A week or so ago, I started a thread in the FMA section, talking about violence in the FMAs. That thread was sparked by another thread in the Arnis section. My thread was about the way those arts look, as far as violence goes. Many of the Filipino arts, contain alot of blade work, so its only natural that to some, the use of the blade, either for offensive or defensive purpose, may look bad. In that thread, a member made this post:
This post sparked me to start this thread, as I think there were some valid points made. And for the record, I'm not using this post to bash the member or what he said, but simply as a spring board for this new thread.
This member is correct. There is alot of violence with the use of the knife, from an untrained person. People are stabbed all the time, on the street as well as in prisons. So no, it doesnt always take a trained person to inflict damage. My counter to this was that in addition to the knife being used by untrained people, those same people, for years, have also fought empty handed. Not every fight out there is going to involve a weapon. Some people just opt to beat the snot out of someone, bare handed.
So, if these things are supposedly true, then this brings us to the title of this thread....why do we need to train? I commented in that other thread, that training, simply makes us, as well as our skills, better and more refined, than they would be, were we to have no training at all. Yes, anyone can just swing away, and we see that in many of the youtube clips out there...people just swinging away. However, IMHO, training gives us the tools to target specific areas better. It helps us refine our offensive as well as defensive skills. These are just a few of the things, but at this time, I'll open the discussion up for others to give their thoughts.
As to not teaching bladed aspects of the art to beginning students here are some thoughts. If you look at crime across the country there are people killing other people with knives, and in some cases samurai swords already. In one story a guy was stabbed with a meat thermometer. The people who are going to kill other people with knives are doing it already and they don't seem to need any training to do it. In the area where I train, one young teenager killed his brother with a knife over a pair of tennis shoes. He just stabbed him in the chest. No time spent in training, no special skills. My instructor is also hesitant to teach knife skills to people who first come in to class. I understand this idea, but as I pointed out, the nuts and criminals are already killing people with knives, and the street gangs, who rack up a large body count every year, aren't teaching knife fighting skills to their members. They hand the 14 year old a pistol and tell him who to kill. Sometimes they actually hit the other criminal and not a civillian who happens to be in the area.
People who are going to kill other people are not going to martial arts schools and spending years of time training to advanced levels. There are some exceptions but that is generally not the trend. For some reason, killing someone with a knife seems to be something even an amatuer can do quite easily. My point, I guess would be teach the more violent aspects of the FMA when you are comfortable, but I wouldn't base that decision on the idea that you are giving someone a skill set that makes them more dangerous than they already are just walking into your school.
This post sparked me to start this thread, as I think there were some valid points made. And for the record, I'm not using this post to bash the member or what he said, but simply as a spring board for this new thread.

This member is correct. There is alot of violence with the use of the knife, from an untrained person. People are stabbed all the time, on the street as well as in prisons. So no, it doesnt always take a trained person to inflict damage. My counter to this was that in addition to the knife being used by untrained people, those same people, for years, have also fought empty handed. Not every fight out there is going to involve a weapon. Some people just opt to beat the snot out of someone, bare handed.
So, if these things are supposedly true, then this brings us to the title of this thread....why do we need to train? I commented in that other thread, that training, simply makes us, as well as our skills, better and more refined, than they would be, were we to have no training at all. Yes, anyone can just swing away, and we see that in many of the youtube clips out there...people just swinging away. However, IMHO, training gives us the tools to target specific areas better. It helps us refine our offensive as well as defensive skills. These are just a few of the things, but at this time, I'll open the discussion up for others to give their thoughts.