Do you know your Kenpo lineage?

Do you know your Kenpo lineage?

  • Yes, I can trace my training lineage back to the founder.

  • Well, I am vaguely aware about some of the people who taught my instructor(s).

  • No, but I would like to know.

  • Who cares? I am only interested in my training under my current instructor(s).

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Hi there,

my lineage is:

Mr. Ed Parker Sr. -> Mr. Rainer Schulte (see "The Journey") -> Mr. Christian Springer (promoted from 1st up to 4th Degree by Mr. Ed Parker Sr.)

-> Mr. Thomas Kozitzky (tested and promoted for his 1st Degree by Mr. Ed Parker Sr.)
-> Mr. Sascha Berning and Mr. Peter Gorski (tested and promoted to brown by Mr. Ed Parker Sr.)

Okay, I see, my trainer are 4th Generation Black Belts.
Ed Parker > Al Tracy > Richard Lee > John Buckley > Morgan Newman > Morgan Malone > Me. The three below Richard Lee are a Master and 3rd, 1st degree BBs, respectively in our system.
James M. Mitose
Koga Ha Kosho Shorei-Ryu Kempo Jujitsu
Paul Yamaguchi
Edward Lowe
Arthur Keawe
Woodrow McCandles
Giro Nakamura

William K.S. Chow
Chinese Kara-Ho Kempo
Joe Emperado
Masaichi Oshiro
John Chun
Paul Pung
Bobby Lowe

Edmund K. Parker, Sr.
Steve Aaron
Mike Allen
Jack Autry
Richard Beckinger
Charles Beeder, Sr.
Fred Brewster
Dave Cardinas
Richard Carthew
Rudy Castenada
Ralph Castellanos
Stan Cholewinski
David Cineceros
Judy Clapp
Jim Clapp
Wayne Collier
Lincoln Conti
Phil Conti
Robert Cook
Albert Cornejo
Jim Demeke
George Downs
Tom Dunne
Bob Eisele
Larry Elkins
Jeff English
Sam Estrada
Jack Farr
Russ Feinman
Rick Flores
Tom Garriga
Robert Gioia
Steve Golden
Dave Gonzales
Tom Gow
Melvin Harris
Larry Hartsell
Steve Hearring
Gil Hibben
Vern Holleman
Tom Howard
Dan Inosanto
Arnie Inouye
Jerry Leichtman
Scott Loring
Leonard Mau
Craig W. McCoy
Robert Mitchell
Jorge Montanez
Rich Montgomery
Frank Mulrine
Calvin Nall
Ray Nehder
Roy Nishita
Norm Pattiz
George Pegelow
Dave Powell
Paul Psik
Tom Riskas
Richard Roper
Sandy Sandavol
Keith See
Louie Solis
Deon Steckling
Herb Steet
Richard Stelle
Randy Streeter
Ed Tabian
Dian Tanaka
Ming Tang
Ray Tillery
Jim Trevino
George Waite
Dale Walker
Steve Walker
Craig Weidell
Ed Wenke
Jack White
Roscoe White

