that there also some people on the far right that I don't like either. For example, Bill Keller the anti-Mormon, anti-Islam, anti-Oprah, anti-everything and everybody that doesn't fit his definition of Christianity host of Live Prayer which nobody watches. Michael Savage is another example, as are Pat Robertson, James and Shirley Dobson, and the worst of the worst, Fred Phelps, the idiot from the extremist cult the Westboro Baptist Church which hates everybody. Phelps is considered far right, even though he's actually a registered Democrat.
And I don't want to hear from any Liberals who hate Bill O'Reilly. Thank you.

You don't want to hear from?

I'll just point out that this is an open forum, and the comments of all members are welcome as long as they are respectful. Once you begin a thread, you don't have any control over who you are going to hear from.
Elder, if, as you said, you dont watch it, how do you know what he does?


In point of fact, he rarely yells at anyone. That happens ONLY when he asks a question, they wont answer it and they start spinning. Then we will get in their butt.

Ans he lets people speak their mind, right up until they start spouting crap that isnt true, or has no relation to the topic at hand.

I don't have to watch it to see it. We frequently have the television on at work-CNN, FoxNews and MSNBC are rotated pretty frequently, along with C-Span, though we don't see much MSNBC. SO, I've seen him bullying-I don't call t watching because i was doing something else at the time, something less than critical. As for at home, I'm rather well known for not watching TV-I didn't watch television at all between 1994 and 2001.

Here's a great one from CSPAN, though, not his show at all.

And here he isshouting down a colleague.
"I hate conservatives, but I really ****ing hate liberals"
- Matt Stone, co-creator of South Park

Yup, that about does it.