Do you know your Kenpo lineage?

Do you know your Kenpo lineage?

  • Yes, I can trace my training lineage back to the founder.

  • Well, I am vaguely aware about some of the people who taught my instructor(s).

  • No, but I would like to know.

  • Who cares? I am only interested in my training under my current instructor(s).

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Very shortly after starting Kenpo karate I began research into the origins and soon I started recognizing names my instructor had said he studied under; La Bounty and Huk most notably.
Okay let me see here hmmm

SGM Ed Parker----> James Ibaro -----> Me

SGM Ed Parker---> Al Tracy -----> Kevin Lamkin ----> Me

SGM Ed Parker ---> Larry Tatum ----> Trevor Haines -----> Me

That should cover it lol. I am studying with all those Underlined currently.

Mark E. Weiser
Ed Parker > Richard Planas/Lee Wedlake > Steve White > Len Brassard > lil' ol' me.
SGM Parker----->GM Al Tracy----->Bob Leonard----->Ronin Moose (me)


OOPS, I already replied to this. Senior moment, no doubt. Sorry.........
Ceicei said:
How many of you pay attention to your Kenpo lineage and whether that knowledge is important to you.
- Ceicei
I do/have.

Of course it's important.

Pedigree is always important to knowledge gain. In addition however, it is not only your direct lineage that is important but also those that you choose to investigate or search out that have much wisdom "outside" your specific lineage. I always enjoy probing/studying/picking their brain ... with any knowledgeable Kenpoist.

Goldendragon7 said:
I do/have.

Of course it's important.

Pedigree is always important to knowledge gain. In addition however, it is not only your direct lineage that is important but also those that you choose to investigate or search out that have much wisdom "outside" your specific lineage. I always enjoy probing/studying/picking their brain ... with any knowledgeable Kenpoist.


I couldn't agree more. You've said it all. "We have to know where we came from to know where we're going to."-Gm. S. George Pesare
1986 - Ed Parker Sr./Doreen & Tony Cogliandro/Leo R. Lacerte*/Steve Arsenault+/Me

1986 to 1990 - Ed Parker Sr./Tony Cogliandro/Leo R. Lacerte/Me

1990 to 1994 - Huk Planas/Tony Cogliandro/Leo R. Lacerte/Me

1994 to Present - Ed Parker Sr/ Lee Wedlake Jr. ^/Me

*Lacerte was the first person in Southeastern Massachusetts to contact Ed Paker Sr. and inquire about bringing Kenpo to Southeasten New England. He was also the first to teach EPAK to Steve Arsenault (Current WKKA Vice President) and Joseph P. Rebelo II (Kenpo Joe)

+ Arsenault at the time was a 2nd Degree Brown Belt

^ Wedlake also trained with Huk Planas and Frank Trejo
Fortunately yes:MY instructor:
Sensei Normand carrier

Shihan Brent J. Crisci

Hanchi Bruce Juchni

James M. Mitose

Thank you,
Doc said:
Yeah, that one is easy. Ed Parker.
Hey......ME TOO!~

Well, it is a good thing that you wrote it down for future reference..... at our age we could forget important things like this...... :boing2:

Michael Billings said:
Dual Lineage:
I am sooooo confused. All I know is I got a great foundation in the Iron Worker school vis a vis Sigung Labounty, Gary Swan, Brian Duffy ... then entered the Watchmaker phase. But boy it took a long time for me to transition, and there is still something to be said for focusing on the Ironworker school of "punch their heart out", I just don't remember if applied to the opponent, or the number of reps we had to do...

I don't know if I've entered the watchmaker phase yet, but I know how you feel, Sir. :wink:
My teacher is Vinnny Anfuso, his teacher is Mr. Pick, and of course Mr. Picks teacher was Mr. Parker.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away: Ed Parker, Steve Fox, me (with help from temple brothers, life's expriences, and a Shotokan group I snuck off to, to get the crap kicked out of me via sparring, sparring, sparring).
I trained under Kevin Day and Steve Burnett. Steve was one of Kevin's students but i have no idea who Kevins teacher was.
Hello, Do you know your Kempo lineage? We are a fairly new system and there are documented history of our Professor and his schools and his history of his instrutors as well. Our Professor came from the kajukenpo system before leaving and starting his own, known today as Universal Kempo-Karate Schools Association. All the people testing for their Black belts has to do it in front of the Professor and his chief instrutors, pasting is an Honor. Our first black belt is call "Student black belt" than one year later or more,you can test for the First Degree black belt.
Hello Mr. Lear. "Philosophical nuggets of Joy"??? What do think we do? run through the fields quoting some dead poet? Naw, we kick the YANG out of 'em too, that's what we do. If you can't put your fist through their tissue, be in theory, in reality, spiritually, if you haven't done that core work on yourself, if you haven't gone to force on force, if you haven't seen their eyes bug out from fear and pain...well you get the idea....not much else will work for you then.
I perceive you to be one of those 'Iron Worker' students given the men you've trained with, I'm right aren't I???
Here's hoping you and yours have a wonderful holiday season, and I truly mean that..
S. "I hate this media and Dennis Conatser for signing me up on it" LaBounty