rican Kenpo
Al Tracy
Tracy's Kenpo Karate
John Alexandro
Hugh Alford
John Allen
Kenneth A. Baker
Steve Ballentine
Shane L. Baltierra
Michael D. Barnes
Daemian B. Barr
Mary Basic
Jerry Baumgarten
Pete Becker
Stephen Bellfontaine
Tom Bersick
Harry W. Beyer
Maria Biasiotto
Robert Blackmoore
Rex Blaine
Thomas R. Bocock
Curtis Bradley
Ike Branch
Jorn Brandt
Lis Marie Brandt
Rick Brasseaux
Michael R. Bredehoft
Kevin Bricker
Randall Brown
Norm Bryar
Frederick Buck
David Buker
Michael L. Burrell
Stephen E. Bush
John Buyers
Bart Caccavale
David Cardinas
Donnie L. Carmack
Jeff Carter
Rich Carter
Ricardo Castillo
Dean Chapman
Lou Chavez
Eric Chet
Michael Chong
James Ciotti
Cliff Close
Donald J. Coffield
Mark Collins
James Craig
Karen Crosby
Guy H. Crump
Richard C. Cupo
Greg Damon
Michael Dawson
Guy Delahoussaye
Pete Dellapozza
Larry Demerit
Joseph Deuschel
Rick Keith DeVoll
Victor J. Diodato
John A. Dixon
Arthur C. Doepke, Jr.
Chuck Dore
Jerry Dunlap
Travis Dunlap
Thomas Dunne
Russ Ernst
Darraly Escalante
Daniel M. Farmer
Al Farnsworth
Steve Fink
John Fite
George Flanagan
Bernie W. Fleeman
Mark Fulmer
Gary Garrett
Steven Geotsglitis
David P. Giomi
Roland Gonzales
Eugene Gorden
William Gordon
Smoky Gray Eagle
Karen Conley Greene
Steve Hagen
Grant Hagiya
Douglas E. Hamilton
Dave Hardenbrook
Rick Harper
Mark Hastings
Paul Healey
Robert H. Hegamin
Carson Hines
David Holsclaw
Al Hooper
Gary Horner
Harry Houghtlan
Sue Huffman
Harry Hutchins
Betty Hutton
Jeanne Hutton
Ben Izaguirre
Jerry Jacabsen
Joe Jacques
Cliff Jewell
Carl L. Johnson
Frank Johnson
Kregg P.G. Jorgenson
Stephen R. Kane
Richard Kennedy
Larry Klinehberg
Marty Kuhn
Roy Lake
Anthony D. Lamberti
Brian Lamkin
Richard Langenstein
Julian Linder
Sam Lone Wolf
Augustine Lopez
Ted Mancuso
Andrew Mantis
Michael Marcus
Angel G. Martial
Edgar Masone
Charles C. Masters
Ted Masuda
Gary Maust
Milan Maximovich
Ned G. Maxwell II
Glennis J. McClure
Paul McKay
Jeffery D. McLachlan
Greg McPherson
Stephen P. Meichtry
Jim Miller
Jess Mora
Joe Mora
John Moran
Thomas Morgan
Jerry Mourtasine
Gary W. Moxley
Larry Murray
Desmond G. Nash
Dave Noble
Paul Olivas
Mike Olson
James Onorato
Kevin Orlow
Kenneth Ortner
Richard Ouimette
Timothy Paffe
Johnothan Pantoja
John Pardoe
Roshan Parikh
Kwinam Park
Ralph L. Parris
Gary Patchell
Debra E. Perea
Jesus M. Perea
Darryl Pinto
Carl Plummer
John Pollock
Mike Poz
Rudy Prikken
Sey Rapport
Larry Reid
David Repetny
Charles B. Reynolds
Mike Roberts
Steven Scardina
Ronald A. Scott
Terry Shackleford
Jan Small
Joe Spivey
Charles Stanley
Nelson Starker
Paul Stevens
Dave Stewart
Jodi Stith
Scott Stolivack
Mark Striner
Debbie Sumner
Keith Sumner
Walter Tanimoto
Manuel Taningeo
Hank Taylor
Will Taylor
William C. Thacker
James Tidwell
Dennis A. Tio
Mike Tipple
Lee Toren
Jerome W. Totes
Patricia A. Tracy
Jim Trevino
Jeffrey Tuinstra
Dennis Tustin
Brent Undermann
Nick Vales
James K. Van Sickle
Kenneth Vineyard
Paul Wagner
Robert S. Watine
Elgene Wheeler
Robert C. Willis
Jeff Wilson
Jim Wilson
Robert W. Winters
James Wonser
Bill Yazel

