Democrat Talking Points Cost Lives

The plain and simple fact is, democrats and other liberals pound the "no war for oil" idiocy so long and so loud that you would have to be stupid to think the Junta's leaders wouldn't hear it.
Several different terrorist leaders in Iraq have echoed the talking points of many democrat lawmakers. If that doesn't disturb you a little, something is wrong. Global communications is great, but, just like Kerry claiming our troops are stupid, or Murtha calling our troops terrorists, reduced morale of our troops overseas, terrorists, dictators and others can and do hear what the left says in this country, and it does affect things outside our borders.

and 1 still=2, apparently....:rolleyes: :lol:

US aid cannot be trusted: Myanmar junta:

Posted online: Friday, June 13, 2008 at 1321 hrs IST
Yangon, June 13:

As individuals and aid agencies around the world dig into their pockets for funds to help Myanmar's cyclone victims, the country's ruling junta on Friday said that such assistance from the United States could not be trusted.
In a clear reference to the United States, a media mouthpiece for the regime warned that ‘the goodwill of a big Western nation that wants to help Myanmar with its warships was not genuine’.
Myanmar turned down humanitarian aid aboard naval vessels from the United States, as well as Great Britain and France, which had sailed toward the Southeast Asian nation after Cyclone Nargis struck May 2-3.
State media has previously said that Myanmar feared Washington was using the cover of humanitarian aid to invade the country and steal its oil reserves.
No blood for oil? No food for Burmese...

Actually, I will jump in. Attempting to blame the ruling military junta's choice to refuse aid on Democrats is about as disingenuous, not to mention simplistic, as claiming that negative_media_emboldens_insurgents. Frankly, the insurgent and ruling forces don't give a camel's squat about the domestic political disagreements in the US...they care more about threats to their territory and power. I think you're giving the junta in question too much credit, Don, in saying that they're refusing aid because of the U.S.'s alleged selfish intentions.
:lol: It's okay, Random, feel free to jump in.

I'm here in my capacity as a private member (now that sounds rude :)) being more Mentor-y rather than Moderator-y so the katana's in the cupboard with the Mod-hat :D.

EDIT: Too slow - you already did :tup:.
But how does irritating most of the members of Martial Talk change that?

Regardless, my previous post was not directly concerned with the issue espoused solely in this thread. Consider what I asked; it'll make everyone much less stressed.

wait, are you saying that since most the posters in the study are liberal that people like Don and myself shouldnt post opposing viewpoints because it might "irritate most of martial talk"

are you seriously saying that minority opposing views should censor themselves?
Actually, I will jump in. Attempting to blame the ruling military junta's choice to refuse aid on Democrats is about as disingenuous, not to mention simplistic, as claiming that negative_media_emboldens_insurgents.

The dems say it, no one else did until they did. It gets on the Bush hating news, and that gets seen around the world.

Sooner or later, someone out there will believe it. Because they saw an american say it.

it is niether disingenuous or simplistic

it is however quite simple. If something gets repeted enough times, someone will start to believe it.

if i may ask, did you ask Elder to not post HIS views? even when we get on a tizzy and created 10 topics in as many minutes?
The dems say it, no one else did until they did. It gets on the Bush hating news, and that gets seen around the world.

Sooner or later, someone out there will believe it. Because they saw an american say it.

it is niether disingenuous or simplistic

it is however quite simple. If something gets repeted enough times, someone will start to believe it.

Especially if it gets repeated by McCain, Greenspan, Cheney and Wolfowitz, huh? :rolleyes: :lol:
Actually, I will jump in. Attempting to blame the ruling military junta's choice to refuse aid on Democrats is about as disingenuous, not to mention simplistic, as claiming that negative_media_emboldens_insurgents. Frankly, the insurgent and ruling forces don't give a camel's squat about the domestic political disagreements in the US...they care more about threats to their territory and power. I think you're giving the junta in question too much credit, Don, in saying that they're refusing aid because of the U.S.'s alleged selfish intentions.
Going by your line of "reasoning" The negative things said by, John Kerry about our troops shouldn't bother our troops because they are all the way in Iraq.

Gee, I think his comments may have bothered these troopers...
Selfish intentions which are alleged by... Democrats, liberals and other malcontents.
Democrats, liberals and other malcontents.

Malcontents? You have dreams every night about the Rapture burning away every non-white non-conservative, don't you?

