Detainee Missions in Iraq


Orange Belt
Mar 16, 2009
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Someone asked me to start this thread. I will caution you up front that I can't discuss everything because I am not allowed to so if I seem very general about some of the stories please understand. I was at Camp Bucca for nine months. At that point in my life I had had three years of training in Judo plus whatever the military gave me (enough to get myself hurt). Now I train a lot more seriously. What I can say was that it was a unique experience and a personal journey into morals. At times I realized I was treating people medically that were friends, coworkers, brothers, sisters, etc of mine. Not physically but metaphorically. Just like any jailhouse system most claimed they were innocent. Then you had those that were proud they were guilty. During the time I was there I had two that tried to get "friendly" while I was providing medical treatment. It was amazing that even though I had taken my hiatus from martial arts that my skills came back and each incident lasted less than ten seconds with me in control. I didn't even have time to think. I think this is the reason I got back into as I did. Like I said I started this because someone suggested it, I have no problem keeping it going, don't know where it is going to go, but felt I owed it.
My instructor was a medic (among other things) in Iraq, Lebanon and Northern Ireland, some of our students are medics and nurses who go regularly to Iraq and Afghanistan. One of my shift partners is an ex medic who has seen service in the Falklands War, the Balkans and the first Iraq war. They have all treated (and continue to, those still serving) the 'enemy' as well as our own troops. they have all had to deal with situations that have caused some to have PTSD.
My instructor was a medic (among other things) in Iraq, Lebanon and Northern Ireland, some of our students are medics and nurses who go regularly to Iraq and Afghanistan. One of my shift partners is an ex medic who has seen service in the Falklands War, the Balkans and the first Iraq war. They have all treated (and continue to, those still serving) the 'enemy' as well as our own troops. they have all had to deal with situations that have caused some to have PTSD.

I know over here the VA(Department of Veterans Affairs) has been pretty good about getting us screened. The ARmy has too. The problem is some of the people that are still in don't want to have it because they think they will be looked down it for having it. Even though the military community springs from the historic martial community it is not always as accepting.

Lucky for me I didn't have this problem. I had some pretty bad medical problems. I have been doing much better. The martial arts meditation helped with the pain from the injuries and the medications have managed the seizures but i did spend two months unemployed and about six months underemployed.

It's all water under the bridge now - I would not be on the path I am on now had those things not happenned.

I hope everything works out for your friends. Do they have this kind of support over there?
I know over here the VA(Department of Veterans Affairs) has been pretty good about getting us screened. The ARmy has too. The problem is some of the people that are still in don't want to have it because they think they will be looked down it for having it. Even though the military community springs from the historic martial community it is not always as accepting.

Lucky for me I didn't have this problem. I had some pretty bad medical problems. I have been doing much better. The martial arts meditation helped with the pain from the injuries and the medications have managed the seizures but i did spend two months unemployed and about six months underemployed.

It's all water under the bridge now - I would not be on the path I am on now had those things not happenned.

I hope everything works out for your friends. Do they have this kind of support over there?

They have support but are still working in Afghanistan.
Same here - good support but still going back and forth to Afghanistan and Iraq. God knows where else we'll be in the next few years if things keep up either.