Eddie Jolly
Tracy's Kenpo Karate
Mark King
Joanne L. Reyna
Jonathan Scott
Debbie Sumner
Keith Sumner

Keith Gorham
American Kenpo
Phillip Bulloch
Nathan Coleman
John Connolly
Sherri Downs
Reggi Estes
Brian Evans
Bill Fischer
Johnny Fowler
Ron Gentolizo
Alex Giles
Walter Gilliam
Eddie Gorham
Keith Grandin
Brad Gruber
Jose Guadalupe
Nate Hawley
Tracie Kester
Brandon Lemons
Tony Leopold
Brad Marshall
Ray McKinney
Troy Moak
Eric Reynolds
Leslie Roach
Jim Roccasano
Jason Spoolstra
Alex Tauzel
Richard Townsend
Andy Yamasaki

And a long way from Black Belt, Me Phil Schoen

I was lucky enough to find a website (on the advice of Brother John, a thread he posted on Kenpo Talk) that had all this information listed. I found it very interesting to see my place in the huge Kenpo family.

I also want to again make it clear that I am in no way taking any credit for all the research that went into this list of LineageÂ’s I just though it might be useful to others.

Sorry about how that came out. When I did it all in Word it was in paragraphed form and had the names in my linage highlighted. When I clicked post it came out the way it is and takes up most of one page. Anyone know how I can repair and repost that thread?
Dude...Yes I would dare to say that it goes from...SGM Parker..Mr. Planas..Mr Chuck Epperson..Harry Lamphere to us....although we ALL (students) study Mr. Tatum's videos. Why you ask? Any man that taught under Mr. Parker for nearly twenty years knows the techs....and Mr. Huk has not finished his tech...series. :erg:then we won't have to hear "who taught you that":rofl: We can say.. Mr. Huk.. Your DVD..........
I am not sure of my Kenpo/Kenbo Lineage. I have considered myself a bastard black belt for quite some time. In the mid 1980's I was training in the D.C. Metro area with my first Sensei Nidan Randy Wozin. He introduced me to a visiting Instructor Sensei Henry Sotelo who at the time was a 5th Dan. He showed us such wonderfull techniques that were very good for street defense and he called it Kajukenbo. He told us he grew up in Hawaii and began learning from his Grandfather then at around 12 -13 he moved to Los Angeles. He also said he had trained in Ed Parkers System and had achieved his 6th dan By 1987. In 1987 he returned to the area for a short while and we trained for a couple of weekends. I told him of my disappointment over my failure in my first attempt at 1st Dan testing, at which he was a judging Black Belt. He gifted me with his black belt right off his waist and said he would keep in touch after he returned to Los Angeles so he could send me certification. I did not here from him, then I heard from an old training partner that he had died. Since then people who also knew him were upset when they learned that I possessed his Black Belt, claiming I had no right to have it. These people included Sensei Randy Wozin, Sensei Steve "Nasty" Anderson among others. I do not know who trained him, or what association certifited him. My last try at finding out lead me to find that Grandmaster Ted Sotelo was no relation to him, in fact he had never hreard of him. I still have his Black Belt in a place of Honor in my home. I feel lost in trying to find where this insightfull knowledge came from. I am not seeking rank or certification, I just want to know that my faith in him was well founded. If anyone knows about Henry Sotelo please post any info you might have. Thank you for hearing me out. Long live Kenpo. J. Linkins
Not EPAK, but still Kenpo:

SGM Parker -> SGM Sullivan -> GM Le Roux

I also pick the brain of Dr. Chapel any chance I get. :)
I have become increasingly fascinated with the lineage. I find it extremely interesting to see who was with who and the different falling out they have had. It is really important that you understand where your teacher has been to see where you are going. My instructor is not only an amazing martail artist, but he lives for the history as I do. I feel the martial arts has its roots with the intellect first then the body second.
Perhaps I'm beginning to feel the opposite. I'm becoming increasingly disillusioned with the idea of lineage. I can't shape my lineage in to a line. Sure, my instructor teaches me new things and motivates me to train, but so do all of you. Yes, my art is EPAK-based, but it was a couple of incredibly inspiring discussions with a Tracy black belt that opened my eyes at a very pivotal time.

