Defense Against The Bearhug

The only true defense against a sucker punch is prevention, which includes awareness in the first place. It's called a sucker punch because you feel it before you can respond.
Hand Sword said:
The only true defense against a sucker punch is prevention, which includes awareness in the first place. It's called a sucker punch because you feel it before you can respond.

Agree with you there. Sucker punches are exactly that - for suckers :o)

Just kidding - they can catch you but awareness is the only real prevention. They usually originate from some "squaring up" to you obscuring your vision of their hands. Distance, awareness and using your hands as a fence between you and the aggressor.
At least squaring up get's your attention. You have a chance that way. From what I've seen (and done) there is no squaring up. Just a hit, the flash of light, ears ringing etc..
JamesB said:
so you're basing your opinion on something you watched in UFC? a sport, comprising two competitors with a well defined set of rules? I'm not disputing that these guys can fight, but the nature of the attack is very different when competing.

you are still failing to take into account the momentum of the attacker as he makes contact. This is not a sport, this is a violent, criminal assault. The *attacker* is not your opponent, he has a very different goal in mind when he attempts the bearhug. quote]

Hi James,

Well done old boy you've got it correct.

One thing about UFC attacks is that you cannot base 'street experience' by watching UFC fights! The average joe who is kicking off on you will not be a seasoned cage fighter! Their attack will not be as fluid, it is unlikely that they will be the same size and professional (I doubt that even in a street environment a cage fighter would try and bearhug and slam someone - takes too damn long - punch BOOM game over!). I would recommend that instead of watching these you watch the shows that have real life fights on them (kids videoing each other, CCTV camera shows, police shows etc).

The specifics of a bear hug attack from the rear are:

1. The attack will be from the rear and will be with forward momentum through you. Your head will snap back in reaction to the force. You will be moved forward and your feet will "walk forward" with your forward momentum. This distance will be equal to the amount of force used by the attacker.

2. Arms pinned at approxiametly solar plexus height or lower (because they want to lift you).


3. Once the attacker is 'happy' with their grab (if they havent got a good grip, how can they lift or slam you?) they will align themselves with you to lift you effectively. This will involve adjusting their grip (up or down) or feet.

4. Both feet will be slightly outside your feet, their knees are bent and they will pull you back into themselves thus moving the centre of gravity from inbetween yourself and the attacker to the attacker.

If they try and lift you without having the centre of gravity they will be lifting with just their back. If they are trying to achieve any height with the lift they will need to bend their knees and pull back.

I have added the pause there because it is impossible to rear grab someone with a bear hug and lift and slam you in one move - unless as previously mentioned, they tip toe up behind you and you are oblivious.

Because you have no prior warning of the attack you can only physically strike the attacker inbetween point 2 and 3. This is your window of opportunity!
If you allow the attacker to be comfortable that they can lift you - you will be eating tarmac.

The debate goes on...............
Hello, Try this...someone bearhugs you from behind...instinctly head butt backwards as soon as you feel the grab...?

Let us know your results?

Those who are caught off guard? ...most likely will be toss...

That is why martial arts is about repetition...doing it over and over till it becomes instinct memory. Doing it without when grab from behind like a bear hug...headbutt backwards as soon as you feel the grab....It works!

Can it be defended! ...You can bet your life on it....Aloha