DAwkins interviews creationist automaton

Chick tracts ****ing crack me up! :lfao: :lfao: :lfao:

For the sweet love of Jesus, and by the blessed beard of Buddha, how can so much stupid fit into one body? God, I'd have loved to sat down and had a few beers with Jack Chick nback in the day....oh, wait a minute.......never mind. :lfao:

A Demon's Nightmare? Classic! Killed me-Jesus what a laugh!

Dark Dungeons? I read this one the day my sister died-twice! Always makes me laugh-hard.....

Jesus! Jack Chick!. What a maroon.....of course, I'm going to hell!.....

....but at least Jack Chick won't be there! :lfao:
I guess we're all going to hell then. Oh well... I'll bring the beer if somebody else brings the chips. You think Lucifer has NFL Network?

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