New TOW is in.

Touch Of Death

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane Valley WA
Hi I just watched the new TOW (Clyde has posted it on the I don't even know where to begin commenting, but I will say the lesson he is giving is not the lesson I am seeing. That is, I am still hung up on the first move. The techs he is covering are flashing mace and leaping crane. Let me know what you think.
Can I get away with jokingly calling him a slow amateur, without getting my head taken off? If I wasn't so close to Pasadena, I might try the tongue-in-cheek 100-yard warrior thing, but I just decided he's one of the people in the world I would prefer not to piss off.

I don't believe I've ever seen that entry into flashing mace before. Wicked cool.

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Can I get away with jokingly calling him a slow amateur, without getting my head taken off? If I wasn't so close to Pasadena, I might try the tongue-in-cheek 100-yard warrior thing, but I just decided he's one of the people in the world I would prefer not to piss off.

I don't believe I've ever seen that entry into flashing mace before. Wicked cool.

I think its a method of doing that tech from a thrusting point of reference, but why work a hammer from a thrusting point of origin in the first place?
Touch'O'Death said:
I think its a method of doing that tech from a thrusting point of reference, but why work a hammer from a thrusting point of origin in the first place?
I'm a Gemini, so am of 2 minds on the thing :rolleyes: . On the one hand, whay not? It's another way to explore expressing the vocabulary of motion from a creative perspective. Anyway, it certainly looks cool. On the other hand, ... I'll have to get back to you on that. Gonna drill it a couple times, think it over, and dissect for liabilities. It seems to me, initially, like it's making an easy approach unecessarily complex for the sake of flare. Not that I could ever get anything in on him while he did it, but for the masses, I think the wide glancing/sliding OtExt followed by the pirrouette to the rear with the answering blows seems like a liability for general practice. Still, it looks cool.

Flashing mace is definantly one of those "only if" techs. I've heard that new first move called defanging the snake. Its really cool and flashing mace is one of many techs you can do out of it; however, the lesson should be about that or about blending FM with LC, not just a casual, "here's how ya do it."
One lesson at a time.
Touch'O'Death said:
Flashing mace is definantly one of those "only if" techs. I've heard that new first move called defanging the snake. Its really cool and flashing mace is one of many techs you can do out of it; however, the lesson should be about that or about blending FM with LC, not just a casual, "here's how ya do it."
One lesson at a time.
Yeah. I had the video on low, but think he said something about responding to a question about grafting. There are probably more natural blends to graft with.
I thought that Circular Grafting Tip was excellent again.

I like how Mr. Tatum does his checking. I like how his technique flows. I only watched it quickly just now at work and I couldn't hardly hear it. It is not the way I was taught Flashing Mace. I was taught your rear hand is high and that it drops from there for a reason but I think Mr. Tatum explained what he was doing. It seems to me that his stuff is well-explained and that it works. I'll try to go look at it again but I'll be out of town until Monday if anyone posts and expects me to see it or reply.

I thought the Tip was great because a) It works, b) Mr. Tatum explains what he is doing, c) and he can execute it well himself.
cdhall said:
I thought that Circular Grafting Tip was excellent again.

I like how Mr. Tatum does his checking. I like how his technique flows. I only watched it quickly just now at work and I couldn't hardly hear it. It is not the way I was taught Flashing Mace. I was taught your rear hand is high and that it drops from there for a reason but I think Mr. Tatum explained what he was doing. It seems to me that his stuff is well-explained and that it works. I'll try to go look at it again but I'll be out of town until Monday if anyone posts and expects me to see it or reply.

I thought the Tip was great because a) It works, b) Mr. Tatum explains what he is doing, c) and he can execute it well himself.
what he was doing was starting the tech with his hands at his side. Against a punch for that matter. I suggest you get you hands up when threatened.
Touch'O'Death said:
what he was doing was starting the tech with his hands at his side. Against a punch for that matter. I suggest you get you hands up when threatened.

I tried that against the Goldendragon once. He was waaaaaaaaay too fast. :xtrmshock
RCastillo said:
I tried that against the Goldendragon once. He was waaaaaaaaay too fast. :xtrmshock
Throw sand in his eyes, and throw your voice. But seriously, the punch is probably too fast for you to start with your hands down. God knows, kenpoists try.
Touch'O'Death said:
Throw sand in his eyes, and throw your voice. But seriously, the punch is probably too fast for you to start with your hands down. God knows, kenpoists try.

