do martial arts books sell on ebay


3rd Black Belt
do martial arts book sell on ebay in like lot form? jw cause i have about 25 books all about ma must still like brand new jw if they do go what they run?

I don't know about E-Bay, but I've bought several from Z-Shops and Auctions. Both are open, IIRC, to private vendors. Some folks like myself won't touch E-Bay with a ten foot pole but will not hesitate to purchase from Auctions. The one time an vendor stiffed me may good on the price.
I don't know about E-Bay, but I've bought several from Z-Shops and Auctions. Both are open, IIRC, to private vendors. Some folks like myself won't touch E-Bay with a ten foot pole but will not hesitate to purchase from Auctions. The one time an vendor stiffed me may good on the price.

Wow. That's a heck of a good story. That's great to hear that Amazon stands behind their system like that.
Everything pretaning to MA will sell on e-Bay...Me, I never had a problem dealing with them...
do martial arts book sell on ebay in like lot form? jw cause i have about 25 books all about ma must still like brand new jw if they do go what they run?


Do you have a copy of 'Secrets of Chinese Kenpo' by Ed Parker? Sometimes referred to as the 'Socks book'?


You can sell in lot form with both ebay and amazon. Just be clear with what exactly you are selling as a group.

What books do you have that you wish to sell? Just wondering....

- Ceicei
In general, books are hard to sell on eBay due to the high number of books on eBay. Go to ebay and see if the book you own is for sale. If it is for sale, bookmark it and see how much it sells for.

Also, eBay owns That is only for books, movies, and video games. It is set up like amazon, where you pay Half, and not the individual seller. The seller then mails it to you. It may be a better way for you there.

I am a addict myself. I buy ALL of my music and books that way.

I've just bought about 6 books on e-bay, 2 alone, 4 that were packaged together. The seller got a real good price, I got a big bargain. If you're trying to sell MA books on e-bay, they'll sell. Especially if they are even close to being rare.
Including your rank of choice in your system of choice : )

You missed the guy that was selling the Ultimate System...His claim was that his system could make you "An elite level back belt in the privacy of your own home in one week.. Such a deal...
these are all the books i am selling cause i have double of or just got never read or read and still like brand new i have a pankration book also that i could not find a pic for all so what u think i could make for them on ebay

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