Regardless, please tell me you're not associating US troops with foreign military juntas? Because my assertion, which had nothing to do with the distance from the US, was in reference to foreign factions such as the junta which refused aid, not our own troops. I find it easier to believe you were just looking for an excuse to post that picture.
As I have been one who tends to defend BD, I have to say this:

BD, for me, it is not your political stance that I have a problem with, obviously. What I do "take issue with", is that you seem to have a simplistic cause and effect paradigm. Even I don't see who you come to the conclusion in this thread, that it is the Democrats fault that Myanmar will not except U.S. aid due to their position against the war in Iraq. You have offered no proof of that.

Now, given that in politics, one must read between the lines, I understand that some leeway should be given in drawing conclusions. But, in this case, you have seemed to have been given an inch (the article) and taken ten inches (your conclusion).
if i may ask, did you ask Elder to not post HIS views? even when we get on a tizzy and created 10 topics in as many minutes?

I remember the day and the order in which events unfolded.

That 'shotgun blast' of posts was reactive rather than proactive and it's very torrent-like nature showed (to my twisted English mind anyhow) that it was done wryly. Elder himself has councilled more than once that he views this whole cycle with humour but if anyone feels that a post by anyone requires it, the RTM button is always there just for that purpose.

Further, we've touched on it a few times now - the 'backlash' is just that. It doesn't make it right, less regrettable or necessarily free from 'oversight' (admonishments and guidance are not necessarily public) but it is understandable.

Also, it has to be borne in mind that when a Moderator takes part in a thread, they do so as 'private citizens' and whilst we are expected to uphold the 'law' and guide errant threads/posters, what we say in thread is not 'official' under those circumstances.
wait, are you saying that since most the posters in the study are liberal that people like Don and myself shouldnt post opposing viewpoints because it might "irritate most of martial talk"

are you seriously saying that minority opposing views should censor themselves?

Opposing viewpoints examined in reasonable discourse is what the Internet fora communities are for.

That is not the pattern that has been established here. The very responses that are being drawn from otherwise quite reasonable members shows that "all is not well in the state of Denmark".



Back on track, then..

The dems say it, no one else did until they did. It gets on the Bush hating news, and that gets seen around the world.

Sooner or later, someone out there will believe it. Because they saw an american say it.

A more complete quote of the article fromthe OP reveals:

In a clear reference to the United States, a media mouthpiece for the regime warned that ‘the goodwill of a big Western nation that wants to help Myanmar with its warships was not genuine’.
Myanmar turned down humanitarian aid aboard naval vessels from the United States, as well as Great Britain and France, which had sailed toward the Southeast Asian nation after Cyclone Nargis struck May 2-3.
State media has previously said that Myanmar feared Washington was using the cover of humanitarian aid to invade the country and steal its oil reserves. The New Light of Myanmar newspaper said on Fiday that aid from nations who impose economic sanctions against Myanmar and push the UN Security Council to take actions against it ‘comes with strings attached’.

So, it becomes pretty clear that they "fear" the US would invade them under cover of humanitarian aid, and that they don't trust us because we've imposed economic sanctions against them and pushed the Security Council to take action-both of which are true. The "oil reserve" thing is speculation, and supported more by the fact that they have oil, and by our actions elsewhere-we've invaded and placed troops in countries with oil, regardless of our stated intentions. It is not attributable to any "Democratic talking points," it's entirely attributable to circumstance.

As I posted earlier, while we don't import any oil from Burma, AFAIK, we do get dollars from Burmese oil via the corporations responsible for extracting, refining and exporting it-so, in that sense, we already have 28% of the oil, anyway....and, as I posted earlier, there are quite a few prominent Republicans who have made statements that support the idea that we've gone to war for oil. Are they to blame as well??
That the idea that the US is out to steal their oil could have come from anywhere EXCEPT, the democrat and liberal activists who have been spouting it since we went into Kuwait, is laughable to say the least.
hey Brother, as long as you stay awy from me with the sword, we will get along just fine.................:uhoh:

Opposing viewpoints examined in reasonable discourse is what the Internet fora communities are for.

That is not the pattern that has been established here. The very responses that are being drawn from otherwise quite reasonable members shows that "all is not well in the state of Denmark".

Even otherwise reasonable people can be un-reasonable about politics, religion and sports.

I find the English, for example, to be, in my experience, quite reasonable folks. Then there are the soccer hooligans...............
hey Brother, as long as you stay awy from me with the sword, we will get along just fine.................:uhoh:

Fear not, good sir. The vorpal blade goes snicker-snack only where necessary :)

Even otherwise reasonable people can be un-reasonable about politics, religion and sports.

That is a truism, no doubt.

I find the English, for example, to be, in my experience, quite reasonable folks. Then there are the soccer hooligans...............

I beg you, don't include me in the same nation as those :(. They are not referenced as our countries "shame" for nothing.

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