So we all agree that "NO" contact is not a good thing.
No. Again, that is not what I wrote and I'm sorry you're taking away such a singular view of all that I've tried to describe. It suggests to me that you're probably in your early years of instruction that has not had alot of interaction with other schools and their training philosophies. Please don't take any offense to that. It's only an observation, not a critique. We all started there.

Most senior instructors have learned there is always more than one way to skin a cat and demonstrate a much greater tolerance for other teaching styles (whether they agree with it or not) than the reaction I've seen to the OP's post. I mean, we still have no idea what the school's training philosophy is other than what a new student has told us from his viewpoint and we're throwing the rope over the tree limb. How long has he been training? Do we really think as a community that such a post will accuratley describe this school and convey all we need to know to make an informed opinion? Not in my opinion, no. Personally, I'd like to hear more from the OP and get some answers to the questions I asked in the first post.
My apologies to the OP if I've gotten off topic. I know I've been gone from MT for a while, but this is not the behavior of my peers as I remember and I find this new "no tolerance" unsettling.