"Distort my wish" game.

Hand Sword said:
I wish I was still in high school.

Granted. But you're the 90 lb. geek (complete to coke-bottle glasses and pocket-protector) who gets beat up every day for his lunch money...by the girls. :D

edit: forgot to add my wish...

I wish I could bench-press 300 lbs. (I dunno, it's the first thing that popped into my head)
Granted! However, after you get up the first rep, you can't hold it, and it collapses down on you.

I wish I could get a good night's sleep
Hand Sword said:
I wish I could get a good night's sleep
Granted! unfortunately, it's because you're in solitary confinement in a max-security prison and there's nothing to do but sleep.

I wish I didn't have to work to make money
kenpotex said:
Granted! unfortunately, it's because you're in solitary confinement in a max-security prison and there's nothing to do but sleep.

I wish I didn't have to work to make money

No Problem the false charges are brought against you and you are sent away for life in a max security prison.

I wish someone would nominate this thread for funniest thread. ;) :D
Rich Parsons said:
I wish someone would nominate this thread for funniest thread. ;) :D

This wish has truly been granted ... Some thread having to do with or nominated by Rich Parsons wins and you withdraw into such embarassment the art of Balintawak suffers and the entire world loses the wondrous experience of your instruction in the rarer of the art forms and lose the opportunity to bask in your special presence. (wow, can I pile it on or what?)

I wish just one more member would invest in a supporting membership for MartialTalk!
shesulsa said:
This wish has truly been granted ... Some thread having to do with or nominated by Rich Parsons wins and you withdraw into such embarassment the art of Balintawak suffers and the entire world loses the wondrous experience of your instruction in the rarer of the art forms and lose the opportunity to bask in your special presence. (wow, can I pile it on or what?)

I wish just one more member would invest in a supporting membership for MartialTalk!
It Happens, you realize you have wish granting psychic abilities and get solicited to do your own radio show you of course decline because, how would you ever find the time for Martial Talk?

I wished I had internet service
granted... you indeed wished you had internet service... but that was before you had a genie to grant your wish. So nothing happens.

I wish I was 18 years old - no older.
Bamm! you get Jury Duty. Its the new "Trial of the century" and you don't see your family and friends again until your twenty one. However once you meet your family they dis-own you because you were unaware of all the damning evidence and thrown out confessions. They do give you one thing.... your draft notice. This little piece of paper lands you in Greenland watching blips on a screen and brushing snow -- lots of snow-- off of a dinky little satallite dish you actualy named for lack of friends. The local Inuitte tribe involves you in a blood feud, you Marry the winner.

I wish gas were cheaper
Kazaam! Gas prices drop below a dollar a gallon, but as you fuel your car, a runaway Mack truck skids into the gas station. The truck rams into one of the gas pumps, which results in a HUGE explosion seen miles around. Fortunately, no one gets hurt, but your car is reduced to a crisp. You have no choice but to dig up your rickety old ten-speed bike, which means you no longer have to worry about the gas prices. ;)

I wish that my mortgage and students loans can get paid off...NOW!
Granted! A certain individual pays off your debts, but, now you owe him, with extra interest which is due. One of his "associates" will be bye to collect.

I wish my job would give me a pay raise.
Granted unfortunatly the pay raise comes with certain obligations. You know small ones like you work 168 hour weeks. Oh and you can't quit.On the other hand they have given you the "advantage" of imortality.I wish my ipod hadn't run out of power.
POOF! Your Ipod has a new battery that runs forever. Unfortunately, it's also impossible for you to shut it off or turn down the volume. To make matters worse, your Ipod now only plays the greatest hits from every single "boy band" in existence: Menudo, New Kids on the Block, Hansen, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, Nsync, etc.

I wish I could go back on vacation (though I just came from one - lol).
Wish granted! Unfortunately you never come back, you lose your job because work had to eventually find someone to do your job, you ran out of vacation pay and are now living on the streets of hwerever your last vacation was located. You can't even gather enough money to go back home on, and you have a new friend named "Bubba", who keeps looking at you so weird, you get permanent chills.

I wish that the world was perfect!
Blammo - your wish is granted. The world is perfect, and thus the people within it are perfect as well, at all their pursuits. Ennui and boredom set in with people who previously had striven for perfection, thus ruining the perfection of the world.

I wish that I had managed to plant my vegetable garden last weekend.
Done! Your veggie seeds, sprouts, and cuttings are in and growing. However, you decided to add just *one* more, and in the digging in that one section, you break through the industrial sewer line and flood your backyard and basement with the neighborhood's collected muck.

I wish I had my long hair back.
Granted and then some. It's everywhere. You are covered in long hair. You can't trim it as it will come back intantly.
Mcura said:
I wish I had my long hair back.

You receive your hair in the mail from the hairstylist the cut it. (never said you wanted it back in your head)

I wish to be 20 years younger.
Zoran said:
You receive your hair in the mail from the hairstylist the cut it. (never said you wanted it back in your head)

I wish to be 20 years younger.

You are 21, and the draft has been re-enacted. You have the pleasure of serving your country, and spend a full tour in the Middle East... which could be good or bad; it all depends on how you take it.

I wish my dog was better trained.
your best friend has perfectly trained your dog - in klingon. Your dog will only take commands which are given in klingon, and you just can't replicate those sounds.

I wish groceries were less expensive.
Groceries are less expensive. But you now have to work on a local collective farm to produce them.

I wish I was always 50% better than anyone else at anything I ever did.

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