Do you know your Kenpo lineage?

Do you know your Kenpo lineage?

  • Yes, I can trace my training lineage back to the founder.

  • Well, I am vaguely aware about some of the people who taught my instructor(s).

  • No, but I would like to know.

  • Who cares? I am only interested in my training under my current instructor(s).

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Sigung LaBounty said:
Hello Mr. Lear. "Philosophical nuggets of Joy"??? What do think we do? run through the fields quoting some dead poet? Naw, we kick the YANG out of 'em too, that's what we do. If you can't put your fist through their tissue, be in theory, in reality, spiritually, if you haven't done that core work on yourself, if you haven't gone to force on force, if you haven't seen their eyes bug out from fear and pain...well you get the idea....not much else will work for you then.
I perceive you to be one of those 'Iron Worker' students given the men you've trained with, I'm right aren't I???
Here's hoping you and yours have a wonderful holiday season, and I truly mean that..
S. "I hate this media and Dennis Conatser for signing me up on it" LaBounty
Mr. LaBounty,
Welcome to Martial Talk and thank you for finally posting with us.
Mike Seigel
I seem to have more names on my list than most, thats me, WAAAAY out on one of the long branches of the kenpo tree. :)


Jim Dean
Willie Pineda
Chris Trujillo
Al Tracy
Ed Parker
William KS Chow

A salute to all of them,
ItÂ’s pretty easy for me as there are no breakaway groups of Shorinji Kempo; the arts history is very straightforward.
Colin_Linz said:
ItÂ’s pretty easy for me as there are no breakaway groups of Shorinji Kempo; the arts history is very straightforward.
Colin, and anyone else that's not, did you notice this was an Ed Parker American Kenpo specific forum?

DarK LorD
My instructor is Jim Clark, who trains under Paul Mills, who trained with S.G.M. Parker (and other 1st generation Black Belts).
Yes, I can trace it back to Mr. Parker. But I'm not that far away being a 2nd generation myself. I think the closer you are to the origin the less is lost in the translation from instructor to instructor. Is it important? I'm not so convinced that it is as important as many people claim it is. American Kenpo was designed by GM Parker to be "tailored" to the individual and as that happens fewer and fewer students will move and react as the founder did, thus creating their own version of Kenpo. As long as they can defend themselves in a given situation that's what counts in my opinion.
Kenpobuff said:
Yes, I can trace it back to Mr. Parker..... Is it important? I'm not so convinced that it is as important as many people claim it is. American Kenpo was designed by GM Parker to be "tailored" to the individual and as that happens fewer and fewer students will move and react as the founder did, thus creating their own version of Kenpo. As long as they can defend themselves in a given situation that's what counts in my opinion.
well put Kenpobuff.

Mr.Joseph Doyle(I moved to Mr.Doyle's Studio when he opened)
Mr.Ed Parker Sr.
Mr.Bill DiCarlo (I began at Mr.DiCarlo's Tracy Studio)
Mr.Mark Miller
Mr.Al Tracy

This is my kenpo lineage through Mr.Doyle. To clarify, it begins with Mr.Tracy, to Mr.Miller,to Mr.DiCarlo, to Mr.Parker, to Mr.Doyle. Now Mr.Doyle trains with Mr.Planas.
1stJohn 1:9
1986 - Ed Parker Sr./Doreen & Tony Cogliandro/Leo R. Lacerte*/Steve Arsenault+/Me

1986 to 1990 - Ed Parker Sr./Tony Cogliandro/Leo R. Lacerte/Me

1990 to 1994 - Huk Planas/Tony Cogliandro/Leo R. Lacerte/Me

1994 to Present - Ed Parker Sr/ Lee Wedlake Jr. ^/Me

*Lacerte was the first person in Southeastern Massachusetts to contact Ed Paker Sr. and inquire about bringing Kenpo to Southeasten New England. He was also the first to teach EPAK to Steve Arsenault (Current WKKA Vice President) and Joseph P. Rebelo II (Kenpo Joe)

+ Arsenault at the time was a 2nd Degree Brown Belt

^ Wedlake also trained with Huk Planas and Frank Trejo
MisterMike said:
If I am not mistaken, Len Brassard removed Planas from his lineage page.

Without Planas:

Without Wedlake:

Welcome to MartialTalk though :)

~The evil MisterMike
I stand corrected...thanks! :)

Mr. White's lineage page has a footnote; "Upon Mr. Wedlake's advice, Mr. White also trained with Mr. Richard 'Huk' Planas for 15 years", but he's not included in the lineage.

joshamy01 said:
I stand corrected...thanks! :)

Mr. White's lineage page has a footnote; "Upon Mr. Wedlake's advice, Mr. White also trained with Mr. Richard 'Huk' Planas for 15 years", but he's not included in the lineage.


That's OK. ;) I wrote it the same way in this thread about a year ago (Planas/Wedlake) because I knew there was influence from both teachers.

Lineage is a sensitive thing. I guess I can't say how it should be listed since neither were my direct teacher. I just thought the 2 versions were a bit contradictory. Perhaps one website is no longer maintained, since I noticed my pictures on one of them were not retouched :p The longer you stay with a teacher, the more you learn though...
I am aware of my lineage, I have had the good fortune of being trained by 3 2nd Gen BB from three different "lines". But on the grand scheme of things the lineage issue is just a conversation piece to me. My "lines" don't mean as much to me as whether or not I value the training I have received. Perhaps this comes from studying so many systems but that's another topic all together....
Ed Parker>Tom Connor>Bill Packer>Chris Dixon

Ed Parker>Tom Connor>Peter Hill>Aaron Morris
I train under Mr.Morris and Mr.Dixon
I know it, I'm happy to know it, but it's not very important to me.

My instructor is Mr. Hans Hesselmann. He was taught the system by Mr. Rainer Schulte and Mr. Parker Sr, who promoted Mr. Hesselmann to 1st black in 1982.


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