"Distort my wish" game.

Loki said:
I wish for a dollar.
Granted you now have one dollar to your name

Loki said:
I wish for Legend of Zelda to be released on time (and not in 2006), for it to be the best game ever, and to have a working copy to play on my working Gamecube with no blackouts in the forseeable future (gotta cover my a** when Zelda is involved).
Granted, but it is released at a price of two dollars

I still wish for cheese
ed-swckf said:
That hurts.
Those rusty nails I put in your wished for cheese should hurt even more! Muahahaha!

I wish for arnisador.
Loki said:
Those rusty nails I put in your wished for cheese should hurt even more! Muahahaha!

I wish for arnisador.
Damn! I was out speed-posted (or whatever).

You wish for arnisador, but arnisador doesn't like what you wished for and you get banned from the forum...

I still wish for good cheese.
Theban_Legion said:
Damn! I was out speed-posted (or whatever).

You wish for arnisador, but arnisador doesn't like what you wished for and you get banned from the forum...

I still wish for good cheese.
arnisador doesn't like arnisador?
You get good cheese, but its in a giant mousetrap, and it catches your leg and you have to gnaw it off to escape.

I wish I knew what was wrong with you people.

Technopunk said:
You get good cheese, but its in a giant mousetrap, and it catches your leg and you have to gnaw it off to escape.
...ouch :barf:

I wish I knew what was wrong with you people.

You are gifted with the sudden knowledge that we are the only ones in the world who are truely sane...and it drives you deeper into your own circus of madness:partyon: .

I wish I were an astronaut.
Theban_Legion said:
I wish I were an astronaut.
You become an astronaut and gallently wander out of the shuttle only to accidentally have turned one too many somersaults and twisted your tether right off, leaving you in cold, vacuous space to die a lonely, slow, wandering death.

I wish the construction in my area would end.
shesulsa said:
You become an astronaut and gallently wander out of the shuttle only to accidentally have turned one too many somersaults and twisted your tether right off, leaving you in cold, vacuous space to die a lonely, slow, wandering death.
:eek: Good god, that's ghastly... :eek:
... well, it's probably not scientifically accurate as to what would really happen to you, but ...
Arni doesn't even work here anymore! Puh-lease!
Thanks for the negative rep hit. I don't even know who you were talking about.
shesulsa said:
I wish the construction in my area would end.
All construction ends in your area...permanently. The people that make orange barrels go out of business, leading to a worldwide depression, roads and bridges collapse in your area, the price of tires goes up 5000% there because the potholes in every road everywhere keep destroying them and hurricanes and tornadoes and lightning permanently destroy houses and buildings and the whole area becomes a wasteland with half-finished buildings and exposed wiring all over town and nobody can fix anything because all construction has been stopped.
I wish my women's studies teacher wasnt a biased idiot who's sole purpose in life is to propogate ignorancy in women
Your wish is granted and you teacher propagates ingorancy in all people instead.

I wish I knew what to wish for...