"Distort my wish" game.

SAVAGE said:
let me continue.....I wish that every thing evil ceased to exist!

without no evil there could be no good,everyone gets confused as to what is right and wrong and the world is plunged into chaos,george bush becomes pope,tony blair joins the rolling stones on a comback album all while Jesus starts to think of where to dump people as heaven gets over crowded....

I wish kenpotess was my girlfriend!(")
Odin said:
I wish kenpotess was my girlfriend!(")
Wish granted. However, as Seig doesn't take kindly to competition, you are soon buried in an unmarked grave.

I wish "they were too stupid to live" was a viable murder defense.
Kreth said:
Wish granted. However, as Seig doesn't take kindly to competition, you are soon buried in an unmarked grave.

I wish "they were too stupid to live" was a viable murder defense.

Wish granted......but now anarchy rules, since everyone uses that excuse for there murderious deeds, people are going out and killing people they think are stupid. So the government creates battle robots to try and keep the peace, but gain a.i. and become self aware, thus they enlave mankind with the matrix......or have they already?:uhyeah:

I wish I had a cell phone signal where I live.
Cellular service is delivered to your home, but, your cell number finds its way onto phone lists and text message lists. You are bombarded by calls from salespeople. Random service/sales texts arrive. Your battery is constantly dead, and you're never able to take the cell out of the house, as it's always charging. You recieve your monthly bill. You need to refinance your home to pay it.

I wish that I could read people's minds.
Flatlander said:
I wish that I could read people's minds.
Wish granted. After reading the minds of several AOL members, you're so depressed that you commit suicide, with a rusty spoon.

I wish Peter Jackson would direct my biography.
Kreth said:
Wish granted. After reading the minds of several AOL members, you're so depressed that you commit suicide, with a rusty spoon.

I wish Peter Jackson would direct my biography.
Peter Jackson takes on the project, but in a desire to get out of his contract with his studio, he 'rewrites' your biography as a musical, and casts Clay Aiken in the title role.

I wish I could remember where I left my car keys.
sgtmac_46 said:
Peter Jackson takes on the project, but in a desire to get out of his contract with his studio, he 'rewrites' your biography as a musical, and casts Clay Aiken in the title role.

I wish I could remember where I left my car keys.

you find them but they are up micheal jacksons rear end...but your late for work and so have no choice......

I wish I really was odin,viking king of gods!
Odin said:
you find them but they are up micheal jacksons rear end...but your late for work and so have no choice......

I wish I really was odin,viking king of gods!
You turn in to Odin and realize, too late, it's Ragnarok.....just as Fenrir swallows you.

I wish I was making the perfect wish, one that would bring me eternal happiness and contentment.
You wish for the perfect wish, one that wpuld bring eternal happiness and contentment. Unfortunatly for us all the easiest way to do this is for eternity to end .00001 seconds later.
someguy said:
I wish that I didn't have to take pointless classes.

Wish granted.....but without those pointless classes, you now are given new classes that give you oodles of homework; with these new classes, you can no longer sleep at night or you will fail. Without those other classes, you cannot sleep at night or class, so you are given the choice of failure or death.......cheers!

I want a pet duck.
Say it with me now psycho duck...
Couldn't you see that coming. IT's like a killer bunny rabit but worse. And you don't have a hloy handgrenade around now do you.

I wish some one will resopnd to this soon. Bwahahahaha...
someguy said:
I wish some one will resopnd to this soon. Bwahahahaha...

Granted.............want some coffee?

I wish for more clerks cartoons.
TheBattousai said:
I wish for more clerks cartoons.

Granted...there are clerks all over the world drawing cartoons, and some weren't really all that funny. They submit them all to you for your review and your mail (both snail-mail and electronic) fill up to over capacity.

I wish I could find a model car kit of the 2002 Ford Mustang GT (really... there doesn't seem to be any of that specific model manufactured any where so far.) :wah:

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:
I wish I could find a model car kit of the 2002 Ford Mustang GT (really... there doesn't seem to be any of that specific model manufactured any where so far.) :wah:

- Ceicei
Granted but it comes with everything but the body
I wish I was God
Granted.. but to late you realize the powers that be were dyslexic and you wake up as a drooling DOG....

I wish I didn't have a cold..
granted but now instead of a cold you catch the flu, I wish that I was perfect in every sense of the word