A couple of years back i had an incident with some friends. Friends A, B and me were conversing. A and B both wanted to tell me their sides of the same story. A was a little intoxicated and way too much coffee with suger for his own good. (A is also only about 5 foot 6) A got angry at B (who stands at about 6 foot 1) A jumps up to try to punch B in the face, B slips the punch and trys to run away. A runs after him swinging, yes swinging while he runs, i think the correct term would be "windmilling". So at this point i decide i have to get involved. So now i'm chasing after A who is trying to hit B who is running between cars in a parking lot at a movie theater that we happen to be at. I catch up to A and i slip him into a full nelson. I don't know why a full nelson, i'm just happy i've got him, and he's not trying to hurt anyone anymore. Now i'm not sure what to do, i don't want to hurt A he's my friend albeit a stupid drunk one. But i can't let him go to hurt me or B. So i crank the full nelson and i whisper in his ear "If you relax i'll let you go" not the best thing but i was trying. By this time the rest of our friends have caught up to us and they began to yell. Including my girlfriend at the time, who was screaming "Hey A, you better give up or my boyfriend is going to kick your ***" I'm not kidding she actually said this. (Also if your wondering about our ages I was 28, she was 20, A was 22 and B was 19) So the whole time i'm sitting there telling him to relax, the crowd was yelling and i'm thinking "i know five ways right now to get out of a full nelson". Praying that he didn't know just one way to get out. No pressure at all no pressure. After what seems like a decade A decides to go limp. So i tell him i will let him go in 3 .... 2.....1.... and i pushed him away.
Damn i never felt so lucky in my life. He walked away, blew off some steam, and no one got hurt. In the mean while we attracked some of the local teens that were on their way to "help" make sure no one got hurt.
A million things kept going in my head but the most important was "i don't want to have to hurt him" Also i don't talk to A anymore. I don't like people that solve their problems with their fists especially his own friends.