7starmantis said:
We can spin it anyway we want, but your only looking at it through your own personal filter.
As are you.
Mine says "It will make young people less scared of sex" is a very bad reason not to do anything, especially something that can save lives
Wait a second....the term "contagious" is being thrown around here quite loosely. For "everyone" to be at risk we must assume you are having sex with everyone. Contagious is not really a true word here, I wouldn't consider the type of contact needed to contract this "disease" to be indirect....would you? So, in that light, you must not have a problem with the "I dont want it" arguement? Since the arguement would go, "I dont want it because I am not having sex with multiple partners and am in a committed monogamous relationship". Would that make it ok to refuse?
As I said, if the risk is low, and you don't want to take it don't.
If a desease is a large enough threat that you not taking a vaccine endangers other people (how about small pox vaccinination?) then I think it would be rather immoral for you not to take it.
I don't think it could be forced on you though, highly reccomended yes. Available to all? yes.
By the sounds of this article it has nothing to do with "my body my choice" it is to extreme's trying to force there view on others.
What is stupid is saying that vaccinating encourages sex and should therefore not be done. The seat belt analogy is nice, should we remove seatbelts because it "encourages" reckless driving?
Now, I also believe that there are 2 issues here:
1) Should someone be forced to take an injection? My answer - Depends on the risk level. Preventing them from entering high school without it is not a good option.
2) Not making sex safe because it needs to be feared for abstinence teachings to be consistant. Also stupid, abstinance is one option to stay safe, and it is one feulled by religion. Not everyone has those religous views and other options should be taught. This is as silly as demanding evolution not be taught because it contradicts someones creationism theory they are trying to teach there kids.