Lets look at this arguement from a different angle.
I recently read an article regarding lung cancer. they claimed to find a protein that was absent in most lung cancer victims. sorry, don't have the reference handy. The science in this case is irrelevent. let us suppose they find a cure for lung cancer. 100% recovery for everyone. Do you think there would be an increase in smoking? If so, why do you think that would be the case? If so, had they forgotten emphezema (sp)? Had they forgotten diminished lung capacity? nicotine addiction? Bad breath? (hehe)
OK, lets try angle for you non-smokers. suppose they develop some method for you to eat all the food you want and you won't gain weight! Now, do you think people will start eating more food? more junk food? If so, do you think the people forgot about other side effects? clogged arteries, heart attacks, not eating healty foods/balanced diet?
Is the cure for cancer a good thing? sure. Is not gaining excessive weight a good thing? sure. Will it be used as a tool/excuse for some people? I bet it would be. I tend towards optimism, but I also try to be realistic. If you diminish the penalty (cancer, fat), though other penalties still exist (heart attacks, lack of health), some people will tend to be more likely to perform the activity. Same arguements for mandatory seatbelt laws and speed limits. Does a cure for lung cancer "cause" more smoking? Does a cure for fat "cause" more junk food eating? doubtful, but it might help sway someones decision on wether or not to go to McD's or smoke occassionally.
Now, with the previous arguements, someone can have lung cancer w/out smoking, and they can be fat w/out excessive trips to McD. The resultant situation is not so cut and dry. With HPV, the situation is much more cut and dry, its only caused by one or two things. However, people don't like using the same arguements above because its about "sex", and we don't want some religious person telling us to not have premarital sex! This cure will not "cause" sex, but it might incline some people to consider things a bit different. We will go through the same arguements when AIDS cures are found. Same w/ every major STD. Same arguements will be rehashed.
So, end result... is it good the cure was found? sure. Will it increase sexual activity? perhaps. It sure won't -decrease- it. Should it be mandatory? No. will it? Depends on what kind of lunkheads we get in congress.