Matters of life and death should not be met with the mindset of competition.
Competitors can not enter the ring with killing intent .
The mind and intent determine the outcome,
(what is the intent of your MMA training )
in matters of life and death a competition mindset is inadequate
in competition a life and death mindset is murder.
In a violent confrontation, your opponent does not wish to
fight you, they want to see you suffer and die, they
have no such wishes for their selves.
In sport confrontation, your opponent wishes to
match skills and strength against you and prove
himself more skilled or stronger
If these two mind sets meet they are not reconcilable,
the adage is
"use karate , dig two graves".
Violence begets Violence , use it today , and you will
use it tomorrow, it will soon speak for you in a voice
louder then the voice of your heart.
this is not true of sport,
I can decide to fight or to not fight , I can fight
when I am ready , and not at the convenience of
others , I can choose to never fight again ,
I can retire to peace, I can even befriend those
I have contested with, I can shake their hand
and hug them, regardless if I won or lost.
If you use violence against someone you have made
a enemy for life, you must watch your back forever,
you can not choose when you will meet again,
nor the circumstances under which you will meet,
if you defeated them the first time , they will come
back with help or armed, or by surprise , they will
hunt you down and try to make you suffer, they will
try to extract retribution regardless of apologies or
gestures of good will , they will see you dead if they can,
they may also attack your family , your friends
your business , your property.
Using violence starts a chain reaction the leads to more
violence and death, it is why FIGHTING should be avoided
at ALMOST any cost, short of preservation of life or
protecting the innocent . Using violence we sacrifice
a part of our selves, and our life will never be the same.
for those who use violence , NOTHING GOOD comes from it,
it is a sacrifice of our self that can be made for others.
(This is the intent of TMA , to prepare us to make this
sacrifice and live with the consequnces).
In sport this is not true, people compete with honor,
they abide by rules, and when it is over, unless you agree
to enter the ring again , it is over, they are not going to hunt
you down not going to hurt your family or friends etc.
You can make money, become famous , and make a living
sport fighting.
If the sport fighter meets violent offender, they may win
the first encountered, but there will be future repercussion
for which they may not be prepared, and the violence will
It is a-moral to engage in violence for money or profit,
it is however honorable to make a living sport fighting.
these two things are total opposites.
TMA train to NOT fight, Not fighting could including killing your opponent
unexpectedly, and suffering the consequnces for life.
MMA , train to meet and fight with a opponent, to defeat him and move on.
Nice thought , but , not reality.