dianhsuhe: (Way cool screen name!)
Thanks a whole bunch for explaining what Dian-Hsuhe means and also explaining what Kara-Ho means. I can imagine the vital striking points that you might hit or strikeÂ… You mentioned that Kara-Ho and Chow/Chun System are pretty different reflecting Professor ChowÂ’s innovation over the years. (It sounds like what youÂ’re saying is that Professor ChowÂ’s kempo evolved into something different from that which he initially createdÂ…makes a lot of sense...Bruce Lee's JKD evolved over time as did Parker's Kenpo) Are you able to elaborate on what makes the difference? (This is interesting...)
I'mmmmmm Bacccck! Sorry for all the things I have been missing, but things have gotten out of control here with work and you can all read about it on our website under "Thunderflash".
First of all let us not be mistaken...Bill Chun Sr. was a 5th dan under Professor Chow and was an upstanding student/instructor in Professor Chow's system and had he stayed in contact would have probably been the leader of his system today, however in the last 10-15 years of Professor Chow's life MR. Chun Sr. had some personal issues in California along with some health issues and therefore had not been in contact with Professor Chow (this was told to me by Professor Chow). During the times that I trained with Professor Chow..he would bring out various scrap papers, napkins, paper placemats from Chinese Restuarants and start to teach me various things like muliple attacks (when something entered his mind, he would write it down and draw pictures of the movements no matter where he was and even that was passed on to me as I also did the same). He stated that no one had ever learned these prior so we put it to tests. It was grueling and tough but made more sense then I could ever imagine. He told me that if any of my instructors ever reach the rank of 2nd degree black belt...then I could start to teach them these things as it appears and trains like you had started another system all over again and it was very demanding. I guess at that time he thought that I might never have an accomplished instructor that would ever obtain that rank...but now I do have several throughout the world that has given up what I did in my ealier years to acheive these goals. If you get ahold of the Feb '06 issue of IKF magazine, it talks about what type of training these instructors have had to go through to learn these arts and it can be referred to as: "Dian Hshue" or vital hit points because when defending against multiple attackers, you have to rapidly strke a vital area and move on as you do not have time to waste on just one person and instantly disabling each opponent as you quickly move on to the next.
I also read on this forum about giving credit where credit is due by referring to our seniors by their title instead of their first names. I have always done that as a sign of respect whether or not they are in or out of the dojo. I even refer to my instructors as Sensei's, because I feel if they have been able to accomplish and obtain that rank...they are derserving of that title, even from me. I refer to my physician as "doctor" everytime I see him and I imagine more then not have done the same or Professor from a college or something like that. What would be the difference in the arts? These are people that have given their entire life to make us better so why should'nt we refer them to their title, if nothing else for sheer respect as a professional. As I tell my students if they were in terrible trouble on the street and I was there, would they want my help and if the answer is yes...then I would be considered their instructor all the time and not just in the dojo or kwon. Hope this helped!
Grandmaster Kuoha