I don't drink in public, hang out at bars, nightclubs or the like. I don't do drugs or buy sex; these are the things that increase risk of being in close proximity to violent people..
Unfortunately or otherwise, in terms of responsible concealed carry (and legally, in some places) it's unwise to carry in bars, nightclubs and the like. Ironic, then, that the place where one might be most likely to need a gun is a place where you can't have it. I do drink in public, hang out at bars, nightclubs and the like-though I save "getting drunk" for home, mostly-but I don't carry when I'm drinking-booze and guns just plain don't mix. I don't do drugs or buy sex, but I have a history of hanging out in pretty low places-don't much anymore...self defense begins with not being in places where your risk of having to defend yourself is increased......if you're going to such places, having an exit strategy is also part of self defense....
If you have the will, means and training, carrying a weapon is also part of it.....most of the martial artists I've known don't have anything against firearms or carrying concealed, though...
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