martial art book you like most

Heh -- I'm a big fan of anything written by Yang, Jwing-Ming. Also, there's this one random TKD book that is frickkin' huge, forget what it is called -- but has most all the forms/techniques in it from ITF, WTF, and other systems. It rocks -- if you like TKD.
My fav book is called

Moving Zen

Author: C.W. Nicol (sp?)

It is the story of a western man's experiances in or arround the 1960's (or their abouts) training in Japan.

I found it a good read.

Kind regards.

Any of volumes of Bruce Lee's notes are quite good.He had quite a fascinating mind and some brilliant ideas.I also find The Book Of Five Rings to be quite useful.
vatis said:
My fav book is called

Moving Zen

Author: C.W. Nicol (sp?)

It is the story of a western man's experiances in or arround the 1960's (or their abouts) training in Japan.

I found it a good read.

Kind regards.


C.W. Nicol is a friend of a friend of mine.
Nicol is a funny guy and writes some really funny and perverted books about his life in Japan. He is also on several TV adverts selling ham and well as being one of the leading people in a nature conservation group. He gets around.
My favorite martial arts book probably changes weekly. Right now I would say that I am getting a lot out of Winning Wrestling Moves by Mark Mysnyk, Barry Davis, and Brooks Simpson.
The martial art book which impresses me the most has to be Best Judo by Isao Inokuma.

I haven't seen too many other books that surpass Inokuma for sheer intensity of the demonstration.
Living the Martial Way is a good book indeed, and this is from someone who generally thinks martial arts books suck.

Tae Kwon Do: The Korean Martial Art by Richard Chun. One of the best books about traditional Tae Kwon Do ever written. Anyone who thinks Tae Kwon Do is just about tournament sparring should read this. Being older (mid 70's), it contains the Palgue forms.

But if you want tournament sparring, Tae Kwon Do Kyorugi by Sang Kim and Kuk Hyun Chung is pretty much the best book I've seen about Olympic-style TKD sparring. Covers about everything you need to know (techniques, drills, diet, stretching etc.).
Although technically not a pure 'martial arts' book, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman is an excellent read, and contains a lot of the precepts that a matial artist uses in their training.
Hagakure by Tsunemoto.

I love it. I've read it numerous times. Plus i'm into the writings by Ed Parker.
I have a lot of Ed parker's books as well. He quantifies a lot of interesting concepts. Another good one is 'The Way of the Empty Hand'; I do not know the author. It is an American's story in the dojos of Okinawa. A very good read, even if you don't train karate.
I'd have to say the Infinite Insight series by SGM Ed Parker and The Journey by Gilderoy Publications.

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