I would hazard to guess the most distrusted minority in the US are pedophiles....but maybe I'm wrong?
I don't think pedophiles represent any threat to politicians as once you commit a felony you can no longer vote.
It wouldn't matter. There's evidence against relativity and against quantum theory--namely, one another. Evidence against one theory doesn't provide support for any other theory--that's a false alternative ("If you're wrong then I must be right."). Certainly one can criticise evolutionary theory...but if people knew how little is known about what really makes gravity work I doubt they'd ever fly again.
Criticism and response is a normal part of all sciences (even mathematics; witness Isaac Newton vs. everyone else over the calculus). If imperfection were enough to rule out a theory from being applicable, we'd be treating arterial bleeding by applying leaches to let more blood out. Would you really want to know how little is understood about why most medicines work? This is the hypocrisy of the creationist--any creationist who flies in a plane or takes an antibiotic is a hypocrit w.r.t. science.
But at least there's evidence that can actually be debated. The lady in the clip had nothing...
She kept laughing nervously almost as if she perhaps had some doubt regarding her own position. Dawkins came off as being more comfortable with his than she did with hers. Makes you wonder...
But your post reminds me of a guy I knew that's a Jehova's Witness. He was just as sure of his religion even though after I pointed out that his belief system was based on the end of the world and that his denomination had inacurately predicted the end so many times that they finally gave up trying was proof enough that perhaps the rest of what they were filling his head with was probably just as inacurate. He still believes...
Anyway, we were talking about why he wouldn't study martial arts. Because it's so violent and about hurting people (yeah...He's extrememly misinformed on numerous things) and that it went against his beliefs to harm another.
So I asked him if he was so adamant about not doing violence to another no matter what, what he would do if someone broke in his home, began raping his wife, and slitting his toddler's throat if he would simply stand there and not try to stop it... I don't think he ever gave me an answer.
He also never would address my question regarding if his wife and kid were sick and the only thing that would save them was a blood transfusion if he'd actually stand in the way of them recieving one.
....haven't heard from him in quite some time...LOL
What is the scientific description of evil? I thought good and evil were moral concepts, which cannot be measured by science. I know how red an apple is, I know how sour a lemon is, but how evil is it? Let me know how that is measured, and in what units.
No problem. Dr. Michael Stone has done just that for you! There is a scale of evil and descriptions of what consitutes each level.
I watch the show "Most Evil" all the time...great stuff. You'd love it!
Check it out.
However, let us assume that religion has done evil to mankind. That may justify antipathy towards religion; that's a personal judgment.
Um...there's nothing to assume there. Christian Reformation & the Inquisition... 9/11 and homicide bombers... Female castration and mutilation.... unchecked child molestation...
Not saying it's not done some good...but it's responsible for some pretty F'ed up stuff, man!