heretic888 said:
Ok, first off, let's get some terminology straight here: evolutionism is the now-discredited theory of "unilinear" sociocultural evolution that was prevalent in anthropology during the 1800's (not to be confused with more contemporary and dynamic models of sociocultural evolution as seen in Habermas, Whitehead, and Wilber) --- before cultural anthropology as a discipline firmly took root. It in no way refers to proponents of the biological theory of evolution, which consists of pretty much 99% of the scientific community.
umm.. incorrect... while your liberal use of "big words" sounds impressive to the uninitiated, they don't change the fact that "evolution" is as it was, an attempt to present our existance as the result of the following equation...
nothing + time = everything... thereby negating the requirement of a God
heretic888 said:
Secondly, among the half-dozen biology, chemistry, anatomy/physiology, and neuropsychology classes I have taken in both high school and college, not once have I ever heard the theory of evolution presented as unquestionable "fact" --- unlike the mythic absolutisms I always hear parroted by Protestant fundamentalist leaders. In fact, one of my professors went into quite some detail as to the nature of a "theory" in the scientific method, compared evolution to other existing theories, and suggested how evolution might one day be supplanted by a superior theory. However, "creationism" aint' it.
...that is a bold faced lie... while it is an UNPROVEN theory, it is presented and pressed in schools, media, museums, etc as "fact"... while in "fact", quite a large number of people on all these threads stand in their proverbial "pulpits" hammering away that evolution is a fact based on solid science... while "creationism" isn't, or in your wording... "ain't it"... why is that? why is it that a piece of data examined by a scientist who believes in evolution and who reviews that data with his personal bias towards evolution, is given more credence than the results of a scientist who reviews the same piece of data, but determines that evidence contradicts the evolutionary theory and instead supports a "Creation" base?
heretic888 said:
That same professor was also quite correct, in my opinion, in that the theory of evolution is only presently seriously questioned by religious circles. Not by the scientific community.
... well, i'm glad to see that you note this as your opinion, but your opinion added to the "opinion" of the teacher, doesn't really change the fact that the "theory" of evolution is under assault from the scientific community also, admittedly slow, but building all the same, regardless of your personal opinion on this matter...
heretic888 said:
Your qualifier of "only a theory" indicates you don't actually understand the nature of theories within the scientific method. Which, honestly speaking, comes as no big surprise.
...oh... I see we are back to disparaging comments about the intellectual capacity, cognative abilities and logical skills of those who oppose your opinions and positions, this seems to be your back up plan in most of these strings regarding topics of this nature... what do you do in the dojo or on the street when you're beaten, call them names too?
Actually, I understand a great deal about science and proposed "theories", I simply choose, unlike you, to use common
verbiage to describe my position as opposed to vomiting dictionaries to impress, or perhaps as an attempt to brow-beat my opponents...
Unlike you, I have not blinded myself to the scientific realities that abound in the field of Origins science..., and that commpletely disprove the goo-to-guy fantasy religion of evolution. I used to be a proponent of evolution.. the "facts" convinced me otherwise.
heretic888 said:
This, in fact, is not true. The stretch of time when the Christian Establishment had exclusive control of the Western world was termed the "Dark Ages". There was a reason for this --- all forms of education and literature were banned, for the most part. Similar, yet again, to what this same establishment is trying now with "creationism" (i.e., stamp out all other forms of intellectual competition)......
... well, you are corrert about the dark ages... but my original statement stands, regardless of your denial of it...
As for "stamping out other forms of intellectual competition.. doesn't it appear to you that that is exactly what you and the proponents of evolution are trying to do when confronted with differing theories, such as creationism... you immediately commence with ad hominum attacks and flippent dismissals of readily verifyable data, simply because they destroy your position.
heretic888 said:
Yup. 'Cuz them heathens in India, China, Korea, and Japan have no scientific institutions or technologies whatsoever. Nope, nope, nope.
...s'funny that while you condemn scientists who also happen to be christians as moronic fanatics who don't perform real science, simply because their position contradicts your 100 hours of high school and college classes, you still deny that science flourished via the spread of christianity.
heretic888 said:
Just ignore the fact that Japan in many ways kicks our collective asses in the tech-development department....
... who's denying facts (other than you and other evolutionists)... its a fact that soccer was originated in Scotland, its also a fact that golf originated in Scotland... are they the world champs these days? nope... thats also a fact... so what's your point? that was really a rhetorical question.. i'm not interested in your point.
heretic888 said:
Its interesting that those "facts" have not passed the test of any peer-reviewed scientific panel. In fact, the only basis at all for you claiming that they are "facts" is because they happen to be by a scientist that agrees with your religious persuasion.
.. actually, they have passed numerous peer reviews.. however, secular dominated mag's simply refuse to publish opposing views from scientists who don't believe in evolution, I could inundate you with proofs, but you would simply dismiss them as you have all others...
...a note to you here would be to point out, since you dont seem to be aware of this, that not all scientists who disagree or refute evolutionism, believe in or are automatically aligned with creationism, or even consider themselves christian, or for that matter, support the bible... they simply dispute evolution as a workable theory because the facts prove otherwise...
... so with regard to your statement above that simply because facts agree with your position doesnt make them facts... take that lucid comment to heart and apply it to your own position... mirrors are wonderful things you know...
heretic888 said:
A note for the wise: just because you agree with an idea, a "fact" it does not make.
... he's right... but in his narrow minded bias doesnt understand its just as true when applied and used as a filter for his own proposed position.
Why are YOU (read evolutionists) so terrified about letting the theory of creation be taught in classrooms as an alternate to evolution?... if the theory of evolution was so rock solid, then it should be able to stand up to the light of public scrutiny of the supposed facts used to support it, as well as all the facts against it... wouldn't you agree? If however via this public scrutiny it cannot be proven as a valid theory, then obviously there must be some other explanation for our existance... hmmm... seems to me that thats what creationist theory is all about... and if held up to public scrutiny, shouldn't it (creationism) be destroyed as quickly as evolution once all the fact are displayed if it is in fact, "nonsense"?
It seems to me that it is the evolutionists who are cramming their personal religious belief in an unproven theory down the throat of everyone else, while at the same time attempting to silence any other competing positions... not the bible believing fundamentalists... we are just trying to get a word in edgewise in a society rife with mini-gods and ACLU and activist judges etc... we can't have a sensible discussion when we're not allowed to present our side publically in the same environment eh?
...My two bits...