Charity. Common Good.
Up until a century or so ago the vast majority of the population was stuggling to survive. It was all about "Looking After My Genes".
Within a hundred years we now freely give millions of dollars to complete strangers with no thought of what we can get in return. Little kids will send their piggy bank money to help refuges from a war half way around the globe. Schools will collect tinned goods for a village wiped out by natural disaster. People like Mother Theresa can command the leaders of the most powerful nations on earth, and by God they listen. ( what would happen if Mr. Bush has disrespected Mother Theresa? Why didn't the Muslims assassinate her?)
Lori ( spelling police, please excuse, no filter on this computor)
Not trying to play the cynic, but you're WRONG.
There are plenty of people living today that would claim they are struggling to survive.
Charity has existed as long as man. We may have huge Non-Profits today, but the church played the primary role in the past, and before that the villages people belonged to.
Nothing you cited is evidence of any evolution as a species. Even if I subscribed to your assertion that charity came about in the last 100 years, it still would not explain away man's base characteristic to destroy one another, take advantage of those weaker, and basically be slaves to our greed. :snipe2:
So now more people can practice their ideals? Did more people want to before but couldn't? Not proveable. What can be proveed is that altruism is on the rise. What was once common practice is now thought of as brutal and illegal (treatment of mental patients), abuse of animals, child labor, wife as Property. A wife can now charge her husband with rape, this was NOT the case as few as 50 years ago. 100 years ago a husband a man could beat his wife to death as she was propery to be disposed of as he saw fit, the same as his dog or his house or his horse. The change in additudes and thinking has Zippo to do with technology. It has to do with waht is inherently known in the Human Heart and Soul as Right and Wrong; and That is Evololving!
Can we be pulled back down into being repltiles, yep. It is simpler, easier, black and white. Much more direct, no ambiguities there, no delayed gratification, all Id all the time, who ever is the most violent wins. But, as I say. We have evolved.
Behaviors have been modified due to things such as law, technological advances like surveilance (there's that darn technology again), and peer/public pressures. BUT that does not change one's BASE.
It's like the whole idea behind redemption. If you say you're sorry, but exhibit the same behavior you're supposedly sorry for....are you
really sorry?
Because I don't rob the ATM because there's a camera that would increase my chances of being caught does not make me a better person, or evolved.
My 'nana growing up told me when I was 4 (I've always remembered it) that character is about what you do when nobody's watching. If "nobody was watching" do you honestly think the vast majority of people would still be less violent?
I guess some of this boils down to how much "faith" we have in people. I know I tend to be cynical, while some appear to lean towards the ideal. Personally, I'll believe we've evolved once we no longer require money to get what we need, the only deaths on the planet are natural ones (or due to an accident), there's no corruption in our leadership, and prisons are practically non-existant.