Senior Master
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:Problem: HIV virus is not self-ambulatory. Rides piggy back on particles that are larger than it is...too big, it turns out, to seep through the glove. It is also later discovered that merely laying viral shells against a tissue layer is insufficient for infection. Takes a "vector force injection" beyond a voilated tissue barrier to cause infection.
Well, not to brag, but some of us just might HAVE that vector force injection, pal.
Seriously, though...condoms are made of latex. Balloons are made of latex. The helium atom is, I suspect, somewhat smaller than the HIV virus. Note how long it takes for the latex helium balloons you got on your wedding anniversary to deflate.
If you're wearing a condom, therefore, and assuming it doesn't break, you'd have to leave the condom on and remain inserted in your partner for about a dozen hours before the virus somehow crossed the membrane in any appreciable numbers to cause infection. All this of course without the pressures of inflation that helium exerts on latex...or for you lesser men, the pressure of vector force injection.
Now...I don't know about you, but the women with whom I've been intimate aren't all that keen about leaving the male member thus inserted for most of the weekend. And don't think I haven't tried.
Remaining thus joined is somewhat incapacitating when trying to carry on with one's daily affairs. Shopping in Kroger's is exceedingly difficult and at the very least raises a few eyebrows.