My thoughts on Aggression and Momentum.

You are right, sometimes you don't have space to "spin out". That's not what I meant by giving them space to fall into. You can do it by simply shifting your body, turning your shoulders or hips, or stepping. It doesn't have to be abig spinning movement.

Out of curiousity, Zee and Ronin, how long have each of you been training? I'm not asking to talk down to you based on rank or any silly thing like that. In my experience, we sometimes make definitive statements when we don't know any better due to a little knowledge. :)

I have been guilty of it. I'm sure Jeff and others would admit to it also. HAve a great day.
Well martial arts in general, I've been studying since I was 7, I'm now 30, Bujinkan 3 years, but as of now I am not actively studying. What I am saying here is not for people in the "kan's", it's for all arts, to many times I see people being instructed to absorb and deflect, or make a slight movement as the attacker is to just "graze" off you, but my fear is when this happens for real and that guy throws his whole heart and soul at you, you'll be overtaken then blame the art or the instructor, as if they're supposed to tell us some "secret" on how to make it work. It's just the law of Physics, you being 180lbs, wont be able to absorb 540lbs. Even if light contact is made, we will still be thrown off.
You are right, sometimes you don't have space to "spin out". That's not what I meant by giving them space to fall into. You can do it by simply shifting your body, turning your shoulders or hips, or stepping. It doesn't have to be abig spinning movement.

Out of curiousity, Zee and Ronin, how long have each of you been training? I'm not asking to talk down to you based on rank or any silly thing like that. In my experience, we sometimes make definitive statements when we don't know any better due to a little knowledge. :)

I have been guilty of it. I'm sure Jeff and others would admit to it also. HAve a great day.

I've been a member of the current dojo since 1995.
You are right, sometimes you don't have space to "spin out". That's not what I meant by giving them space to fall into. You can do it by simply shifting your body, turning your shoulders or hips, or stepping. It doesn't have to be abig spinning movement.

Out of curiousity, Zee and Ronin, how long have each of you been training? I'm not asking to talk down to you based on rank or any silly thing like that. In my experience, we sometimes make definitive statements when we don't know any better due to a little knowledge. :)

I have been guilty of it. I'm sure Jeff and others would admit to it also. HAve a great day.

I've been a member of the current dojo since 1995. Prior training was Judo, and then TKD both for about a year, and dabble in arnis and serak, that has been off an on fopr a several years.
I have been guilty of it. I'm sure Jeff and others would admit to it also. HAve a great day.

Not me, I am a Ninpo God, all shall Ph33R my mad skillz. Everyone should bow before my... No Jeff... dont post thos pics of you kicking my ***... I'll be good, I swear.
Well martial arts in general, I've been studying since I was 7, I'm now 30, Bujinkan 3 years, but as of now I am not actively studying. What I am saying here is not for people in the "kan's", it's for all arts, to many times I see people being instructed to absorb and deflect, or make a slight movement as the attacker is to just "graze" off you, but my fear is when this happens for real and that guy throws his whole heart and soul at you, you'll be overtaken then blame the art or the instructor, as if they're supposed to tell us some "secret" on how to make it work. It's just the law of Physics, you being 180lbs, wont be able to absorb 540lbs. Even if light contact is made, we will still be thrown off.

I dunno, my training in the Bujinkan (off and on since '93) has always entailed modifying or even replacing techniques based on differences in body type, shape, energy level, or timing. Shoot, if a 540 pound guy is punching to take my head off, I wouldn't waste that much beautiful momentum with a slight misdirection even if I could. There are so many more entertaining things to do with him/her.

I understand what you're saying, but in that video it kind of proves my statements, the punch was given but with no Force Momentum. Add that and everything changes, if I saw someone catch a punch like that I'd soil myself :fart:

This example clearly shows the technique being taught, not applied to the dynamics of a real fight.

By utilizing upper level martial arts skills like sen sen no sen, one begins to feel where he can fit into his attacker's strikes in order to "catch" the punsh. If practiced enough this becomes quite easy to do in free response situations, but only if you act at the right time and remember to hit as you move to set up for your own technique.

Also if you watch videos of hatsumi, you can see him draw his attacker in to him with aiki like motions which if applied in a real fight lead to what I described above.
I understand what you're saying, but in that video it kind of proves my statements, the punch was given but with no Force Momentum. Add that and everything changes, if I saw someone catch a punch like that I'd soil myself :fart:

Indeed, there is an inside and outside version of "basic block", an dthere is in my dojo, a grazing off version as well as the smack the offending fist version, and other henka. Methinks we are discussing either xkan variations or degrees of technique subtlety

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