Defense Against The Choke


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In another thread, Jeff was talking about the intentions of someone if they were to choke you. I thought that we could discuss some of the best ways to defend against the choke.

For the sake of the thread, the one in question seems to be the RNC, but defense against a 2 hand choke from the front or rear can also be discussed.

In another thread, Jeff was talking about the intentions of someone if they were to choke you. I thought that we could discuss some of the best ways to defend against the choke.

For the sake of the thread, the one in question seems to be the RNC, but defense against a 2 hand choke from the front or rear can also be discussed.


i was watching an instructional made by bas rutten

(mainly becasue its funny "looky looky what we have here , il bang his head on this 10 times or something" , "the first thing you do is stand up and say im sorry- *bang* *bang* *bang* no im not")

and he said that if you get put into a choke from behind you bend over forward , step out slightly and put the leg that is nearest to them in behind their leg , you then grap them behind the legs and lift them up , them fall down and land on top of them.

its strange that after i saw this video on youtube 2 days after , my freind put me in a headlock for fun (lol) and it worked then , he couldnt breathe...:ultracool


p.s. il look for the link
I'll adress the RNC since this one is such a bad place to be (the others aren't quite as difficult to get out of).

I've spent enough time training to use and defend against this one that my instinctive response would probably be the typical "tuck the chin and use one hand to relieve pressure." While doing this, if we were standing, I'd be trying to stomp on his feet or rake his shins. As far as upper-body attacks (standing or on the ground), the first thing I'd probably try would be to gouge his eyes. If that didn't work due to our respective positions, I'll draw a knife and start shanking the guy 'till he releases (waved folders and fixed-blades are your friend in this situation :D).

Regardless of your chosen method, keep in mind that you only have a few seconds to make him release before you start to suffer the effects of the reduced blood flow. Or worse, he may accidentally (or deliberately) shift to a forearm-across-the-throat position which would put you in danger of receiving a crushed trachea.
I'm with kenpotex on what he suggests. Maybe if I could deploy it a knife to his femoral would be a good thing too.

For the RNC, all I can really suggest as a template is breaking fingers and attacking the groin and eyes if you can. Other than that, the attacker's position will determine what the best options are. I think the key is to keep moving, and moving fast, in order to create enough distraction to find an opening. As Kenpotex said, there isn't a lot of time before everything goes dim.
RNC is definatly one of the worse places to be in...obviously.
your best off not getting there in the first place.
kenpotex is right...once in, you have limited time to get out. really it depends on where you opponent is positioned relative to your body, and his experience.
-tuck the chin and use a hand to relive pressure..if you see the persons hand coming around to administer the RNC i like to get my hand under my own chin with palm facing my throat..that way you wrist doesnt flex inwards as much so there will be less pressure..
from there you can do alot to your opponent..i like to distract them with some sort of strike, (groin or solarplex usually) then use my free hand to pull their knee out and take them to the ground...turning while they fall to face them.
...if they are competent they will put you in GUARD, if not it is very easy to get MOUNT on them and from there you can beat the living tar out of them.
for front chokes...there are many many techniques that can be favorite is to take my hand, left hand attacks opponents right, place my thumb in the middle of their hand, (between middle and ring finger knuckle) and my fingers under the thumb, twisting out and down once their hand clears the throat i bring my other hand across to help apply pressure....if the person hasn't had much training with joint locks they will fall to their knee's trying to get away from the pressure...from there you can direct them onto their stomach and hold them...if the need is great you can apply alot of more torque and break their doesnt take much with this.
whatever technique is used it must be done quickly...therefore the most simple is usually the best..if they brake your windpipe it doesnt matter what you still lose.
good defenses so far, and many more yet unmentioned.

one key to most defenses is you need a little bit of wiggle room for your neck and head.

a quick elbow shot to the ribs about halfway between the armpit and floating ribs triggers a flinch reflex. his elbows will rise involuntarily a fraction of an inch, releasing the pressure just a tad.

this can create the opening you need to run your defense, whichever one you feel best at.