Democrat Talking Points Cost Lives


How's this for making sense?

" "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil."-Alan Greenspan, The Age of Turbulence
"By 2010 we will need on the order of an additional fifty million barrels a day. So where is the oil going to come from?... While many regions of the world offer great oil opportunities, the Middle East with two thirds of the world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies."Dick Cheney, Halliburton Chairman, 1999

"By any estimation, Middle East oil producers will remain central to world oil security. The Gulf will be a primary focus of US international energy policy." Dick Cheney,Vice -President of United States, 2001

"Let's look at it simply. The most important difference between North Korea and Iraq is that economically, we just had no choice in Iraq. The country swims on a sea of oil." Deputy Secretary of Defense,Paul Wolfowitz, June 4, 2003

"Iraq is estimated to have 10% of the world’s oil, in fact it’s more like 20%. That’s a huge amount of oil to let an unfriendly country (Iran) take. Rep. Chris Shays-R, Connecticut, C-Span, Sept 12, 2007

"Why don’t we just take his oil?Why buy it? Take it!" Senator Bob Smith -R, New Hampshire, campainging for reelection, April, 2002.

"My friends, I will have an energy policy which will eliminate our dependence on oil from Middle East that will then prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East."-John McCain, May 2, 2008 at a town hall meeting.

McCain, Greenspan, Wolfowitz, Cheney-all in on the Ariana Huff 'n Puff big wind for oil scenario, as well as asserting that the war in Iraq is about oil.....
BTW, Big Don-I'm still waiting for you to prove that 1 doesn't equal 2....:lol:
BTW, Big Don-I'm still waiting for you to prove that 1 doesn't equal 2....:lol:

I'm still waiting for Don to explain to me how what the Democrats say (which is basicly admitted by the GOP) cost lives in Mynmar. You'd think that the Burmese Gov. would be smart enough to figure it out for themselves. Or that they're just using it as an excuse.
I'm still waiting for Don to explain to me how what the Democrats say (which is basicly admitted by the GOP) cost lives in Mynmar. You'd think that the Burmese Gov. would be smart enough to figure it out for themselves. Or that they're just using it as an excuse.
I hope you pay better attention in basic training, Pyle...
It is pretty simple, even you, should be able to get it.
Democrats and liberals have screamed, wailed and whined since 91 that the US goes to war solely for oil.
The Junta running Myanmar (Burma) believes it, and refuses the aid we sent, causing the people of Burma (Burmese) to die, i.e. costing lives.
Are you familiar with the phrase "A losing wicket", Don?

I strongly suggest that you let this one (amongst many others) go as you are not going to win and the pointless cycle will go on ad infinitum without resolution.

As I've asked before - why?
I hope you pay better attention in basic training, Pyle...

OK, this is getting irritating. I get you, I'm 18, you're as old as conservativism. Because I'm 18, you think I'm stupid, don't pay attention, have no idea whats going on in the world around me. I get it. It's irritating, it's insulting, and I want you stop it. Treat me like a person who has his own legitimate views, or bite me.
Now I've got two of you at it - just how is it the right thing to do? Just what do you expect to change? Also, if your last is directed at me, Don, I'd appreciate some substantiation.

I keep trying to rephrase it in the hope that one particular way will get through. The stance you take on the issue of Holy Republican vs Evil Democrat is not sufficient to change anyones views.

The four or five members that share the same extremity of the political spectrum have remained the same for all the hundreds of posts you've made. The only thing that has changed is the number of individuals who are sick of hearing the same diatribe. It's not progress to increase the level of disagreement with your point. I'm English with no interest at all in American politics and you've even convinced me that I'd never vote Republican (given the proviso that the example you've given is representative of that party) :D!

There comes a stage in such a cycle where it's simple impoliteness to keep foisting the same 'sales pitch'. Others are telling you this by the way the returning posts are getting more prickly.

So I'm asking you in all gentleness and sincerity to please stop.
OK, this is getting irritating. I get you, I'm 18, you're as old as conservativism. Because I'm 18, you think I'm stupid, don't pay attention, have no idea whats going on in the world around me. I get it. It's irritating, it's insulting, and I want you stop it. Treat me like a person who has his own legitimate views, or bite me.
You have your own views, you just don't understand what they really are yet.
I never said I thought you were stupid, so, I guess you get the prize for guessing that correctly.
:lol: Don't be so sure ... I am reasonably proficient with a katana ... :EG:
Now I've got two of you at it - just how is it the right thing to do? Just what do you expect to change? Also, if your last is directed at me, Don, I'd appreciate some substantiation.

I keep trying to rephrase it in the hope that one particular way will get through. The stance you take on the issue of Holy Republican vs Evil Democrat is not sufficient to change anyones views.

The four or five members that share the same extremity of the political spectrum have remained the same for all the hundreds of posts you've made. The only thing that has changed is the number of individuals who are sick of hearing the same diatribe. It's not progress to increase the level of disagreement with your point. I'm English with no interest at all in American politics and you've even convinced me that I'd never vote Republican (given the proviso that the example you've given is representative of that party) :D!

There comes a stage in such a cycle where it's simple impoliteness to keep foisting the same 'sales pitch'. Others are telling you this by the way the returning posts are getting more prickly.

So I'm asking you in all gentleness and sincerity to please stop.
The plain and simple fact is, democrats and other liberals pound the "no war for oil" idiocy so long and so loud that you would have to be stupid to think the Junta's leaders wouldn't hear it.
Several different terrorist leaders in Iraq have echoed the talking points of many democrat lawmakers. If that doesn't disturb you a little, something is wrong. Global communications is great, but, just like Kerry claiming our troops are stupid, or Murtha calling our troops terrorists, reduced morale of our troops overseas, terrorists, dictators and others can and do hear what the left says in this country, and it does affect things outside our borders.
But how does irritating most of the members of Martial Talk change that?

Regardless, my previous post was not directly concerned with the issue espoused solely in this thread. Consider what I asked; it'll make everyone much less stressed.
You have your own views, you just don't understand what they really are yet.
I never said I thought you were stupid, so, I guess you get the prize for guessing that correctly.

See, that's it EXACTLY!! You are saying that I don't understand my own views. You just said EXACTLY what I'm talking about!! So, BITE ME!!
But how does irritating most of the members of Martial Talk change that?

Regardless, my previous post was not directly concerned with the issue espoused solely in this thread. Consider what I asked; it'll make everyone much less stressed.
Gee, I am heartily ashamed. I had no idea honesty would distress so many.
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