Okay... Okay... I'm gunna start walking around all day with my hands on my head. That way I'll have my hands "UP" just incase anybody decides to throw a punch at me for no resaon. God forbid we should actually find ourselves in a confrontation with our hands at our sides... What in the world would we do?

Bill Lear said:
Okay... Okay... I'm gunna start walking around all day with my hands on my head. That way I'll have my hands "UP" just incase anybody decides to throw a punch at me for no resaon. God forbid we should actually find ourselves in a confrontation with our hands at our sides... What in the world would we do?

I have no problem with the defanging thing, in a pinch; however, that was not the lesson.
Bill Lear said:
Okay... Okay... I'm gunna start walking around all day with my hands on my head. That way I'll have my hands "UP" just incase anybody decides to throw a punch at me for no resaon. God forbid we should actually find ourselves in a confrontation with our hands at our sides... What in the world would we do?


The way I teach defenses against straight punches, you shouldn't get hit even if you don't do anything with your hands. i.e. I always tell people that they should step off the line of attack sufficiently so that even if they don't do anything with their hands the punch won't find it's mark (kinda like a boxer bobbing and weaving I suppose).

I usually show them the technique this way first with no blocks so they know where they're stepping to (usually 10 or 2 depending on which side the punch is coming from), then add in the blocks or breaks etc. the second time.

satans.barber said:
The way I teach defenses against straight punches, you shouldn't get hit even if you don't do anything with your hands. i.e. I always tell people that they should step off the line of attack sufficiently so that even if they don't do anything with their hands the punch won't find it's mark (kinda like a boxer bobbing and weaving I suppose).

I usually show them the technique this way first with no blocks so they know where they're stepping to (usually 10 or 2 depending on which side the punch is coming from), then add in the blocks or breaks etc. the second time.

good point; however, if you consider the syncronization of body, mind, and breath. Your hands hanging at your side will make the whole operation a little slower. (think sword and hammer and transfer lesson to rest of the art)
Touch'O'Death said:
good point; however, if you consider the syncronization of body, mind, and breath. Your hands hanging at your side will make the whole operation a little slower. (think sword and hammer and transfer lesson to rest of the art)

Wrong! I walk with my hands at my sides all day and it doesn't seem to slow me down. Hell, when I run they don't get much highrer than my waist. Satan's Barber has the right Idea (step off the line)... Sean, how can you define movement in an entire system with one technique? And when I start Sword and Hammer, ironically, I start it with my hands at my sides (go figure...)

I guess I'm wrong.

Bill Lear said:
Wrong! I walk with my hands at my sides all day and it doesn't seem to slow me down. Hell, when I run they don't get much highrer than my waist. Satan's Barber has the right Idea (step off the line)... Sean, how can you define movement in an entire system with one technique? And when I start Sword and Hammer, ironically, I start it with my hands at my sides (go figure...)

I guess I'm wrong.

like its or not, Billy your strikes are faster when your hands are up.(or blocks) and Sword and hammer teaches sycronization of your hands with you body, the faster you pin the faster your strike(this was what SB was talking about,and I was using SH to contradict him), and yes in that case your hands are at your side. Stay with me! so, I guess your right, you are wrong.
Sean :asian:
What about a sucker punch? In that instance, you're not gonna know whats happening, so again your hands will be down. Not every tech. is going to start with hands up. Then again, is it the best thing to put your hands up in a threatening manner in the first place? I mean, by doing that, there is a chance to further provoke the situation. Even if you are going to bring your hands up, I would still think that getting off line is just as good. At least you're not getting hit.

MJS said:
What about a sucker punch? In that instance, you're not gonna know whats happening, so again your hands will be down. Not every tech. is going to start with hands up. Then again, is it the best thing to put your hands up in a threatening manner in the first place? I mean, by doing that, there is a chance to further provoke the situation. Even if you are going to bring your hands up, I would still think that getting off line is just as good. At least you're not getting hit.

Choosing to use your hands at all will slow the stepping off the line of attack down to that speed. One is slower the other is faster. If you can pull off the defanging the cobra thing, you were ready and waiting.
Bill Lear said:
... Sean, how can you define movement in an entire system with one technique?

I guess I'm wrong.(I just left that for fun. sw)

I cant' believe you just asked that question, but its all variations of Delayed Sword.