Bill, I enjoy your posts on other threads, (you have good logic and wit), but man you get your feelings hurt in the religious ones way to easily.
I think you may be misunderstanding me if you think my feelings are hurt. I was raised Catholic, and I am one now, but I tend to make my religious brethren nervous when I freely admit I have no personal proof that God exists or that Jesus was the Son of God, heaven, hell, any of it. I have doubt, and I don't mind saying it. For me, religious belief is a choice I make, not an imprint of truth on my mind.
I also find religion very funny. I love Monty Python skits on religion, etc.
What I do not like is cruelty-for-entertainment disguised as enlightenment. Sadism sickens me. The fact that this particular instance involves religion is, to me, not the point. And that is what this particular video was all about, I believe.
One has merely to observe the responses from the crowd who gather to hoot and howl and catcall at this video and others like it - they're not gathered to watch a debate, they're gathered to enjoy a one-sided asskicking, delivered with lots of rope-a-dope.
I hate it when I get condescending attitude from religious people acting like I’m a child and there’s something wrong with me for not believing in the invisible man in the sky. If only I would really listen to them, I could be where they are, and feel the light and goodness flowing through christ. They criticize and argue against atheism. So what? My feelings are intact. We each think the other to be naïve children. We each think that if we provide all the “facts” the other person will understand. Doesn’t work that way. To move from one side to another, you have to have an epiphany. I had mine the same time I stopped believing in Santa, the Tooth fairy, the Easter bunny and The Great Pumpkin.
I'm with you. I have zero interest in proselytizing, and I have no idea if atheists, agnostics, or Zoro-Astrians are on the right track and I'm not. Don't much care, either! I am as likely to be wrong in my beliefs as they are in theirs.
I have religious friends who have seen the video and appricated the humor in it all. TheyÂ’re still religious and not offended. WhatÂ’s not funny about it? Do you not laugh at your religion at all? Do you not see the insane stories in both the NT and the OT? Do you not see the inconsistencies? I doubt very much Bill that you believe in everything the RC religion and the pope say.
I do laugh at my religion all the time. In fact:
Too bad the photo I originally linked to in my blog didn't survive, but it showed the Holy Father being carted out of the Vatican in a red outfit, looked to me like Santa Claus on a stretcher; hence my irreverent comment about 'they killed Santa Claus'.
I also think that there is no way to take the Bible literally, because it contains too many contradictions. It also shows evidence of an insanely jealous, angry, and vindictive God, if the descriptions in the Old Testament are to be believed. A somewhat childish Supreme Being who throws temper tantrums when things don't go His way.
And somehow I remain a Catholic, but believe me, lots of Catholics shake their heads and me and wonder how I manage that bit of illogic. Perhaps, like the Red Queen, I can believe impossible things.
Now, getting back to why I take offense at Hitchens. Nothing to do with religion, my friend. Nothing to do with evolution. I've already said I beleive in evolution and I have no problem poking fun at my own religion (and others too). I have a problem with cruel sadistic bastards who get their jollies by publicly taking people not their equal down a couple pegs in public. Not the taking down a few pegs part, the doing it for enjoyment part. People who debate deserve what they get, win or lose. Wear your big boy panties or go home.
I've been saying that, but all anyone seems to be thinking I'm doing is being offended that my precious religion is being berated. Berate away. But humiliate a religious person (or any person) for sadistic joy and you'll earn my enmity. I don't like sadists.