I love that my TKD, the original TKD is so like Shotokan
that Olympic style crap they (the koreans)have turned it into is a disgrace to martial arts.
Here's my take on it, TF. If someone wants to do the version of TKD that is guided by a strategy designed for Olympic-style point-scoring, that's 100% fine with me. It's not something I want to do myself, but I won't say boo about someone else doing it. To each their own.
But by the same token, I won't accept self-satisfied put-downs of the kind one sometimes sees, even here on MT

—that what is in fact a very traditional style of TKD, reflecting both the Shotokan training of its founders and the harsh military role it was called upon to play in the defense of the ROK, should be dissed because it's 'too Japanese'. When citizens of the US start echoing a party line which makes perfect sense for a certain kind of Korean nationalism, but no sense at all for members of an open western society where we
don't equate truth with the party line.... it's time for a few mocking raspberries and horse-laughs. The fact of the matter is that
whatever style of TKD you do, even the most WTFish, you should be offended at the outright falsehoods and historical distortions that the KKW/WTF puts out about the history of TKD. Orwell called it
Newthink in
1984—mass-produced lies about the past that give carte blanche to the leadership of a docile-sheep society to do precisely what they want. The OP of this thread was, if I read it right, a cry of pain at the way this policy of historical distortion has attempted to erase incontrovertible, deeply documented facts about the origins of our art, for purposes of a foreign national bureaucracy whose interests have nothing to do with our own. Whether or not you love WTF-style TKD, surely it's clear that well-funded, high profile campaign of lying and distortion in an effort to promote a partisan agenda is a corrupting practice that does nothing but ratify the power of those in power?
The truth of TKD's history is fine and distinguished. But the most important thing about is that it is the
truth. Ye shall know the truth
and the truth shall make you free—haven't we heard that before, somewhere? No matter what your beliefs are, surely we hold in the end that we'd rather know the truth, whatever it is, than be sold a bill of goods by sharpies who'd play us like puppets if we let them?