It is interesting to learn more about why and how my instructor learned his art. It's also interesting to learn about how others learned their art...and I want to learn more about both. But, this is very difficult to do when Kenpo different lineages get warped in to a caste-like denigration.

(shaolin monestary)



james mitose

william chow

ed parker

al tracy dave hebler

milt guinette tom conner me

me bill packer

lee sprague

Not sure if anyone will recognize these names, but here's my limited lineage:

Ed Parker>>Steve Fox, Huk Planas>>Craig McCoy>>me and a bunch of other kids at UC DAvis

1993- 2006
The empty years!

Tom Porter>>me
I don't think you and I know each other, but if you have the occasion to see Steve, or McCoy, say "Hi from older Dave, not younger Dave".
Great Grandmaster Ed Parker
Grandmaster Steve Muhammad
Mr. Ted Taylor
Mr. Steve Herring
Mr. Jerry Smith
Professor Ron Chapel

What an amazing journey.

Peace and Blessings,
I can trace my lineage back to Mr. Parker

Mr. Mark Schiffman
Mr. Richard "Huk" Planas
Mr. Ed Parker
I'm in my forth year of weekly private lessons with my instructor. We just started brown 1 material and I've never gotten a certificate, belt, patch or even a test. Some will probably have issues with that but for me it's been absolutely perfect. When we get to the end of a belt he looks at me and asks if I want to move on and I always say "Lets do it one more time." and we start the belt over again. My instructor has dvd's with him going through each belt. They are $20 a dvd (belt). Once a week I go over what he showed me that week. Honestly I can't even tell you if it's Parker or Tracy. I think it's Parker. Anyway, doesn't matter. I know what I've learned and as long as it comes out when I need it then I've gotten my moneys worth.
I do know that my instructor Zac Strickland was taught by Dr. James Tindall. I do not know who his instructor was but I know he was taught by Mr. Parker. I am interested to know though.
Here's mine... circa 1982-1984:

Sr. Grandmaster Edmund K. Parker, to

Al & Jim Tracy, to

Ray Kligenberg, to

Dennis Nackord, to

Jim Klapp (Newark, DE), to

Pat Caputo (Wilmington, DE), to


The other two local schools in the area are run by a Blackbelt of either Mr. Klapp... or Mr. Caputo... so, I guess that makes all the American Kenpo here in DE Tracy System... as opposed to EPAK... does that sound correct?

Not commenting on anything... just trying to verify what my 8th Kyu is actually in...

As for the future... I have no idea where I will start my return to American Kenpo... and whether or not I will return to AKS, look into Karate USA, or go talk to the Movement Workshop folk... or look for an EPAK school elsewhere...

Your Brother in the arts,

... so, I guess that makes all the American Kenpo [schools] here in DE Tracy System... as opposed to EPAK... does that sound correct?

Not commenting on anything... just trying to verify what my 8th Kyu is actually in...

OK... I ended up answering my own question here...

I looked at the ciriculum from Mr. Caputo's school... and compared the terms to the x-reference I re-formatted for our Canadian friend... and they're Tracy terms...

Also, on Mr. Klapp's website.. it lists the history of AKS... and it states that the Concord Pike AKS school (my old training hall) was originaly a Tracy School... and then converted to an American Kenpo Studio school when the Tracy's changed their name... prior to the release of the franchisees...

Mr. Klapp then bought the school from Mr. Nackord... and he, in turn, hired Mr. Caputo to run the school... so he could open the Newark, DE location...

So, know I am now 100% sure of the lineage of my previous training in American Kenpo!

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:


OK, one down! :ultracool

Your Brother in the arts,


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