Martial Arts Supply on EBAY


3rd Black Belt
the other day i was looking on ebay cause I was board and found this on there
they look cool but are the good or crapy?

See I had many orders with Ebay and about 90% of the time the stuff i get is junk. Like i thought i was getting the real panther video and instead i got a bootleg sai video witch was hard to see. But jw who buy martial arts supplys on ebay and have u ever had any problem? Likr the Highlander sword I am weighting on that I ordered over year and half ago.

ps what u think about the knucks.
Those "brass" knuckles are plastic and would most likely cut your hand a lot worse than they would damage who ever you hit with them. As for waiting six months on that blade.... sounds to me like you've been ripped off. Might be time to contact whoever you bought it from and ask where it's hiding. "Highlander" may have been immortal but you're not. Tell them you don't have forever to wait on it.
If I'm not correct Sorry but I belive the Knucks are consideed a felany offence in most places.
they looked cheap and usless anyway
I use ebay a lot. When I win bids, I've always received very good stuff including electronics and martial arts equipment. But...there is A LOT of junk out there on ebay--you have to sort through to find which are good or junk.

The key is to always ask the seller questions before you bid and check feedback scores.

When in doubt, ask or look elsewhere. For that specific item, the seller should be able to answer your questions whether the product is solid metal, plastic with metal plating, or just plastic with metallic paint.

Another thing to keep in mind: State laws vary when it comes to purchasing different types of weapons online. Know your laws before you get into trouble.

Ebay usually does screen well for illegal stuff to keep them off their auctions, but some do slip through anyway. Ebay is huge and cannot always monitor everything.

- Ceicei
If someone E-bay stiffs you, use their fraud reporting process. The one time I used it, I got my material within a couple of days.
I bought something on Ebay once. I am wary of it.

My father-in-law sold a lot of stuff through it and my brother really likes it though.