Discussion On My Dojo List

Tgace said:
Thank You. In general, I find you guys much more accepting of this kind of stuff than I have seen in other arts. Wish there was a school for the Bujinkan Arts nearby. The days of being able to road trip 3-4 hrs for weekly classes are unfortunately gone. :(
Alot of this comes down to the instructor you trained with. Although the concepts are in the taihenjutsu - they are sporadically explored as such (is that PC-enough?). In this realm - YMMV...

Anywho -

Tgace said:
Wish there was a school for the Bujinkan Arts nearby. The days of being able to road trip 3-4 hrs for weekly classes are unfortunately gone. :(

Doesn't look like there's a Booj school anywhere near you, but there's an alternative I'd strongly urge you to consider. You're only about 108 miles by land from Toronto, and a lot less if there's a ferry across Lake Ontario from St. Catharines.

Try Russian Systema at Vladimir Vasiliev's school in Toronto.
I just had an experience of that, exactly an hour ago -- had the initiative from the get-go and never gave it back. The doorway to the place where I'm working is set back about 8 feet from the sidewalk, creating a nice short out-of-view corridor for the "street folks" to do drug deals, relieve themselves, light up their crack pipes, etc.; and part of my job is to head them off or stop them.

So I look up from where I'm sitting at the client services desk and, in the convex mirror set up by the door, I see a male/female couple tightly wrapped up with each other stagger in off the sidewalk, bounce off the walls a couple of times, then she's down on the concrete with him leaning over her, just the other side of the door's glass.

They were not being friendly. I couldn't really make out what she was trying to say, because he had a hand on her throat and was choking her, while he himself was yelling something along the line of, "Gimme mah f*&#ing money, *****!!!"

They never see me until I'm ready for them to. :) I just suddenly and loudly smashed the door open, followed up by yelling at him to get the hell out of the doorway while "getting big on him". "Shock and awe" with continuing pressure. . .They were gone, FAST.

Sure, I could have grabbed the guy, done a citizen's arrest for assault and battery of the woman, cuffed him and called the police and waited until they got there, thereby creating a protracted and unpleasant situation for the clients and staff here. But in keeping with good taijutsu principles, I'm a believer that "less is more" -- less effort and fuss are good things. :uhyeah:
Dale Seago said:
I just had an experience of that, exactly an hour ago -- had the initiative from the get-go and never gave it back.
Oddly enough - I was considering segueing into a discussion about the four inititives last night(Sen, Go Sen, Sen no Sen, and Sen Sen no Sen)... but decided that it is another difficult topic to write about.

I wonder if you can dicuss inititives without discussion of OODA... or are they too entwined to try to split apart...

I dont know if you can "split" the topics as OODA is part of any interaction (in theory). You dont necessarily "have" to discuss the two IMO. I would be interesting to see the relationship however.

Like my comment about about historic Ninja operations. They used what we now call OODA, they just didnt classify it as such. You dont really "have to" discuss the OODA principles to learn. It is useful as an analytic too though IMHO.
Dale Seago said:
I just had an experience of that, exactly an hour ago -- had the initiative from the get-go and never gave it back. The doorway to the place where I'm working is set back about 8 feet from the sidewalk, creating a nice short out-of-view corridor for the "street folks" to do drug deals, relieve themselves, light up their crack pipes, etc.; and part of my job is to head them off or stop them.

So I look up from where I'm sitting at the client services desk and, in the convex mirror set up by the door, I see a male/female couple tightly wrapped up with each other stagger in off the sidewalk, bounce off the walls a couple of times, then she's down on the concrete with him leaning over her, just the other side of the door's glass.

They were not being friendly. I couldn't really make out what she was trying to say, because he had a hand on her throat and was choking her, while he himself was yelling something along the line of, "Gimme mah f*&#ing money, *****!!!"

They never see me until I'm ready for them to. :) I just suddenly and loudly smashed the door open, followed up by yelling at him to get the hell out of the doorway while "getting big on him". "Shock and awe" with continuing pressure. . .They were gone, FAST.

Sure, I could have grabbed the guy, done a citizen's arrest for assault and battery of the woman, cuffed him and called the police and waited until they got there, thereby creating a protracted and unpleasant situation for the clients and staff here. But in keeping with good taijutsu principles, I'm a believer that "less is more" -- less effort and fuss are good things. :uhyeah:
Dove out of the sun right down on that bogie didnt ya? Guy probably couldnt decide to **** or go blind. :)
DWeidman said:
Oddly enough - I was considering segueing into a discussion about the four inititives last night(Sen, Go Sen, Sen no Sen, and Sen Sen no Sen)... but decided that it is another difficult topic to write about.

I wonder if you can dicuss inititives without discussion of OODA... or are they too entwined to try to split apart...

When you initially discussed them with me, you never brought up OODA, but if you put them in the context of OODA, you might discover some really cool features that you hadn't realized was in them.

As you well know, I think the neatest stuff comes popping out when you start mixing several patterns and trying to figure out if they have any intersection or not.



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